Older leaves yellowing and browning, pH 6.75-7.00

The leaves of my plant have been yellowing and browning for the past 3-4 days, starting with the older one's. My last attempt at growing a few months back did the same thing and died. I have looked at all the different threads for diagnosing plants but I am still unsure. I am using the pHion test strips which are meant for bodily fluids so I am unsure of their accuracy as well....

To make things more confusing the two leaves on the top came in since the problem started and they are 100% green. The lowest layer of leaves were damaged because they accidentally touched the light bulb so I'd ignore them. What puzzles me is why the middle layer is turning brown (and turning brown fairly slowly) while the top leaves are unaffected.
This shows a good view of the layers: https://www.rollitup.org/attachments/...s-p1010010.jpg
(I just noticed the stem is turning purple and can be easily seen in the above photo....)

Here is a good view of the middle leaves yellowing:
and a better view:

Any thoughts on what action I should take? I tried diagnosing the problems myself but I would like an experienced opinion...thank you for your time.


Well-Known Member
what kind of soil are you using? I can't imagine such a small plant having a deficiency. I used some kind of paatio soil from home depot and didn't fertilize for 2 months or so and my plant was perfectly green up until recnetly, now I have some issues, I think Mg but with yours, it's strange because the plant is a baby.

Is that light too close? are you giving nutes? maybe you're overdoing it.
I am not using any nutes. Actually I don't know what kind of soil I am using, I bought from a florists for like $3 in an unmarked bag. I didn't see any white fertilizer pellets and was very cheap so I thought it would be okay and not have any fertilizer in it..

Also I am not 100% that the pH is right because of the strips I am using. Right now I am leaning towards pH problems, heat from the light, or watering issuses but IDK. I doubt that I have a deficiency too, but maybe lockout is occurring or w/e it is called.


Well-Known Member
Yo KyussSabbath, I think the 1st problem is: you are NOT using nutrients. Apparently the soil you are using has no nutrients in it so you have to give your baby some nutrients. You can use Miracle Grow Plant food 24-8-16. I got my from the Dollar Store or Walmart for a $1. The 2nd problem: You should take that aluminum foil from around your pot and get a sun visor (use for cars) and cut it to fit around the pot. I think that foil gets hot and affects your plant. Hope that helps. Would you check out my plant, she is in a Auto Flower Mortal Combat Competition and could use all the support she can get. She's JONI "WARRIOR DESTROYER" https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/419988-auto-flowers-mortal-combat-competition.html

The leaves of my plant have been yellowing and browning for the past 3-4 days, starting with the older one's. My last attempt at growing a few months back did the same thing and died. I have looked at all the different threads for diagnosing plants but I am still unsure. I am using the pHion test strips which are meant for bodily fluids so I am unsure of their accuracy as well....

To make things more confusing the two leaves on the top came in since the problem started and they are 100% green. The lowest layer of leaves were damaged because they accidentally touched the light bulb so I'd ignore them. What puzzles me is why the middle layer is turning brown (and turning brown fairly slowly) while the top leaves are unaffected.
This shows a good view of the layers: https://www.rollitup.org/attachments/...s-p1010010.jpg
(I just noticed the stem is turning purple and can be easily seen in the above photo....)

Here is a good view of the middle leaves yellowing:
and a better view:

Any thoughts on what action I should take? I tried diagnosing the problems myself but I would like an experienced opinion...thank you for your time.