First Ever Grow


Well-Known Member
Just read through and I'm diggin the grow. Everything looks great. When are you going to start flower? Don't put it off too long, you will be very suprised how fast you start running out of cabinet space in flower.


Active Member
Just read through and I'm diggin the grow. Everything looks great. When are you going to start flower? Don't put it off too long, you will be very suprised how fast you start running out of cabinet space in flower.
Hi, Ill be topping the plant in the next 2 days to a week which will stunt the growth for a little, so im hoping ive got 2 weeks before i start to flower as i havnt got the bulbs ready for flowering yet but when i get the money ill be buying 2 65w 2700k CFL`S.

Oh and thnx everyone for the positive comments lol


Active Member
Been having probs with temps since the new bulb, so i have decided to say fuck it and use my double wardrobe as my new grow room, fuck knows were my clothes are going but im sick of not having enough space, so im starting planning and design now lol.

Will update as i make progress.

Keep toking and creating :)


Active Member
Ive decided on using plasterboard to make the shelving etc for the inside of the wardrobe, Its cheap, easily cut , easy to shape and when supported prop should be strong enough.

Had a piece of plasterboard lying around from a previous project so ive cut and shaped that to seperate the wardrobe into 2 chambers.


But stuck now though as ive run out of plasterboard but brimming with ideas, damn i need to stop smoking this stuff :)

Ill post back when project is finished in the next couple of days for anyone thats interested.


Active Member
dont fool your self... they are ALWAYS good idea's
I Second that lol. Think my head is close too exploding from all the ideas ive got buzzing around my head or could be the smoke lol


Active Member
Quick Update

Went to the DIY store and bought 3 6ft x 3ft Plasterboards. Which so far has been more than enough. Didnt want to use all of the interior space as im only growing enough to supply me and my partner. So ive seperated it into 2 growing chambers and 2 housing areas for the fan motors and electrics, will also be sound proofing the small chambers to cut any noise out from the fans that will be running.


Just waiting on more materials but with any luck should get this finished and running by saturday. Till then happy toking everyone lol.


Active Member
Looking great! I'll will smoke to your build.
Lol im doin enough for both of us at the moment lol, Hitting the high 20s joint wise a day.

Ill be posting pics up tomoz of my new permanent growing wardrobe, Been having loads of fun just toking away and letting my wand wander with ideas.


Active Member
UPDATE - Day 21 From Seed

Day 21 - 4.jpgDay 21 - 6.jpgDay 21 - 1.jpgDay 21 - 7.jpgDay 21 - 5.jpgDay 21 - 3.jpgDay 21 - 2.jpg

Hi all, Not much to say about my grow other than she is looking fine and groing well, Most of my time has been taken up with trying to get this wardrobe conversion done. Im about half way now, Just got the flowering chamber to wire up and line with mylar and got to fit 2 9" fans in the 2 smaller chambers.

Grow 4.jpgGrow 1.jpgGrow 3.jpgGrow 2.jpg

Ohhh and look what my partner brought back with her from Holiday, Cant wait to try it out. :)



Active Member
Hi all, ive got a quick question. If i want a 2ft plant when should i start flowering? Im currently day 22 from seed?


I started flowering on day 31 from seed and my plant is currently just over 2 feet tall, at 3 weeks into flowering. Of course, strain type is always a big factor in overall height. I would definitely switch to 12/12 ASAP if I were you.