Growing in the trees


New Member
I am thinking of trying this in the summer, my main concern is the wind destroying my plants, has anyone tried growing up in trees before?


There are a few threads on here about this...can't seem to find them right now. I think with a camo'd up bucket and a small 12v waterpump, battery and solar panel you could grow a bunch. Don't forget to put it in an evergreen though as most trees lose their leaves before MJ is done.


Active Member
This is a really dumb idea. Learn to grow and stop fantasizing about ridiculous ways to grow that have no merit.


Active Member
climb up there with a bow saw and top the desired tree, then attach container on the flat cut trunk.
might be worthwhile for a personal geurilla grower but not good for any considerable number of plants (6+ )


New Member
Of course I grow legit gardens and will continue to do it is just that I thought to do some plants up in the trees as a way to guerrilla grow for additional plants to my arsenal. I was just curious if anyone tried the same and what sort of strategies they used to do this.
sounds totally f****d up to me and a complete waste of time, you will have to climd the tree to check on it, so you are not only risking being seen by every tom, dick and harry, but you are also risking breaking your neck when you slip and fall out of the tree,lol no man stick some indoors and cut all the risk out.


Well-Known Member
sounds totally f****d up to me and a complete waste of time, you will have to climd the tree to check on it, so you are not only risking being seen by every tom, dick and harry, but you are also risking breaking your neck when you slip and fall out of the tree,lol no man stick some indoors and cut all the risk out.
Dude, he would most likely be going to a secluded area where no one is, because that's the point. Aint no dicks, toms or harrys watching him.

Really? You think hes gonna slip out of the tree? Climbing a tree is not rocket science, if you know how to do it then you wont slip and fall. I pale to imagine what kind of life you live if you fear climbing a tree.
It works great man use a pulley system dont listen to these guys they have obviously never done it, Use black or green string on the pulley. It's alot of work you have to climb the tree and hang the pulley but it works for years if you get good rope try it you will be impresssed with the results