April Fools Jokes!


Well-Known Member
I like the jello pranks, buy lots and lots of the plain non flavored gellatin, and mix it up in the toilet, in the back of the toilet, fill the sinks and mix it in there, then ever thing with water in the house is filled with clear jello, most of the time it just looks like water, till they touch it or try to flush


Well-Known Member
One year me and a buddy put our bosses private number in a local paper advertising for strippers, drove him nuts for a week. Another time we went to the cheese shop and got the smelliest cheese and put it in his office phone took him three days before he got his sectary to get him another phone. We also used powdered graphite and covered the face side with it. I never laughed so hard when he came into the meeting and half his face was covered. It got real hard to fool him after a few years, he always looked for stuff on April 1 as he knew we were coming for him.


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Staff member
While in the service I once noticed a young Junior Officer had left his cover (ball cap) on a table in the mess deck just before quarters, I quickly snatched it & went below to the "Snipe world". The ship had EMD's (large, slow speed GM diesels) and these engines produce a very black oil due to the carbon content, picture black Ink. I rubbed a bunch of it on the hat band of his cap & quickly returned it to its original place on the table. Quarters was called & we did the dance and while broken into groups, with all the snipes (The entire Engineering dept) he takes off his cap to make some obscure point and immediately 25 guys are laughing their asses off. Dumb shit proceeds to rub that shit all over himself while trying to get it off. It was hilarious & besides, thats what J.O.'s are for.
I just happened to be the senior enlisted engineer aboard (E-9 at the time) & he knew it was me and I didn't try to hide it. But the little guy never tried to get me back.
Its good to be bullet proof when playing tit-for-tat.


Well-Known Member
Pulled this one on my Mom a few years ago.......

I had just started driving truck in the oil patch. I phoned her up, told her that I had been a tip-over accident. That I was hauling fuel, and it lit on fire and spread to an open grassland, and the raging inferno was rapidly approaching a multi-billion dollar processing plant. She asked if I was alright, I said yes but I played it out for a little bit.

She's freaking out.....my Dad's in the background like "whats going on ?"

Finally she asks me sternly, what happened. I tell her " Well I woke up late to start my run, so I was in a hurry, speeding and as I approached a corner, I looked down at my cell phone........and I saw it was April Fools Day !!!!!"

She flipped out.....then tells my Dad cause he's wondering WTF. I can hear her telling him, then it was silent for a second then I hear him bust out laughing.

She was a little choked with me for that one for a while.


Well-Known Member
I took in a dozen jelly donuts to work this morning. I replaced all the filling with ketchup last night. People were in tears laughin until the biggest office jerk took one and it shot all over his shirt when he bit in to it. He got a litlle pissy lol. I wonder who brought those in. :shock:


Well-Known Member
take a print screen of your desktop, then set it as the background and take off all the icons lol.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
take a print screen of your desktop, then set it as the background and take off all the icons lol.
A varient of that may or may not have been the reason for a demolished laptop when i was at school. I lived with a crazy chinese dude, he just wanted to have fights at 2am etc, quite the angry man. So naturally i figured i'd piss him off and jumped onto his laptop and right clicked and selected hide desktop icons. He went ballistic thinking i'd deleted them :D got home a bit later, opened up my own laptop bag and found it had been smashed to pieces :lol: kinda backfire but the whole thing was very entertaining, the thing was about 6 months old and mr insurance man gave me a new shiny better faster laptop instead :D