Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
good morning love! hope your having a fantastic day so far. your babies are looking super duper!
I am SB thanks! Watering the lawn and flowers already, huh? Must be niiiiice!! You have a great day too and thanks for the compliment,,,,,I really need to take a shot of the Barbie plant. Remember her??? She's starting wk 7 of flower!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Beautiful morning in this neck of the woods, sun is streaming in and I taken a lot of the house plants from the dining room and turned my front porch into a jungle. Just enjoying the rays and schmooking some very nice C-4 which is, according to Chimera, a very potent Cotten Candy x with Shiskaberry. Love the smell to it...subtle which is nice and kind of old school sensi like, maybe a bit like Maui. Good taste, insanely frosty and good potency ; !)

Got alot of the vegging girls in windows this morning taking advantage of the sunshine, man do they love that. My Calizhar and C-4s are such fast veggers that they are starting to get bigger than I want them to and there is still close to 2 weeks before the next runs start coming out. The first couple of weeks of veg I can keep the nodes tightly stacked but after that they want to branch out quite a bit. They have just been potted up in the last few days so what I'm going to do is give them a few more days and then flip them by putting them in the flower room during lights out and then taking them back out during the day and put them under the cfls. Should only have to do that for a week or so which is nice because there is a fair number of them to move...24. They all have nice long bottom branches that will be perfect for a true sog, kinda Al b fuct style. I can easily get 4 sturdy branches off each one if I wanted to. When the timing is right, I'll throw 24 cuttings into the Anne Frank closet under the 400, maybe give them a week to veg first to get some feet under them. Let's see if I can raise the yield in there a little. Or preferably a lot lol! The Calizhar has the potential I'm thinking...good yeilder and done in 7.5 weeks

Taking my sweetie pie out to lunch a little later. They grow up fast lol, my little girl is a freshman at the local U...oiu vay :)

Have a great day all!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
gonna be a pain to hump 24 in and out each day but props to you for doing it HC. the wee pups look great. youll love the DOG the things a beast in the stone department.

enjoy your lunch man!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
gonna be a pain to hump 24 in and out each day but props to you for doing it HC. the wee pups look great. youll love the DOG the things a beast in the stone department.

enjoy your lunch man!
Well not bad the flower room is only a meter away haha. That's what I hear about the DOG! I need to figure out when I can work them in. Prolly as soon as their ready lol, catch ya later man!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ah well i guess its just a little excercise then. man i think the dog will remain part of your garden for a while, its not getting let out of mine for a good while:)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
ah well i guess its just a little excercise then. man i think the dog will remain part of your garden for a while, its not getting let out of mine for a good while:)
Oh god yeah, I have never even smoked a kush before so def looking forward to it. You have the shorter pheno,right? Man that was some nice looking plant..9-91/2 wks if I remember correctly. And I seem to remember the words "to strong for me" coming from you last week lol ; !)

Thanks HC :leaf:
Anytime Colorado!

Well it's clouded over for the rest of the day with some snow flurries and the temp being 24F it seemed to have gone from spring back to winter ral quick lol. Oh well, spring is still a good month away up here. Had a fun lunch downtown with my daughter at a bbq rib joint. She's back to class and I'm back to chores lol


Well-Known Member
mmmmmmmmm i love me some ribs. glad you had a good luch with your little girl. not so little anymore, but i'm sure that she will always be your LITTLE girl. :-)


Well-Known Member
Yo Westy I know you're a cheese guru, is the Exodus Cheese from Greenhouse the one you say is best or worth looking at? Never had cheese but its got a crazy cult following and it's gomna be part of my next seed order

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Yo Westy I know you're a cheese guru, is the Exodus Cheese from Greenhouse the one you say is best or worth looking at? Never had cheese but its got a crazy cult following and it's gomna be part of my next seed order
Westy is doing a side by side comparison right now with GH's Exodus cut and the real Exodus cut. It's still early stages off the test but you might want to check out his thread to see it. He may have to run GH cut through a couple of generations to get a more fair result.

Later bru!

mr west

Well-Known Member
Yo Westy I know you're a cheese guru, is the Exodus Cheese from Greenhouse the one you say is best or worth looking at? Never had cheese but its got a crazy cult following and it's gomna be part of my next seed order
they only jus released the "exodus" cheese in seed form b4, it was just ghs "cheese" wich is the one i grew at the begining of the thred and the one i sed was better than the big buddah cheese. I have a couple of the new "exodus" cheese seeds up and nodding at min il let the thred know how they turn out but so far seems diffrent to the clone at min lol


Well-Known Member
What's up HC buddy. Just got back from dinner and I'm friggin stuffed. Just had a bonger of some romulan called frosty. Super sweet foxtailing buds... I can't wait to see how your turn out... thnx for the input today, too. we'll see what happens lol