Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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New Member
what would you know about passion dick?:blsmoke:
Vertise, I don't think you understand. BOFDL BongSpit is asking you if you know anything about his missing dildo, "Passion Dick". I'll tell you honestly now, BS, I know nothing of its' disappearance.

it's sort of like that thing you have stuck up your ass...only bigger...:mrgreen:

Here's the description of "Passion Dick", Vertise. Keep your eyes peeled. Not for "Passion Dick", but for BongSpit. He's really upset about this and he seems to have implicated you.



New Member
Vertise, I don't think you understand. BOFDL BongSpit is asking you if you know anything about his missing dildo, "Passion Dick". I'll tell you honestly now, BS, I know nothing of its' disappearance.

Here's the description of "Passion Dick", Vertise. Keep your eyes peeled. Not for "Passion Dick", but for BongSpit. He's really upset about this and he seems to have implicated you.

lol...you are such a fucking idiot...


Well-Known Member
Vertise, I don't think you understand. BOFDL BongSpit is asking you if you know anything about his missing dildo, "Passion Dick". I'll tell you honestly now, BS, I know nothing of its' disappearance.

Here's the description of "Passion Dick", Vertise. Keep your eyes peeled. Not for "Passion Dick", but for BongSpit. He's really upset about this and he seems to have implicated you.

That is fuking so funny, got to give you props that was a clever way to set your joke up. LOL :peace::peace::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey sloth! Find a school child who can read. Pay him to read the autobiography of Dennis McCarthy to you. Perhaps then you might be able to understand the roll of the United States Secret Service.

Until then, shut your stupid pie hole.
Hey polly I got a better idea ... you get the kid to read to you why the SS didn't react when they should have ... until then ... eat your fucking crackers and try not to be too much of a bushparrot asshole ... I know that hard for you to do ...... :neutral:


New Member
Willie Nelson Believes that it's an inside Job too.....
Hey Dank, Weve inherited a few new nutjobs since you left, the biggest one you might as well ignore, ccodiane is just a mean spirited troll. I'm sure you can stomp him with facts, but facts bounce off him like water off a ducks back. Welcome back. Is construction slowing down on OK. or are you doing allright?


New Member
yeah I'm ok... I'm out of smoke and there is none to be had around here.... but otherwise I'm ok.
Geeze, too bad we don't live close, I've got 10 Ozs of WW & purple haze, love to give you an oz, but I'm paranoid of shipping, pretty stinky stuff. If you're in the area, PM me and I'll make it happen, Hate to see you get busted or have the dogs sniff it out and lose it. Seeds ok but an OZ, no way.


Well-Known Member
Hey polly I got a better idea ... you get the kid to read to you why the SS didn't react when they should have ... until then ... eat your fucking crackers and try not to be too much of a bushparrot asshole ... I know that hard for you to do ...... :neutral:

hey sloth, scrap off the moss!
The United States Secret Service have one job; Protect the President. Anything else you think of has little consequence.


Well-Known Member
See folks ... told ya it was hard for him to do ... Dumb ass parrot ... how the fuck did the SS know he wasn't a target ... if their job was to protect why didn't they do it ...

here polly ... have another cracker ...



Well-Known Member
sloth, the primary mission of the United States Secret Service is to:
1. always assume the President and the first family are targets
2. always assume the Vice-President and the second family are targets
3. always assume the Speaker of the House and her family are targets
4. always assume the Justices of the Supreme Court and their families are targets
5. always assume that Presidential candidates and their families are targets
6. protect the integrity of the currency of the USA.

Any questions sloth? Refer to the autobiography of Dennis McCarthy.
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