Storring seeds long term


Active Member
Whats the best way to preserve seeds? I have them in a film container in my drawer but shouldnt I refrigerate them? I am into buying seeds and just cloneing the first female and saveing the rest. I know that feminized seeds are not the best way to go but I have bought about 6 or 7 types now and have only cracked a few and I want to save em for later.

Whats the best way that people have had good success with?



New Member
Fridge them if you want to keep for a LONG time, in the fridge they will last some years.
If you dont they'll still last around 6 months depending on humitity/strain etc.


Active Member
Fridge them if you want to keep for a LONG time, in the fridge they will last some years.
If you dont they'll still last around 6 months depending on humitity/strain etc.
Really thats it 6 months. I need to google up on fridgeing my babies


Active Member
I think they will last quite a bit longer. I had some seeds that I put in a cabinet when I was in highschool, just about 30 years ago, quess what, they sprouted. I was quite shocked to. You know they say they have taken seeds from the pyrmids and they grew too. Low to moderate humidities and a constant temp. I think this could even be better than the new fridges and deepfreezers because nowdays they all have defrosters that constantly are trying to take humidity out. Just a thought.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
What do you all think about having seeds shipped in the summer when it's hot? I'm thinking of having my fall/winter seeds shipped now to avoid that.