I`m sorry I did seem to diss you off a bit there, it was unintentional and I was just meaning to put you in a category of open minded people.
I can understand how our stoneage brains with our insticts make us human, but like I said, I was speaking in a generalization. Humans have a habit, everyone can see it in themselves no matter how much we try and control it, that we get used to the present and expect more than the previous. We are also full of hatred and jelousy for each other as a remnant of natural selection but thats IMO.
I am sounding like a downer, but the way I see it is that its never impossible for a person to undergo complete changes on themselves if presented the right variables. But its just our nature, we start arguing at one point along the line as always. So in our present day, the reason why the open minded people are a minority is because of these insticts. Most people living in luxury are too sucked into headonism and couldn`t care about an open mind. When we are working for the luxury of every human on this planet, won`t people just get sucked into hedonism from this luxury and forget the path which they obtained those luxuries on? So the question is, if you were living the life of a king would you care about all this stuff, if so how can you be sure?
I don`t want to sound hypocritical (or however spelt) as I`m contradicting your comment with the negativity im calling the truth at the moment, But belief in a comment such as "I belive that it takes one person to change the world" is a very healthy thought and is actually true, either by a person accomplishing this goal or by belief in this idea by many would change a LOT.
Oh, and I`m taking that comment on board too. Just because I belive our troubles are never ending doesn`t mean I`m going to give up!