The police have a a new canabis detection device.

Dont ge me wrong id help an innocent bystander but no way call the po pos id rather live in Anarchy and everyone should be strong handle there own
you would rather live in anarchy, not in my city of Glasgow in Scotland you wouldnt, we have the toughest city in the world with more murders per population than anywhere else on the planet with serious organised crime including gun running , drug dealing etc etc, you only get 12 years for murder as we have the most lenient courts in the world, and that is with a heavily armed police force. the worst fuckers in my city dont take prisoners they kill you and ask questions later and they dont bother with all that torture carry on, they do it quick with no mess. one gangster got shot in the face 5 times at point blank in a busy supermarket at 3 in the afternoon, aparently it blew his fingers off as he tried to defend his face from the first shot. and the fucker has never been caught, would you grass him.
Oh get your self a fully auto Ak47 and make some home made pipe bombs and man up dont the guys there wear skirts i wouldnt be afraid of no dude in a skirt or are you the one wearen a skirt lol j/k
Well on the practical side, if this was actually an effective way to detect indoor grows it might be slightly scary. Although, all I can think of is people run all sorts of fans in thier homes all year long. Especially if you live in a warmer climate, you have AC and you have household fans and you have bathroom fans. So they are going to execute all sorts of warrants to come into peoples homes to see if thier bathroom fan is actually a small stealth grow OP. I forsee alot of complaints of stinky air and not of the herbacious kind :)
"Why officer I just took a shit but you can confiscate the evidence if you want. Would you like me to get you a baggie?"
Large scale grow ops have alot more to worry about than the fans they are using giving them away.
As always you can go back to the tried and true saying, "Loose lips Sink Ships!" Keep your mouth shut.....
Oh get your self a fully auto Ak47 and make some home made pipe bombs and man up dont the guys there wear skirts i wouldnt be afraid of no dude in a skirt or are you the one wearen a skirt lol j/k

hahaha an ex army doctor went berserk with an ak47 a few years back and took out about 75 fucking people, then blew his own head off dont talk to me about pipe bombs, the ira blew the fucking brighton hotel down with a massive explosion as the entire government were inside having a meeting and you could probably google it, brighton hotel bombing. the prime minister in charge of our country was lucky as fuck as she was in there siting on the toilet having a shit at the time, ( maggie thatcher) in a part of the hotel that narrowly escaped the blast the ira claimed responsibillity and would be trying again soon.
and if you mention a skirt in my city you would probably be stabbed to death multiple times and i dont care how hard you think you fucking are. come over here on vacation next year walk in to a city bar and shout you bastards wear skirts, i bet a million pounds you wouldnt make it to the exit alive.
who needs an inside garden, we have greenhouses and heaters.

some of us live in flats(apartment blocks), and dont have a garden, or alotment,hell waiting for an alotment in the uk is like rising through the ranks of the Dutch east India Trading Company(as in when one dies you can get his postion only if your next in line).
Also why do you think they started making grow tents to sell? not just for pot,so you can grow what you want withour need for a garden.
hahaha an ex army doctor went berserk with an ak47 a few years back and took out about 75 fucking people, then blew his own head off dont talk to me about pipe bombs, the ira blew the fucking brighton hotel down with a massive explosion as the entire government were inside having a meeting and you could probably google it, brighton hotel bombing. the prime minister in charge of our country was lucky as fuck as she was in there siting on the toilet having a shit at the time, ( maggie thatcher) in a part of the hotel that narrowly escaped the blast the ira claimed responsibillity and would be trying again soon.
and if you mention a skirt in my city you would probably be stabbed to death multiple times and i dont care how hard you think you fucking are. come over here on vacation next year walk in to a city bar and shout you bastards wear skirts, i bet a million pounds you wouldnt make it to the exit alive.

hell I go out in a kilt all the time,,had a stag do 2 weeks ago and was sporting me tartan,,and have been told by many a person nice skirt,,yet you will find that I havnt stabbed anybody,very few scots do.
,also weegogs,people in this country are nothing compared to the states,,they all have guns!!!!! so they dont piss each other off,,(I know that sounds bad and isnt that true),,cause they will shot each other.
I do have a gun but thats cause I have all the licsences and actually work for the deer comission.
are you talking about a hidden grow tent.

Not hidden,,in my spare room,,next to the window,,the police come to my flat once a year(ish) to check my guns and cabnet and one of them has seen the tent and said whats that?,,its simply an indoor garden.
They are actually ok my local bobbies,,nice and chilled, and not too intrested in finding out more.
hell I go out in a kilt all the time,,had a stag do 2 weeks ago and was sporting me tartan,,and have been told by many a person nice skirt,,yet you will find that I havnt stabbed anybody,very few scots do.
,also weegogs,people in this country are nothing compared to the states,,they all have guns!!!!! so they dont piss each other off,,(I know that sounds bad and isnt that true),,cause they will shot each other.
I do have a gun but thats cause I have all the licsences and actually work for the deer comission.

dont tell anyone in glasgow where you stay they will have the gun off you, and you sound like you come from somewhere nice where you live a sheltered existence and pay no attention around you to the stuff that NEVER makes it to the newspapers, like aberdeen, fort william or inverness where the men are men and the sheep are frightened.
i will run around the housing estates with the equipment pointing out growing operations for $500 quid a week as long as i was getting paid i would make sure i caught 50 people a day.

At 50 people a day you would be working for a short while mate, best stick to what you know best...
i have got news for everyone be afraid, be very afraid, the police have got their hands on some interesting equipment that detects high frequency
broadband noise from fans when you point it at a house from outside,it will be attached to heat sensitive equipment too, it can detect different fan noises
in different parts of the house, even through a solid 6" concrete wall.
a typical 12.5v 4" fan has a broadband frequency between 2000-5000 hertz from -5 to +5 decibels this may not sound loud but the high frequency
noise makes people aware that it is there, fans also have an anechoic chamber noise, that is the noise of the air rushing through the ducts, and i know for
a fact that if this device can pick up a 12v fan from outside your home then what is it going to pick up from your bedroom or loft when they point it
at a 6" fan, and they are putting this detection theory into practice in 2012-13 depending on where you live, this information was top secret and it comes
from the horses mouth, this was agreed at the last g8 summit by mostly western world leaders due to the huge western world population that is growing and
getting interested in growing canabis, the world leaders were worried about the flagging economy of the western world and had to put in to practice an
emergency plan to generate large sums of capital that could be thrown in to prevent global meltdown and that is where you come in, they are not interested
in jailing anyone it is a way to generate massive amounts of fine money, and the penalties for non payment will be prison and so severe a term that to pay the
fine will be inevitible, you may get a fine of $500 with a jail alternative of three years minimum to serve, why pay for a prisoner, let the offender pay for
himself,which one would you rather serve, and if you have been caught once this will have a double effect on the penalty of the second offence, my god this is an
absolutely brilliant idea to generate huge amounts of money from a world that is growing canabis in every nook and cranny in every town and village in the world,
the law is also changing any house that has a positive on the machine needs no warrant for a search and the fines are on the spot.
but at the same time i am sad for this will be the final nail in the coffin for home grown canabis. imagine getting caught 4 times the fine will now be £4000 or 3 years jail. and medical marijuana cerificates are being rebuked and issued to over 65s and 24/7 bedridden patients only.
fuck i feel as though i have just been conned out of a great pastime, oh well better look out the home brew kit.

Do you mind giving a link to where you read all of this please?? Let's see some facts to this first.
they have just been told not to jail anyone with under a k of green here

Hey where did you get your info from and does it apply nationwide or only in the green valley so to speak? And when you say a K do you mean a kilo of dry? Are they not looking at plant numbers anymore?
I hear what your saying weegogs,,I remember when I was in Glasgow with some lads from my old troop and we were in some where near the barrow lands,,cant remeber where and this guy came into the pub and was offering a fully working L86-a1,,the sa-80,,the fucking British army issue rifle!! complete with Mags for £400,,he didnt have it with him,,but it was funny as,,

I wont say where I stay in scotland(I think I HAVE SAID TO MUCH) but I will say when I lived in the capital some of the shit that went down(most my old mates thought they were ganster, which they werent,just shouting they big mouths off) and I know was never reported makes me kinda sick to think of,.but most scottish people are genuinly nice and calm,but every street has its nutter..
but yeah,,

take it easy..
well i got a oven that has alot of heat and a hood above it WITH A FAN AND DUCT TO THE OUT SIDE wonder if there going to bust my door in and ask for 500.00 bucks? wonder if my bathroom fan that pumps out all that HOT STEAM well get my door busted down? OH NO WHAT WILL I EVER DO??????