Week 10 Not Sure When To Harvest Help Anyone??


Well-Known Member
:weed: I Have 3 Sativa Plants a 3, 3 1/2, and 4 footer Flowering under a 600w HPS and they are at week 10 right now and they look pretty close to being done but the lower buds still have white hairs so i wanted someone elses opinion of how much longer.

:leaf:heres the 3 footers top

:leaf:and heres one of the lower buds on the 3 footer

:leaf:Heres the top on the 3 1/2 Footer

:leaf:and heres the top on the 4 Footer

and heres the lower buds on one of the plants they look really pre mature....



so if you guys could let me know that would be really cool


Well-Known Member
once the trichlones are amber right?

and what if the bottom buds still have white hairs pick them anyways? or what?


Well-Known Member
oh really thats cool i wasnt sure if they would still grow or not...

do those tops in the pictures look ready to you??? or do you think i should wait
because i heard if you cut your crop to early it makes it less potent and i dont wanna ruin it


Active Member
Well I also read somewhere on here that you might wanna keep the lights off for 2-3 days before harvest to let thc get more potent and then cut it down in the dark. Light will degrade thc..... Someone else confirm this?



Active Member
nice looking plants, i agree with theexpress 2 to 2.5 more weeks. you want your trichs mostly cloudy and only somewhat amber. nice looking buds, but you have a bit of the claw going on there, you might need some micro nutes or have some lockout due to an imbalance in nutes or pH.


Well-Known Member
nice looking plants, i agree with theexpress 2 to 2.5 more weeks. you want your trichs mostly cloudy and only somewhat amber. nice looking buds, but you have a bit of the claw going on there, you might need some micro nutes or have some lockout due to an imbalance in nutes or pH.

what do you mean by "claw going on there, you might need some micro nutes or have some lockout due to an imbalance in nutes or pH." ???


Well-Known Member
and i had another question if you look at the top on the 4 footer it has a bud growing out of the side of the top bud
i was wondering if its caused by stress or if its natural??


Active Member
what do you mean by "claw going on there, you might need some micro nutes or have some lockout due to an imbalance in nutes or pH." ???
i mean that the way all your leaves have a severe downward curl is a sign of a nutrient deficiency or imbalance. the plant looks fairly healthy other than that. the weird side buds on colas are pretty normal.


Well-Known Member
i mean that the way all your leaves have a severe downward curl is a sign of a nutrient deficiency or imbalance. the plant looks fairly healthy other than that. the weird side buds on colas are pretty normal.
so my leaves should be pointing upward right? what should i do to fix the problem?
ive been giving them bat guano, sugar peak, MOAB, and hydroplex bloom maximizer,


Active Member
your leaves should be pointing straight out from the bud. sorry im not too familiar with the nutes you are using. are you giving it any thing with nitrogen? what is your pH? the pH of your runoff? does your fertilizer contain all the micro nutrients you need? what are your temps and humidity? have you sprayed with anything?


Well-Known Member
well when i start off in Veg i give them;
*Bio Root 1-1-1
*Mexican Bat Guano 10-2-1, and
*PH'd Water at around 6.5/7.0

and When i go into flowering i give them;

***Jamaican Bat Guano 1-10-0.2
***Hydroplex Bloom Maximizer 0-10-6
***Sugar Peak 2-4-5
***Sugar Peak Final 0-6-4 on last two weeks
***Sugar Peak Briximus Maximus Foliar Spray on last two weeks 0-0.01-0.30 and
***Mother of all Bloom 1-52-32 on the first week and the last two weeks
***PH'd Water at around 6.5/7.0

Temp: 72 Degrees
Humidity: 50%
Soil: Happy Frog
Light: 600w HPS

I make sure my PH is always at 6.5/7.0

and when i water my plants i give them Water then the next watering i give the Nutrients and so on in the same sequence

and i had two questions

what are micro nutrients

and what do you mean by PH of Runoff???
Thanks for your help


Active Member
its kind of too late to do much about it now, but i think you may be cutting out too much nitrogen too early in flower and giving them too much phosphorous. this is preventing your plants from absorbing nutrients in the amounts it needs. micro nutrients are the nutrients your plants need other than the N-P-K, the guanos and soil you are using should have a good amount of that stuff in it. your runoff is the water that drains out of your containers. it should be about the same as the water you put in the pot, maybe slightly lower.


Well-Known Member
ok cool thanks for the help and is there any other nutrients that you would recommend for me because on my next crop im thinking about trying something other than sugar peak

and thanks everyone for the good comments on my plants


Active Member
Earth Juice Microblast would work with your current setup. i like a fert with a more balanced P-K ratio during most of flower. i use 1/2 strength Maxsea Bloom with 1/2 strength cal/mag for most of flower with 1/2 strength Grow Big every other feeding. first week or so i use Open Sesame, and i add a bit of cha ching to the Maxsea at the end.