What Are Some Of Your Goals?:)


Active Member
i wanna be able to live on a beach and do nothing but smoke blunts and drink mojitos with a sexy ass black girl on my side lol, thats all i want out of life, well and an unlimited supply of money lol


Well-Known Member
1 year: (1) take over my home owners association (really) and (2) advocate for and negotiate new scope of work in my current position at work, without moving to another budget line (will require restructuring, which doesn't happen very often)
3 years: complete all prerequisite courses to apply and gain entry to business school
5 years: complete masters thesis (I'm not telling!)
10-15 years: (1) sell business after successful incorporation and IPO, (2) purchase big tract of healthy land to start new organization to affect American culture in initially small ways that rapid cycle into monumental paradigm shift! (3) oh yeah, not get killed by the rich people who don't want the large majority of people to be free...
15-20 years: Partner with other radically successful hippies to sweep the country installing scalable (and profitable) replica communities.
20+ years: (1) hand organizing duties over to the younger generation, (2) take it easy working on the farm, (3) travel from place to place if I can, (4) play music as much as possible, (5) crack the dualism paradox.

I like doing stuff... what can I say!

Cloner X

1 year: (1) take over my home owners association (really) and (2) advocate for and negotiate new scope of work for my current position at work, without moving to another budget line (will require some restructuring, which doesn't happen very often)
3 years: complete all prerequisite courses to apply and gain entry to business school
5 years: complete masters thesis (I'm not telling!)
10-15 years: (1) sell business after successful incorporation and IPO, (2) purchase big tract of healthy land to start new organization to affect American culture in initially small ways that rapid cycle into monumental paradigm shift! (3) oh yeah, not get killed by the evil people who don't want people to be truly free...
15-20 years: Partner with other radically successful hippies to sweep the country installing scalable (and profitable) replica communities.
20+ years: (1) hand organizing duties over to the younger generation, (2) take it easy working on the farm, (3) travel from place to place if I can, (4) play music as much as possible, (5) crack the dualism paradox.

I like doing stuff... what can I say!
I think i'm going to fast fwd to your 20+ yr goals - tomorrow morning. :mrgreen:

Especially the playing music as much as possible. Time to dust off the guitar and bust out the napkins and other various scraps of paper that have fragments of this and that scribbled nearly illegibly and put a few new songs together. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Successfully incorporate hendrix style guitar and feedback into hip hop/rasta style beats with dylan like lyrics (i know kinda lofty)

Kartel Kriminal

Active Member

Abstain from methamphetamine and cocaine.
Graduate college with a degree in Computer Engineering.
Write, illustrate, and sucessfully publish a novel.
Further develop my cognitive abilities and critical thinking skills.
Somehow regain my memory which is almost completely fried from drug abuse.
Post 10,000 times on RIU.
Record a rap album. (yes I'm black)


Well-Known Member
my life goals are to one day open my own grow business and herb cafe.
make my money, fuck off, and live my life :D

Cloner X

@ Cloner X: if ya already got the land, I'm damn proud for your skipping ahead. :D
Does 10 beautiful acres of peaceful green living bliss count? That was last year's goal for me. But i haven't built on it yet...i'll be clearing off a couple acres here in the next month or so. One step at a time! Now about that guitar and those notes... :bigjoint: