The leaves of my plant have been yellowing and browning for the past 3-4 days, starting with the older one's. My last attempt at growing a few months back did the same thing and died. I have looked at all the different threads for diagnosing plants but I am still unsure. I am using the pHion test strips which are meant for bodily fluids so I am unsure of their accuracy as well....
To make things more confusing the two leaves on the top came in since the problem started and they are 100% green. The lowest layer of leaves were damaged because they accidentally touched the light bulb so I'd ignore them. What puzzles me is why the middle layer is turning brown (and turning brown fairly slowly) while the top leaves are unaffected.
This shows a good view of the layers:
(I just noticed the stem is turning purple and can be easily seen in the above photo....)
Here is a good view of the middle leaves yellowing:
and a better view:
Any thoughts on what action I should take? I tried diagnosing the problems myself but I would like an experienced opinion...thank you for your time.
To make things more confusing the two leaves on the top came in since the problem started and they are 100% green. The lowest layer of leaves were damaged because they accidentally touched the light bulb so I'd ignore them. What puzzles me is why the middle layer is turning brown (and turning brown fairly slowly) while the top leaves are unaffected.
This shows a good view of the layers:
(I just noticed the stem is turning purple and can be easily seen in the above photo....)
Here is a good view of the middle leaves yellowing:
and a better view:
Any thoughts on what action I should take? I tried diagnosing the problems myself but I would like an experienced opinion...thank you for your time.