Dual Tent Grow - 2 x Secret Jardin DR150W


Active Member
Very interesting that u say that. I think I should've watered last night but I'd say my girls had wicked half the water in their pots. So I decided not to water. It's weird that last feed was my first time giving them bloom nutes and they are drying up slower than usual. I was watereing every 3 days like clock work. But I still haven't watered in 4 days. But the girls are still growing at the same rate. My ppm was around 1200 last time. If I increase 100ppm every week I should peak around 1500 also.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday, I transplanted the flowered cuts to Solo cups. I carved out a make-shift veg zone in a bathroom. If these veg OK, I may just use em for another round in the tents. The timing will be perfect if they grow OK. This zone needs quite a bit of work to turn into a quality veg setup (more light, some ventilation and circulation, security, etc), but it may be worth it. Until I try this Skywalker OG, I'm not sure I want to grow her again, though she is a pleasure to grow. I will likely need to get back on the real OG train!

The flowered cuts below are freshly transplanted to Solo cups.

I can use the dome to maintain humidity until they take to the new media and environment.



Dick Moser

Active Member
hahaha i love how your "downsizing" from one room, to the whole house :) two bathrooms and two tents hope you keep the wife happy :) and if you do decide to flower in solo for your skywalker (haha starwars) how long are you planning to veg these little beasties for???? and i must spread more rep....every freaking time i look at your journal it tells me that :(


Well-Known Member
hahaha i love how your "downsizing" from one room, to the whole house :) two bathrooms and two tents hope you keep the wife happy :) and if you do decide to flower in solo for your skywalker (haha starwars) how long are you planning to veg these little beasties for???? and i must spread more rep....every freaking time i look at your journal it tells me that :(
Haha - no doubt - what kind of downsizing is this? The wife is cool, but she is not letting go of a bathroom. Bathroom Zone 1 is actually off site. I did not state so specifically in my post, but this garden is at another property. Now the new bathroom zone is a small extra bathroom that the wife has kindly allowed me to use for a brief time... she does not know of my thoughts of permanence for this spot as my new veg zone! I'm dreaming - which is why these will most likely get thrown into flower on Monday. A friend will be refiring their flower room Monday. I will place these on a shelf and yield a choice OZ of bonsai Skywalker OG! haha


Well-Known Member
awwwww they are so cute! me too on the reps
Thanks for the rep, StonerB, and DickM! I have to look into the 'rep' thing. I honestly am not sure how you do it or look at it or anything? I apologize for not repping people back or anything. I just found this BLOG section on Roll it Up too - where you can start your own blog and stuff? I'm always in a hurry to get on and reply to posts, and add a new one, and then get off. I am dumb and numb to the actual system rankings and stuff. Again, I'm sorry if I don't seem to spread the love. I must learn how to rep, etc. cuz I feel everybody is doing such great work on this site.

Thanks again to all for your kind words, encouragement, and rep! I truly appreciate how great everybody has been in my journal. I love the positive vibe we have going. My plants feel it. Do yours?


Well-Known Member
I carved out a make-shift veg zone in a bathroom
lmao at you lions roor
sometimes i feel that way too, got so much happening around me it like i have to carve out time and space for anything.
i feel and my plants feel the love for sure lol


Well-Known Member
I carved out a make-shift veg zone in a bathroom
lmao at you lions roor
sometimes i feel that way too, got so much happening around me it like i have to carve out time and space for anything.
i feel and my plants feel the love for sure lol
Nice - you can't have too many bathroom zones in our world!


Well-Known Member
for repping click on the "sheriff star on the bottom left of someones post. type a little message and leave your signature so people can tell who reped them. to see who gave you rep, click on "my rollitup" at the top right and then scroll down. hope this helps. now get to repin! lol


Well-Known Member
At 35 days into flower, things are still looking pretty good. The weather has been cold and damp and I got a little behind on my feed schedule in week 5 because the plants slowed down their feed rate, but they are all good. I am happy to report no signs of pests, disease, or mold (short a few fungus gnats). I am experiencing a little leaf discoloration on one or two plants, but I still think I am within spec. I am going to feed well tonight for the start of week 6, and then taper off my feed strength after that for the remaining days. I am targeting 60 days, but I will be flushed and ready to harvest at 56 days. I feel like these plants are a little ahead of schedule.

Here are some pics.

This is a shot of variation 1 of the Skywalker OG at 35 days into flower.

At the end of 5 weeks the plants are still healthy and disease-free.

Buds are swelling and frosting at 5 weeks of flower.
Variation 2 of the Skywalker OG can be seen in the background; with variation 1 in the foreground.




Well-Known Member

The flowered cuts are doing well in Bathroom Zone 2. These were taken 2 weeks into flower. They had resin on the leaves and were beginning to bud. It has taken some time to turn em around but they are beginning to grow veg style again. I gave em the first real feed for Week 1 Veg for the Soul Synthetics feed schedule; 500ppm 6.15. I don't have enough Soul Synthetics left for another run, but I will use it while it lasts.

Flowered cuts can look a little strange as they return to vegetative state.

These started off as little micro cuttings from sucker shoots of 2 week flowered plants.

You can see the resin on leaves of these young oldsters!




Well-Known Member

At Day 40, I am still hanging in there. Here are some shots I grabbed yesterday at day 39.

I'm still not sure if I have all the same strain or not! These plants look quite a bit different to me. Here is variation 1.

This is variation 2.



Dick Moser

Active Member
yea, they do seem a little diffrent but i would assume thats just a pheno??? cause when you look at the tent as a whole they seem quite similar, i usally have three or four clones that end up looking a bit diffrent, like right now i have cuttings that i took of the same plant and i have one out of 7 that smeels like grape sherbert and all the others like industrial soap factory run off and they sherbert is twice as big. but all the same plant and all within a day or two of eachother in veg. so they do look diffrent but im sure a taste test is all that can really determine. i volenteer to help in that most difficult of tasks....