Lucas Formula Need Help What Gives


Well-Known Member
Hello family i see a lot of people using lucas formula and i want to know what gives? i bought the GH line of food. i notice that the lucas formula said 8/16? is that 8 ml of micro and 16 ml of bloom per gal? if that's all i needed what to do with the rest of the GH LINE? I'm in flower 12/12 and my girls are bubba kush LSD and vanilla kush. can anyone help put me on the wright track all help is needed. Thank you.
you just use the flora bloom and the flora micro.....This formula is meant to be efficient and cheap excluding the flora grow from the lineup so you save money.
If you are in flower you should be running it a 8/16 (8 parts of micro /16 parts of bloom per gallon) but it doesnt really matter just check your ppms


Well-Known Member
sorry for all the questions but i need answers. 1. whats the difference between using lucas fomula or GH feeding chart. which one will give me bigger buds? 2. i was thinking about omitting floralis bloom and replace it with bloom blastic or bud candy. what do u think?


Well-Known Member
IMHO use the gro micro bloom and blend. Then in flower add the liquid kool bloom and if your wallet approves add some nectar too.


Active Member
It's all about N-P-K ratios. Check this link out
Scroll down to the Nutrient Profiles for Cannabis. This is all about the Lucas formula. It's tricky to get at first but once you understand this, with some math or a converter you can make any N-P-K ratio you want. Right now, I'm at 35 days and I'm using GH Micro, GH Bloom and GH KaBloom. I mixed them at 3ml/gl Micro, 22ml/gl Bloom and 5ml/gl KaBloom and got an N-P-K profile of about N40-P186-K309. That should give nice big buds without burning my plants.

It sounds really hard to understand at first but once you understand how to adjust your ratios you'll be a step up on people that just add things according to the label instructions.


Well-Known Member
thanks neumann i will give it a shot. my girls in my tent are about 4 ft and starting to slow in growth. there is a big difference in lights because im using a 1000 in soil. i really want to get this down pack for my moms.
i feel like i spent money or bull shit but i have the Gh line for my moms


Active Member
thanks neumann i will give it a shot. my girls in my tent are about 4 ft and starting to slow in growth. there is a big difference in lights because im using a 1000 in soil. i really want to get this down pack for my moms.
i feel like i spent money or bull shit but i have the Gh line for my moms
That's one of the problems with us new growers, we don't know who to listen to and end up buying stuff we don't need and getting crazy confused. After reading a ton of posts, I decided the best way is to keep it simple and learn what the labels meant and what the ingredients do. I do the exact opposite of you though, I do my moms in soil ( actually soiless potting mix) and I flower in full DWC Hydro. Here's mine at 35 days on the GH nutes.


Well-Known Member
hello family i gave i a shot and i can see the difference in a day wow! the leaves are getting there color back and i see new white roots popping out of the bottom of the net pot. man thanks for your help. wish i couls send u a cut or two lol


Active Member
be careful with 0-8-16. I did a fresh rez change once and my girls burned. i dropped the ppm down around 150 and everything has been fine. It could be different since youre in soil and im RDWC but i would start out with a little less maybe 0-7-14.


Well-Known Member
I'm at 35 days and I'm using GH Micro, GH Bloom and GH KaBloom. I mixed them at 3ml/gl Micro, 22ml/gl Bloom and 5ml/gl KaBloom and got an N-P-K profile of about N40-P186-K309. That should give nice big buds without burning my plants.
Your feeding rates are wack, no offense. Until you straighten that out and start feeding properly, you'll never get 'nice big buds'.


Active Member


Well-Known Member
No offense taken If I'm wrong, tell me why. I'll be glad to listen, I am here only to learn, if I'm giving bad advise or doing something wrong, I want to know. . I got my rates from this :
I'm using the pH imbalance feeding schedule as I understood it.
The 3-part formulas (and there are a few of them out there all based on GH's) contain nearly all the micro nutrients in the micro bottle. Your plants need those micro nutrients so cutting micro back to achieve some sort of more desirable NPK ratio is doing more harm than good. The 3 part isn't really set up to be 'tweaked' for better NPKs. You kind of get what you get. With that being said, I'd recommend 5mls micro and 14mls bloom after the stretch and maybe in the last 3 weeks or so, I'd go 4mls micro and 12mls bloom.

If you were looking for better NPKs for the different stages of growth, you really just have to move away from the 3-parts.

These feeding rates yielded me this when I used GH:



Well-Known Member
hay home brewer, i used bloom blastic a few grows back and was wondering if i should use it in the big rez? only problem is the price. like $90 for a bottle of 300ml . i have been thinking about bud candy can u point me in the correct direction?


Well-Known Member
hay home brewer, i used bloom blastic a few grows back and was wondering if i should use it in the big rez? only problem is the price. like $90 for a bottle of 300ml . i have been thinking about bud candy can u point me in the correct direction?
I would point you in the opposite direction of both of those products.