Feminized Breeding


Active Member
Anyone reverse one strain and pollinate a different strain?

What is the outcome, two phenos, a mix of both parents?

Would you have to do a selection and cross again?

Any info would be great,



Active Member
So nobody here has made a cross breed using CS?

I see Grumpyolddreamer made Fem seeds out of his Red Dragon,

but I was wondering if anyone has cross bred anything?

Seems like this Site would be full of basement breeders?


Well-Known Member
Maybe no one is using hermies. In the grand scale of things you're better off using males and females, no herms.


Active Member
Maybe no one is using hermies. In the grand scale of things you're better off using males and females, no herms.

Im talking about making new strains of Fem seeds, not hermies.

Example: Taking a Red Dragon and reversing it to male, then pollinating a G13. The seeds would be feminized not hermie if the two parents were not hermie prone.

I was just curious on the results, would half be like the RD and half be like the G13, or would there be a mixture of both parents? Would you need to grow out the seed you produce and inbreed other selections?


Well-Known Member
So you mean to say you're using females, trying to get pollen from one but not using hermies? Am I missing something?

What you're describing is an F1 cross, first generation, least stable, most phenos. So the first batch of seeds is basically a toss up, but you've got the ball rolling and now you have some room for selective breeding. So say you made your RDxG13, and called it RDG13 the next step is to grow a breeding stock from which you can select certain traits. Your next cross would be RDG13xRDG13 F2, and that basically means that it'll be slightly more predictable, stable, fewer phenos because you've selectively sought out certain traits from both parent plants which should carry on in larger percentage every time you do a new generation. So F2s will still be very unstable, unpredictable, and have many phenos in reality. As you progress your new strain will become more and more stable, and have fewer phenos, be much more predictable.


Active Member
So you mean to say you're using females, trying to get pollen from one but not using hermies? Am I missing something?

What you're describing is an F1 cross, first generation, least stable, most phenos. So the first batch of seeds is basically a toss up, but you've got the ball rolling and now you have some room for selective breeding. So say you made your RDxG13, and called it RDG13 the next step is to grow a breeding stock from which you can select certain traits. Your next cross would be RDG13xRDG13 F2, and that basically means that it'll be slightly more predictable, stable, fewer phenos because you've selectively sought out certain traits from both parent plants which should carry on in larger percentage every time you do a new generation. So F2s will still be very unstable, unpredictable, and have many phenos in reality. As you progress your new strain will become more and more stable, and have fewer phenos, be much more predictable.
Thanks for responding and the info,

I have grown out a shitload of Fem seeds and have never seen a hermie,

Serious Seeds
Barneys Farm
Reserva Privada

I think people have problems is because their room isn't right, and even then reg. plants will go hermie.

I have a few select mothers that I like, and thought of maybe selfing them for S1's, and trying different crosses
with them.

Just stopped by here to see if anyone has made any Feminized seed crosses with results they like.


Well-Known Member
I have grown out a shitload of Fem seeds and have never seen a hermie,
I don't mean to say you grow hermies at all, I just mean where are you getting the pollen to cross? You said something about reversing a plant, I assumed that meant you were going to try and collect pollen from a hermie.


Active Member
I don't mean to say you grow hermies at all, I just mean where are you getting the pollen to cross? You said something about reversing a plant, I assumed that meant you were going to try and collect pollen from a hermie.
Correct, I want to make and use Colloidal Silver to reverse the females for pollen, big time breeders do it every day.

I want stable Feminized seed. S1's and some crosses.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
It will be just like using the pollen from one plant on another, except female. Yes, it will be 1/2 of one and 1/2 of the other. There will be multiple genotypes.

You would breed them just like anything else. Why would it be different?

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Hmmm? So you did it?
All the time. I have two males that I cross with all my fem seeds. The offspring are all F1's and the gene pool is all over, but if I have a killer male and cross it with a good strong female, it's gong to be good. I don't really count these seeds when I count my seed collection because they're all experiments, but they're all still weed.


Well-Known Member
I'm unlucky in life but lucky in growing. I can HONESTLY say that i've never grown a male before...
Of all the plants I've grown, every one has been a female. Every time I get a good seed, it becomes a female.

Funny...cause I was kinda hoping to get a male this time from my purp strain, I was hoping to make a PurpxMaster Kush strain...and i'm not really interested in making hermified seeds. (Yes I know all the info) But I've little desire to make one of my ladies grow a penis. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Collodial silver makes your plant hermie...
You really shouldn't make a feminized cross until you have a stable strain, otherwise you're just going to make a lot of crappy feminized seeds with only a few dank ones.
Ok so I have a question along the same lines, but a different way of going about things. If i have a mother from a fem seed, and cross her with a solid stud, would I then be able to breed a stable strain from the resulting seed stock? Eliminating any chance of hermys in the gene pool.


Well-Known Member
They are starting to take out the male and female seed strain selection and up feminized seeds in place to counter people who want to breed the same strain of them if the parents are leaked that are used to make that strain but also they are doing that because people don't want to spend the time growing out non ferm seeds and have to find out what is male and what is female. The other thing is because no one wants to hermi a female plant to get it to produce pollen to breed with but I have to say that if you can only get that 1 strain in feminized way make seeds of it and go from there. If there is a way to make those feminized seeds produce male seeds then even better.


Active Member
hmmm, maybe i wont have to start my own thread afterall

If i have a mother from a fem seed, and cross her with a solid stud, would I then be able to breed a stable strain from the resulting seed stock? Eliminating any chance of hermys in the gene pool.

i am ordering a strain that is fem'd and has alot of posts about it hermie'n...so each male-female breed reduces hermie chances, right?? How much? and, AND, does it make a difference how you aquire the fem. pollen - root stress, silver, natural via no harvest??..the less stress used to obtain the female pollen is carried to offspring, so you can use delayed harvest pollen, ummm, ALOT, before hermie tendency starts? or maybe just somewhat more than root damaged aquired? and, AND, is potential hermie factor carried by both flower and fem. pollen? with female pollen being worse?


and ive seen 3-4 days to couple years on how long pollen is viable...i think i saw a mention of a freeze drying thread??....but how long does it stay good in a baggie at room temp, the fridge, the freezer?

im newb but i think hermie chances will be reduced with that first breeding, but will stay at the same, ummm, percentage/likelihood, for all of those seeds and any inbreeding....crosses with other strains will continue to decrease chances, until it gets to the point that they only hermie when harvesting (ahem, murder/killing, etc.) is delayed