400W Attitude FREEBIE GROW!!!!!


Active Member
Ya, Ive read in forums that its actually not the plant that the deer are after....its the scent of fresh dug up dirt! they think its a squirrel that has buried a nut in the ground and they are looking for an easy treat!!! Every time they have killed mine there was just a hole in the ground where the plant was and the plant was about 2 ft away it hasn't been eaten at all just dug up and thrown to the side...such a sad sight and I only visited them once a week back then so when I found them they were dried up:(


Well-Known Member
are you sure it wasnt some sort of smaller animal that likes to eat roots.
it sounds more like a ground hog, or mole.
did you find any tracks near the plants?


Active Member
Ya there were scrapes from bucks all around "I didn't look before I planted im stupid" and where they were dug up there was distinguishing hoof marks in the soil. I'm an avid hunter and know what to look for im pretty sure it was the damn deer haha


Well-Known Member
Ya there were scrapes from bucks all around "I didn't look before I planted im stupid" and where they were dug up there was distinguishing hoof marks in the soil. I'm an avid hunter and know what to look for im pretty sure it was the damn deer haha
i didnt mean for it for me to come off as " you dont know what your talking about or anything" i was just putting in my 2 cents.
i just dont know why deer would dig them up specaily since they are herbivores. i have many family growers who have trouble with deer eating ther plants and steppin on them but never digging them up or anyting like that


Active Member
:leaf:I know I didn't take it that way. I really don't know what im talking about im pretty new at this only have successfully harvested twice im just going from what I have heard in forums and from fellow growers its their opinion I think they think the squirrel just burried a nut there and its and easy meal, I have seen deer foraging in the leaf litter and eating varius nuts while hunting but that's just my opinion. You seen veeerrryyy knowledgeable in growing not just cannabis but other plants as well, any info you could give me to better myself is GREATLY appreciated because I really like growing plants not just pot! thanks:leaf:


Well-Known Member
:leaf:I know I didn't take it that way. I really don't know what im talking about im pretty new at this only have successfully harvested twice im just going from what I have heard in forums and from fellow growers its their opinion I think they think the squirrel just burried a nut there and its and easy meal, I have seen deer foraging in the leaf litter and eating varius nuts while hunting but that's just my opinion. You seen veeerrryyy knowledgeable in growing not just cannabis but other plants as well, any info you could give me to better myself is GREATLY appreciated because I really like growing plants not just pot! thanks:leaf:
ok just wanted to be sure man.

im still a noob to man, i know alot but not near all. i am really a noob outdoors as well, never did a outdoor grow of my own, but have helped many medical patients, and grew up with outdoor growers.
and i forgot about the nut so now the deer does seem logical. my bad man.
and yes i am lets say some what knowledgeable, ill put it this way, i f i dont know something i wont try to make something up that seems like a good idea or any thing like that.

and ya i love to grow all plants big and small mj or not.
you should come check out my veggie thread in the garden section, it is kinda a multi person thread that 3 of use and post in but they are cool and helpfull to. if you got any questions man i will try to help as best as i can.

did you decide if you are doing in the ground this year or in pots.
i have an idea that uses both of them and could and should keep deer and other shit out


Active Member
ok just wanted to be sure man.

im still a noob to man, i know alot but not near all. i am really a noob outdoors as well, never did a outdoor grow of my own, but have helped many medical patients, and grew up with outdoor growers.
and i forgot about the nut so now the deer does seem logical. my bad man.
and yes i am lets say some what knowledgeable, ill put it this way, i f i dont know something i wont try to make something up that seems like a good idea or any thing like that.

and ya i love to grow all plants big and small mj or not.
you should come check out my veggie thread in the garden section, it is kinda a multi person thread that 3 of use and post in but they are cool and helpfull to. if you got any questions man i will try to help as best as i can.

did you decide if you are doing in the ground this year or in pots.
i have an idea that uses both of them and could and should keep deer and other shit out

Im all ears for the idea! I haven't totally decided what im going to do yet. I just transplanted my white domina into a 5gal bucket for the rest of the time it was inside*its still cold out* I prolly shouldn't have started them so early but I guess they'll be fine. I think it was starting to get root bound and suck up the water really fast. the green poison is fine still being LSTd im only going to LST it till I can put it outside them im just gonna let it grow multiple tops I think its got like 9 im pretty stoked the white one only has 6. I would love to hear any idea about keepin the deer outta my babies! I think im leaning towards putting them in the ground to give em more root space to get huge.
good choice man. organic is always good. when i grow pot again it will be all organic. i am actually gonna do tests side by side organic vs synthetic to see what taste better yields more and all the good stuff
Synthetic will yield more but organic will taste different if you can tell the difference.although with a good flush you can hardly tell the difference in taste.

Im all ears for the idea! I haven't totally decided what im going to do yet. I just transplanted my white domina into a 5gal bucket for the rest of the time it was inside*its still cold out* I prolly shouldn't have started them so early but I guess they'll be fine. I think it was starting to get root bound and suck up the water really fast. the green poison is fine still being LSTd im only going to LST it till I can put it outside them im just gonna let it grow multiple tops I think its got like 9 im pretty stoked the white one only has 6. I would love to hear any idea about keepin the deer outta my babies! I think im leaning towards putting them in the ground to give em more root space to get huge.
Grow is looking good so far cant wait to see how they lok with buds on them


Well-Known Member
all right this is my idea, i hope it makes sense.

keep them in the 5 gallon pots untill it is time to go outside. then when you go to plant outside in your permanent spot dig a deep hole and fill with better soil if you can the whole needs to be a few inches wider the then the pot. then take the pot and cut the bottom half or quarter of it off. then plant that half in the dirt so the roots can grow down and then out. so now it is still in a pot but getting the root space in the ground and it might help keep the deer out.

second, i would get cheap strong bar soap and moth balls. break the soap up into smaller chunks so you have more then 1 piece, then just spread them around the grow like 10-50 ft away from plant and maybe some closer, i would try to cover them with some leafs or something so if some one stumble upon it they dont see it all and get curios.
the smell is a smell of humans witch most dear do not like or animals so they should stay away more often. even cologne spayed on near by trees will help, and piss on trees around your grow as well the more human it smells the better.

and i am not sure but i think they sell a deer spray that is supposed to keep them away but i have never used it


Well-Known Member
Synthetic will yield more but organic will taste different if you can tell the difference.although with a good flush you can hardly tell the difference in taste.

Grow is looking good so far cant wait to see how they lok with buds on them
ya thats what i was thinking, i have seen huge buds and veggies grown organically though.
and ya i can taste the difference in veggies and buds.


Active Member
Da Purp,

Thanks guys im trying my hardest to produce a good stash that I can put up and not have to buy it, it gets really expensive! Id say I have about 3 weeks till I can plant em outside. I like the idea of the 5gal buckets in the ground but...how do you think I should cut the bottom out without damaging the roots? I first thought a sawzall but it would do alot of damage then I thought a utility knife but the buckets are too thick...hmmm


Active Member

I havent grown with any synthetic beside miracle grow *my first 2 grow* I'm liking the organic they seem to grow faster. I know I cant wait till they got nice juicy buds on em I hope they get big....wish me luck


Well-Known Member
Da Purp,

Thanks guys im trying my hardest to produce a good stash that I can put up and not have to buy it, it gets really expensive! Id say I have about 3 weeks till I can plant em outside. I like the idea of the 5gal buckets in the ground but...how do you think I should cut the bottom out without damaging the roots? I first thought a sawzall but it would do alot of damage then I thought a utility knife but the buckets are too thick...hmmm
i would just take a small hand saw manual or electric or even gas if you have one and just cut it as carefully as possible if roots get cut it doesnt matter to much unless you take out more then half the roots. if your carefull you should be fine if you do do this idea i had. or even better now that im thinking just pop her out of the pot, then cut the pot, plant the plant in the ground then insert pot around it and hammer it in the ground a few inches


Active Member
I like that idea idk what id do witout youguys lol im gonn a use that....what should I do to camo the buckets? would spray paint effect the plant? or should I just get some camo burlap and wrap the bucket in it and staple it?


Well-Known Member
glad i could be of help man.
and i think spray paint could harm the plant if you spray it on the plant.
the burlap idea is good to, i was think a cheap easy way would to be get mud and cover the whole thing and then take leafs, and pine needles and other natural stuff and maybe just glue them to the bucket making it kinda blend with the ground, or look like a stump covered in leafs, but of course their will be a big green plant growing out of it

I havent grown with any synthetic beside miracle grow *my first 2 grow* I'm liking the organic they seem to grow faster. I know I cant wait till they got nice juicy buds on em I hope they get big....wish me luck
Good luck.Im rooting for ya.


Active Member
glad i could be of help man.
and i think spray paint could harm the plant if you spray it on the plant.
the burlap idea is good to, i was think a cheap easy way would to be get mud and cover the whole thing and then take leafs, and pine needles and other natural stuff and maybe just glue them to the bucket making it kinda blend with the ground, or look like a stump covered in leafs, but of course their will be a big green plant growing out of it

that sounds great cheap and easy my favorite...I grow on some woodland property my paps owns its alot around 200-300+ acres of woods ponds and cornfields im the only other person that goes up there besides him but he focuses on his crops he quit hunting a few years back due to health issues. So I got alot of space to work with hoping to make an order to attitude or nirvana (any seedbanks you recomend?) I plan to do 10-20 in groups of 2. I think im going to order Moby Dick, it says it "could" yeild up to 1500grams per plant or something like that I really would like a good hardy great yeilding plant that does well in outdoors. I plan on doing the groups a few acres apart so im going to be ripped by the end of the summer haha lots of hill climbing and hiking but it will be worth it!


Well-Known Member
wow thats alot of land, i wish i had something like that.
i have never ordered seeds though so i cant really help to much but i do know alot of RIU members go through nirvana and attitude seed banks. also i am not sure witch strains do well outdoors, im sure the websites would let you know some info about that, and if not you can always email them if you wanted to.
and hey hill climbing and hiking is fun most the time, specially for a grow. i just did about 7 miles of hiking up and down a steep hillside hauling loads of manzanita brush on my shoulder all day. i should be pretty ripped as well here in just a few weeks at my new job


Active Member
haha yah im bringing my 2 corsos wit me prolly every time I go tend to them. It's alright bout the seeds yo, I got some picked out I was just wondering if anyone knew any really good mold resistant strains. It gets pretty wet here around octoberish.


Active Member
Ladies and gents I decided to keep these inside due to bad weather so I started flowering them about 3wks ago and they freaking tripled in size since I last posted some pics they are gonna be tastey....Id say they have about 6wks left ill try to keep you guys updated with pics and harvest when it comes ill also put up a "smoke report" on both strains....White Domina, and Green Poison. I will upload the pics in a few min.