First Time Grow Need Help With Nutrients

my plants are all like 3 1/2 weeks old from sprouts and i was wondering what kind of nutrients i can buy at like a home depot for veg and also what i should get for flowering. are the nutrients needed.


Well-Known Member
Well first. Take a look at a lil company a friend of mine from RIU owns. it has a web page called Now this is great product. Guano based complete package and whats cool is he'll send you a free sample for $2 shipping which he'll trust ya for so you can drop it in snail mail. He sends you a complete trial packge from seedling to harvest.... and nice thing is theyre easy and economical to use. just drop this pkt into the water and let it soak minimum 30 minutes. I leave em all night.. Hope it helps ... good luck'
Hey man This is what i would do If I were you. Go to a grow shop or organic feed and supply store. Use a really easy 2 part system it is called Botinicare USe Grow and Bloom use half of what is recomended on the bottle. While you Veg just use the grow snd them use both at transition and then use bloom during flowering if you are using soil make sure when u water the ph is at 6.0 same Ph when you feed them feed them nutrients every three times u water. If u are doing Hydroponic then you need to keep th ph at 5.7 no more no less that is ideal!!!! That is the easyiest nutrient solution I can think of for you boss man I hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
veg nutes you want higher nitrogen(the n in npk) levels and lower phosphorus(the p in npk) and potassium(the k in npk). flower nutes you want lower n levels and higher p and k levels. Start small and work your way up to larger doses. I start at 25-50% strength myself.


Active Member
my plants are all like 3 1/2 weeks old from sprouts and i was wondering what kind of nutrients i can buy at like a home depot for veg and also what i should get for flowering. are the nutrients needed.
Home Depot isn't the place for MJ nutes. Just saying.

Invest in something good:

Sensi Grow and Bloom A&B
Big Bud
Voodoo Juice

Really, it's worth it. Good luck!

(If anything, stay away from Miracle Grow. It's crap. Your weed deserves more.)


Well-Known Member
Home Depot isn't the place for MJ nutes. Just saying.

Invest in something good:

Sensi Grow and Bloom A&B
Big Bud
Voodoo Juice

Really, it's worth it. Good luck!

(If anything, stay away from Miracle Grow. It's crap. Your weed deserves more.)
I agree, if you can get better you should. It's not really that much more $ than the stuff you find at home depot/lowes/wherever. You can get the full fox farm trio for $32, thats 8 a bottle, right around what you would pay for each bag of other ferts. If you look on ebay every once in a while you should be able to find the trio for 20-25 + shipping sometimes.