Dual Tent Grow - 2 x Secret Jardin DR150W


Well-Known Member
yea, they do seem a little diffrent but i would assume thats just a pheno??? cause when you look at the tent as a whole they seem quite similar, i usally have three or four clones that end up looking a bit diffrent, like right now i have cuttings that i took of the same plant and i have one out of 7 that smeels like grape sherbert and all the others like industrial soap factory run off and they sherbert is twice as big. but all the same plant and all within a day or two of eachother in veg. so they do look diffrent but im sure a taste test is all that can really determine. i volenteer to help in that most difficult of tasks....
You can only taste if you help trim! Yeah - the proof will be in the pudding. I hear ya about how looks can be deceiving.


Well-Known Member

With 2 - 3 weeks left, things are looking good. I regret not getting a trellis on these ladies, and I should have cleaned things up a bit more on the bottom earlier on. Things are crowded but still on track. Some leaves in the hot spot of the lights are speckled and yellowing, with some curled up leaf fringe, but the buds are fine. At this point I am not going to raise the light (lower the trays), but I may do so in the next couple days. I will keep an eye on this. The temps were really hot and dry the last couple of days with temps over 80 in the tents at spikes.... and now it's cold and the humidity is 80% + ! I hate these types of fluctuations in temps and humidity; plants are more vulnerable to 'stuff'. When budding as they are, there is little I can do in the way of control or cure without doing harm to the flowers. You just have to keep your fingers crossed! haha I'm sure all will be well. While I may sound critical of my garden, I am actually quite happy with the first run in this new zone with new nutes/media and a new strain. If I do work with this strain again, I will be much more familiar with her growth characteristics and I will be able to provide girls of this strain with more of what they want and need throughout the growth cycle! haha

When I ordered these cuts, I was told she takes 9 weeks to fully finish, but I am going to be ready to go at 8 weeks. I have an earmark on day 60 as the sweet spot.... but we shall see. My work schedule will also influence my harvest date.

The lights are just about to come on in the Master Tent. Day 43 will be upon us shortly.

Morning has broken in the Slave Tent.



Dick Moser

Active Member
haha i trimm some of these girls and my "sticky fingers" might be a problem for more then just the siccor grips, if you catch me :) im acually wondering if those arent f3-4??? clones cause the stretch didnt fill in as well as i was assuming/hoping althugh they are some BEAUTS!!!! are you expecting much more flowering, or are you thinking the nugs will just dense up???? looking at the pre flowers can really give you a good idea of how consistant the conditions in a room or tent are and with how swollen yours are looking i would assume the nugs would be a little thicker and i am blaming genteics, but i bet every single draw off those sweat stink meats is gonna be a slice of smoky heaven, dont get me wrong. p.s. if you do need some help trimming.... ;)


Well-Known Member
haha i trimm some of these girls and my "sticky fingers" might be a problem for more then just the siccor grips, if you catch me :) im acually wondering if those arent f3-4??? clones cause the stretch didnt fill in as well as i was assuming/hoping althugh they are some BEAUTS!!!! are you expecting much more flowering, or are you thinking the nugs will just dense up???? looking at the pre flowers can really give you a good idea of how consistant the conditions in a room or tent are and with how swollen yours are looking i would assume the nugs would be a little thicker and i am blaming genteics, but i bet every single draw off those sweat stink meats is gonna be a slice of smoky heaven, dont get me wrong. p.s. if you do need some help trimming.... ;)
Yo DM! Yeah - just don't blame me for anything! hahaha I too was hoping they would fill in more but I think they still have some finishing to do... I just gave them their first feed of the Final Phase formula (we add the PeaK to the bloom, infinity, and big swell) so I'm hoping they will make up some ground this week. Of course, I could have done some things better, but we still have 2 - 3 weeks -- let's see how they finish up!

They slowed up on their rate of feed at the end of week 4. I think the following are the most likely reasons. Short the little I can blame on the weather - this was all in my control.

  • the weather was really cold and damp for much of weeks 4,5 and 6. The tents were running cool as the fans still had to fire often to keep humidity in check -- and I was running humidity on the high side to try and offset the cool temps.
  • they are likely pretty rootbound... when I pulled that male at 2 - 3 weeks, it was really rooted in her pot. I can only imagine how much more rooted these are with another 3 weeks of hard growth
  • the light spread of these hoods is not good with the plants this close... these relatively small hoods have some severe hot spots with the lights less than 12" from the tallest plants. Plants right under the middle of the light have 6000+ lumens, while the four plants at the corners have less than half that. I should have defined the canopy better with under pruning and trellis; and then set the light more like 18 - 21 inches from the plant tops.
  • as you suggest, these genetics do not seem stabilized (as the herme would suggest)... so, as you suggest, we just have to put some blame on the genetics too! hahaha
Live and learn! We still have some choice nugs in our future, but our yield will not be maximized. I have to leave some room for improvement; this is just the first run with all new variables.


Active Member
Incredible grow Lionsroor. They are super frosty! Man I cant wait for a smoke report on those juicy buds. Your almost 3-4 weeks ahead of my grow and 4tatude's grow. But your grow seems to be the most refined one out of the three in my opinion. That blend your using is coming out really good.


Well-Known Member
Incredible grow Lionsroor. They are super frosty! Man I cant wait for a smoke report on those juicy buds. Your almost 3-4 weeks ahead of my grow and 4tatude's grow. But your grow seems to be the most refined one out of the three in my opinion. That blend your using is coming out really good.
Thanks, G37! That's a nice compliment considering you guys both have incredible grows yourselves. Yeah - the Soul Synthetics have been a pleasure to work with. In fact, I'm going to actually buy some of this stuff! haha I'm going to hop over to your journal for an update on your grow.


Well-Known Member
i agree with G those are some awsome plants lionsroor, mine are frosting up but DAMN those gota be stickey as shit lol
im gona get my hands dirty soon i want to follow your regemin, so glad you ran this where we can learn about it.
great gardening skills!!
G those plants of yours amaze me too.


Well-Known Member
i agree with G those are some awsome plants lionsroor, mine are frosting up but DAMN those gota be stickey as shit lol
im gona get my hands dirty soon i want to follow your regemin, so glad you ran this where we can learn about it.
great gardening skills!!
G those plants of yours amaze me too.
Thanks! I'm happy this thread has motivated the gardeners and the girls involved. I get stoked looking at your journals. Everybody is doing such nice work. Let's keep it up!

I will be at Day 51 when the lights come on tonight. Things are looking really close... I need to feed tonight. I will take one last look and decide if we are flushing or pushing on a bit more... This is supposed to be every bit of a 9 week strain, but I think I will be looking quite done at Day 56. Some plants seem to be wanting to push on while others seem finished. The OG dankness is showing on many plants, but others seem to have a little sweeter, less earthy scent. Judging by the scent, leaf maturation, the frost, and the trichs - it appears that I do have 2 types of plants, or 2 variations of Skywalker OG?


Well-Known Member

After 3 weeks of pre-veging, the flowered cuts I took have their first reverted veg growth; after 20 days in Solo cups there is new veg style growth. Check out all the odd growth you get when reverting plants to veg from flower. I topped em at Day 16 (pics above and below show them just prior to chopping). I took about 6" right off the top of each.

Flowered cuts at Day 16 of pre-veg; just prior to having 6 inches taken off the top.

These flowered cuts were topped 4 days ago. The first veg growth is beginning to appear at Day 20.

Reverting plants from flower to veg takes about 3 weeks. This growth is happening at Day 20 of pre veg.



Well-Known Member
At Day 51 things are looking pretty good... I'm looking to go 60 - 63 days. I did my last feed this evening, and I will begin my flush in 2 or 3 days.

Skywalker OG at Day 51, with 9 - 12 days to go.

Tent1 has 7 plants, and Tent2 has 8 plants.

There are quite a few bud sites on each plant. I'm really missing that trellis now!




Well-Known Member
those flowering clones are so cool...
enjoying reverting mine also, looks like they will revert back and do well.
do you thing the reveging will slow normal growth onlyduring the reveg period or will the plants take longer overall ?


Well-Known Member
those flowering clones are so cool...
enjoying reverting mine also, looks like they will revert back and do well.
do you thing the reveging will slow normal growth onlyduring the reveg period or will the plants take longer overall ?
They are funny, huh! Once they get on track they will be on normal schedule (be sure to wait until they are on track before flipping to 12.12). I still don't know what I'm going to do with them!


Well-Known Member
good morning brother, hope all is well in the garden.
Hey my friend! Thanks for asking - all is well... I started tapering my feeds on the 5th - and I'm down to flush strength now at 240ppm. The buds are really pretty and frosty - admittedly a little smaller than I had hoped for -- but they appear to have that dense OG type of weight to them. The leaves are turning colors nicely. I will try to get some pics here soon.

When the lights come on tonight it will be day 55 and I could pick tomorrow -- but I think I'm going to go to 60 days as several plants look like they will put on some measurable weight in those extra 4 days (If I can get just an extra couple grams per plant in those extra days it's worth it when I've gone this far). I started my flush with 60 days as the target too - so I will stick with it. Trying a little different flush technique this time too (nothing too radical).

I see all is well with your garden!


Well-Known Member
Here are a couple pics at Day 55. In the final days, as the leaves are changing colors it is pretty clear that I have two types of plants, I have shown the 2 variations here. The one seems to be more Indica with maple shaped leaves, while the other seems more Sativa dominant. The Indica dominant variation has a sweeter, purple smell and the buds are small but literally all over the plant and finished nicely. The leaves are changing colors and look ready. This Indica variation seems to be done now at 8 weeks (56 days), while the taller, Sativa style plants look like they want to go more.

Will the real Skywalker OG please stand up! At Day 55, this more Indica variation looks done?

These Sativa style plants, I believe are SkywalkerOG - as they have more of that dank OG nose to them. These plants have responded less to the flush and look as if they are still swelling and filling in the gaps as if they would naturally finish at 9+ weeks. Because of their stature, all of these plants were placed on the outer perimeter of the tents, so they received less light too - which could account for their 'less ripe' appearance.

The more Sativa variation of this supposed Skywalker OG may want more time?

Another plant of the more Sativa looking variation. These plants smell more like OG.

Admittedly, I was hoping for more spectacular results at this point. But I am always happy to get through a grow without issue. This is super clean medicine with zero mold or PM. I have some fungus gnats, but very few considering I did not combat them with external sprays (or even Sensor cards) after my initial Azatrol foliars during veg. These plants also have a 2 week flush for the smoothest, cleanest smoke. Many argue that a 2 week flush is not necessary and decreases yield. I concur, but taste and flavor are my primary concern so I do it that way still. (don't get me wrong, I love big yields!)

While I never cared to forecast, I was secretly expecting to pull a pound per tent. I can see I have not met my quota. Several plants have likely met the 56 gram mark required, but they are probably not over enough to account for some of the smaller ones that will yield less. It will still be a respectable yield for each 600 watt light. I think the 7 plant tent, has the 8 plant tent beat in overall yield too.

I will be sure to include some final harvest shots, as well as a yield report. Thanks all for your help in support getting to the finish line!



Well-Known Member
its been wonderfull following your grow n learning what, why, how etc. well done journal my friend!

Dick Moser

Active Member
yea im voting for complete mix up of strains, but what AMAZING coloring!!!! talk about star wars..... looking like some of the "force" is in you my friend!!!! or will be in a couple more weeks :) :leaf: :) :weed: :weed: :weed: