is flowering is triggered by age or light/dark schedule


Well-Known Member
my friend insists on the age ive always been told its the length of the light and dark hours. ive looked it up on google and the info is leaning towards my statement. what better way to find out then to ask you guys


Well-Known Member
one more quick question---when does a regular plant start to show signs of sex--and can the male plant pollinate the female before it starts showing signs of sex?


New Member
They start to show sex to the naked eye easily around 3 weeks to a month (usually) for the strain I have, I've never used a magnifying glass to check I just have patience.

I am not 100% sure if the female can be polinated before showing its sex, but my guess would be it can't unless some pollen somehow landed on a preflower? I really dont know...

EDIT : I forgot to mention the guys usually show first, and mature first (sexually), but be careful not to do anything harsh to the plants till you are 100% sure, hell u should probably save a few men to get some seeds in the end anyways :)

Make sure if u collect pollen u do it outside though to prevent contamination inside


Active Member
From what I understand, even if you use 12/12 from seed.
Plants HAVE to have a certain time period of vegging before flower.
In other words, 2 week old plants aren't gonna start showing flowers even under 12/12 lighting.
However, you can prolong vegging by not using 12/12 lighting. Your plants genetics determine
the minimum amount of vegging time before they are able to flower.
So in order to get them flowering as soon as your plants genetics allow, set lighting to 12/12
sooner, rather than later. However, the trade-off is that if you only veg for the minimum
amount of time, you will not have as big a yield as if you vegged for at least a month.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
no one actually gave a full answer. if you plant a cannabis seed and veg that plant long enough under veg cycle light (anything over 16 hours a day really), at a certain point it will start to show its sex by putting out preflowers and signalling that it is sexually mature. unless the light is changed to a flower cycle, all they will ever be is preflowers. every strain is different but most will show preflowers around week 4-6 of veg. a pant cannot be pollinated without a calyx and pistils to catch the pollen.


Active Member
Cannabis is an annual plant, genetically predisposed to grow in spring/summer, then flower in the fall before the harsh winter kills it off. It only knows when fall is coming because the fall daylight hours are shorter than summers are. Light is without a doubt the trigger of it's life cycles. As far as the plant concerned age doesn't matter, it just wants to breed before winter kills it.


New Member
Thanks Total Head, I am a newb and bow down :D

Guys try experimenting with slow incremental lighting changes and see how its effects are on your strains and post the results...

I am gonna try 15/9 from been and just slowly go until i'm at 9/15 at the end just keep it 9/15... I will let you know how it g0ezz

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Thanks Total Head, I am a newb and bow down :D

Guys try experimenting with slow incremental lighting changes and see how its effects are on your strains and post the results...

I am gonna try 15/9 from been and just slowly go until i'm at 9/15 at the end just keep it 9/15... I will let you know how it g0ezz
nice. i'm not sure your plants will benefit from less than 12 or 11 hours a day for flower unless they are 100% sativa and used to growing for so long that the days really get that short (for example, into late november outside). i am of the opinion that anything we do indoors to replicate nature usually makes our plants happy. i'm running a semi-perpetual so i can't screw with the timers unless i make another chamber. good luck.


New Member
I'm a "seat of the pants" kind of guy, sometimes flying in blind if you know what I mean, all I know is that i've definately read alot of bad advice before I put most of the pieces of the puzzle together... I know sativa's like to flower longer one day I hope to get a true thai or cambodian / laos /vietnam sativa.... but right now I have no more garbage bagseed, I was gifted a couple beans by a friend or two so soon I hope to start another strain and I can hopefully report my new crazy schemes...


Active Member
im a week away from my first harvest ever! i vegged those plants for 3 weeks. about a couple weeks ago i planted a couple of beans for my next cycle and this time im experimenting with 12/12 from seed. i only have one area to grow in so since im already way into flowering a couple plants, i had no choice but to pop the new beans in the grow box and start them on 12/12 from seed. im very excited to see how it turns out. my area to grow in is very small so i wanted to try this anyway to see if it will help take advantage of the smaller space. Though this may seem off-topic i dont believe it is, since it will make my new plants flower as soon as they possibly can, and prove to your friend that the plants are very much so induced into life cycles by determined photoperiods :D


Plants flower by themselves when they are mature but you can induce flowering by cutting light to only 12 hour's.


Well-Known Member
I'll give you the short & sweet version. If you want scientific, get "marijuana botany" by Robert C Clarke.

A plant must be sexually mature to flower. This occurs ~5-8 weeks from seed and is evidenced by alternating nodes and pre flowers.

12/12 from seed is no faster. The plant just vegges (poorly), under the 12/12 until sexual maturity is reached and THEN it goes into flower.

MJ is dark sensitive. When a sexually mature plant is subjected to a 'critical dark' period (10-14 hrs of dark+-) a hormone is produced that triggers flowering. The # of hrs varies among strains, but 12/12 usually works for everyone.

That's it in a nutshell, but the book is really informative if a bit technical in places.
