The police have a a new canabis detection device.

So fans are only used when growing cannabis??? .,.,.,,.pshhh....I think not.....sounds like a dumb scare tactic if true....SO now people stop using their fans to cool their lights and they can get you by the heat your room is generating??....where you from op???...UK??? I see that the government has started using the similar scare tactics in the UK as they have been using in the U.S...... have you seen this stupid show called Cannabis What's the Harm??......what a piece of work...they are really trying hard to keep the cannabis community at's time for a revolution...............

look pal i am only relaying information that my uncle told me he is a top politician, and he inadvertently told me cos i said i like a spliff at a wedding he was at, and HE WAS at the g8 summit.
look pal i am only relaying information that my uncle told me he is a top politician, and he inadvertently told me cos i said i like a spliff at a wedding he was at, and HE WAS at the g8 summit.

Making shit up to scare you from pot dude. Too funny.
look pal i am only relaying information that my uncle told me he is a top politician, and he inadvertently told me cos i said i like a spliff at a wedding he was at, and HE WAS at the g8 summit.

Hahaaha Your "uncle" was just trying to scare you because he dosent want you growing weed and getting busted.
Making shit up to scare you from pot dude. Too funny.
scare me from pot hahaha i am 31 years old i dont think so, he only stopped smoking it himself recently, but only for health reasons it was making him ill, dont ask me with what i never asked.
You can look up the agenda to the last (36th) G8 summit. Pot is nowhere on it. If your uncle is part of the presidential party I would advise you not to post on a pot forum - could make the family look bad and they do check up on the presidential parties families.
Originally Posted by Beagle

There is still a question of what your growing. Some people actually do grow vegetables indoors.

where antarctica.

another smart guy that knows everything... If people didn't grow plants and vegetables too then it would probably be illegal to open a hydroponics shop. Mormons among many other people are known for their huge vegetable hydroponic gardens. They do here in Vegas anyway.
Not to mention all the people who are into "aquaponics."

People were all scared when they found out about FLIR technology, but in the end it turned out that FLIR scans were inadmissible in court because of the ambiguity of the evidence.
Then get the FUCK out of here you fucking narc....

whos a fucking nark if they offered me a job i would do it. especially if they offered a bonus scheme.
the more you catch the more you earn. just like handing out a parking ticket with 2 cops with you.
Originally Posted by Beagle

There is still a question of what your growing. Some people actually do grow vegetables indoors.

another smart guy that knows everything... If people didn't grow plants and vegetables too then it would probably be illegal to open a hydroponics shop. Mormons among many other people are known for their huge vegetable hydroponic gardens. They do here in Vegas anyway.
Not to mention all the people who are into "aquaponics."

People were all scared when they found out about FLIR technology, but in the end it turned out that FLIR scans were inadmissible in court because of the ambiguity of the evidence.

well if i come to your hydroponic grow and its only tomato plants then you have nothing to worry about my friend their will be no fine, but it will be a full search of the property, outbuildings too, and maybe even your underpants.
well if i come to your hydroponic grow and its only tomato plants then you have nothing to worry about my friend their will be no fine, but it will be a full search of the property, outbuildings too, and maybe even your underpants.
I don't believe that evidence of a garden is probable cause.