Anyone Here Scared Of Snakes?


New Member
man they freak me out so fucking much!

man i was hiking one time and i stepped by one climbing up a hill i saw it in my side view and my fucking heart beat out of my chest and fucking almosted fainted.

many just seeing them on tv brings nightmares in a dark room!!
We smackem in the head with a shovel like hitting a golf ball on a tee, so yea fuck snakes

(there heads fly off but gotta b careful the head can still bite when detached)
lol. i like snakes but i am scared of them, not domesticated snakes but ones in the wild. i am also scared of ALL bugs, the bigger, the more scary. i don't like them shiny or hairy or rubbery. GROSS
Haha i know it sounds cruel but got children and dogs playin out i scared of the snakes..............fuck yes...didnt mean to offend
snakes are great, keeps the mice in check. any time I find a bull snake I take him home and let him go. Every time the guy next door kills the bull snakes we get rattlers. Can't make him understand the bulls keep the rattlers away and eat the frigging mice.
my girl seems to like playing with snakes.....trouser snakes.... Also one time in lousiana a big ass snake crawled out of a sewer into the street and my dad took is signature knife he always has with him and chopped it in half...and it was still alive so we beat it with a stick...and it was still moving then. Also dont ever beat a snake like this it will put a curse on you.
during the summer i find rat snakes in the hen house all the time, i'm not really scared of them unless one of the sneaky bastards catch me off gaurd. i stuck my hand under a hen one time to get the eggs and a fucking rat snake wrapped himself around my wrist. talk about screaming like a school girl, sccared all the shit out of me.
Enjoyed the company of this fellow the other day.
