Where's The Proof LibOffice of Mendocino Country Sheriff doubled their mrulism Works?

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
We have had a markedly librul government in america for 50 years now. The government has grown beyond imagination. Where are the results?

Fact: The percent of the world's population living in poverty (accoring to UN) has declined by a third since 1980. That is a remarkable accomplishmnet!

Fact: In the same period, how much has the same metric declined in the US? Zero

What are we getting for all the government we are killing our economy to provide? How are we better off now than we were a quarter century ago?
it has nothing to do with government and more to do with the rich getting richer by being allowed to monopolize most industries into HUGE congomerates.

trickle down economics... buahaha!!!
Conglomerates. Government regulations allow this sort of behavior because they are written by lawyers and puppet politicians and are construed so as to screw the little guy and favor the big one.
Conglomerates. Government regulations allow this sort of behavior because they are written by lawyers and puppet politicians and are construed so as to screw the little guy and favor the big one.

Exactly. Government is the biggest corporation and obstacle to prosperity.
It's not that we are better off, however a lot of foreign aid recipients are... We feed the hungry and we give aid to 148 countries.
Norway, Denmark and Sweden but you wouldn't know what its like over there if you never been...
Yep, you would never know. Spent time in Copenhagen, my father was born there. My Great uncle was on the Dole for 8 years there, personal taxes are very high. Bonus! Most jobs there are lifelong, Employers don't fire much and employees don't go looking for something better there. Unlike the Average American who will have 3 or 4 different Careers in vastly differing disciplines.
Norway, Denmark and Sweden but you wouldn't know what its like over there if you never been...

I've never been there but I have friends who have owned Saab cars. I don't recall seeing many Saabs on the road more than five years old. I owned a pair of stereo speakers made in Norway once ... the tweeters blew out within a few months and there were no replacement parts. I dated a girl from Denmark once. I'd say that of the three countries you mentioned, she was surely the highest quality product of the three.

Other than Saab automobiles and B&O turntables, can you name some really innovative products coming out of any of these countries? Also, comparing our 350 million population, our loose immigration policies, and the American history of personal liberty and independence, how do you think applying Norway, Denmark and Sweden's economic policies would work here? Could it be successfully applied here?

I can think of some "Progressive" advancements obtained by these countries: FREE healthcare. FREE childcare. FREE time off for family rearing. FREE subsidized housing. FREE this ... and FREE that.

In the meantime, 700 square foot condos and a diet of stinky fish abound. Oh ... and I forgot to mention that 70% income tax rate.
We have had a markedly librul government in america for 50 years now. The government has grown beyond imagination. Where are the results?

Fact: The percent of the world's population living in poverty (accoring to UN) has declined by a third since 1980. That is a remarkable accomplishmnet!

Fact: In the same period, how much has the same metric declined in the US? Zero

What are we getting for all the government we are killing our economy to provide? How are we better off now than we were a quarter century ago?

Actually we've had the most conservative government in the industrialized world for the past 30 years.

What has it gotten us? A very low rate of social mobility compared to other more liberal governments. The loss of our manufacturing base. A middle class that is disappearing and being replaced with a working poor class. An out of control intercity crime problems that comes with our increased poverty rates. A broke government with crumbling infrastructure. Unprecedented debt. Now a collapsing economy.

Look what we had with a more liberal government. FDR-LBJ. The strongest economy the country has ever had. A thriving manufacturing base and a strong middle class. High social mobility. Social progress. Low debt. Jobs. Low crime.

Yeah, the proof is out there. This conservative experiment is a total failure. We've given it 30 years and it isn't working. Time to go back to how we were when America was at it's strongest. Progressive!
Yep, you would never know. Spent time in Copenhagen, my father was born there. My Great uncle was on the Dole for 8 years there, personal taxes are very high. Bonus! Most jobs there are lifelong, Employers don't fire much and employees don't go looking for something better there. Unlike the Average American who will have 3 or 4 different Careers in vastly differing disciplines.
Glad you used Copenhagen... Denmark is awesome..I know have been there...Danes do pay high taxes...but you don't hear them complaining..the government covers all health care plus education, and spends more on children and the elderly than any country in the world per capita... a banker can end up taking home as much money as an artist, people don't chose careers based on income or status...I also love the fact that people use bikes more then cars and guess what never saw a bike locked up either..The OP asked for an example of liberalism working I say again one would be Denmark...and again one would not know unless you been ...
Glad you used Copenhagen... Denmark is awesome..I know have been there...Danes do pay high taxes...but you don't hear them complaining..the government covers all health care plus education, and spends more on children and the elderly than any country in the world per capita... a banker can end up taking home as much money as an artist, people don't chose careers based on income or status...I also love the fact that people use bikes more then cars and guess what never saw a bike locked up either..The OP asked for an example of liberalism working I say again one would be Denmark...and again one would not know unless you been ...

Also Germany is a good example of a country with many aspects of socialism which is quite successful. I'd like to see an example of a county that is more conservative than the US and is in good shape. I don't believe there is one.
it's funny because your OP sites poverty differences since 1980.

Well, my good sir, the early 1980's is when we first saw the Neo-classicals take hold in American politics. The rest of the world stuck with Kaynesian economic principles (the same ones who got us out of depression in the 30's). Inequality in America has sharply risen in this time frame, not due to liberals, but due to movement conservatism and a bunch of jackasses who thought they could rewrite how economics work based of the premise that they disproved Kaynesianism (they didn't).

Look it up. It's all there.
during the past 20 years, 56 percent of all income growth went to the top 1 percent of households. Even more unbelievably, a third of all income growth went to just the top one-tenth of 1 percent.
- Sen. Al Franken
It's not that we are better off, however a lot of foreign aid recipients are... We feed the hungry and we give aid to 148 countries.

"We" don't give anything. The United States government funds itself not through voluntary transactions, therefore it can't "give" anything. Anything it "gives" is taken from somebody else first.
So, the question remains, if socialism works so well in Copenhagen, why doesn't it work here? Surely the answer isn't that we have returned to our founding ideas and Austrian economic principles ... or is it? Is the FED's policy of flooding the nation with new money the policy of Keynes and FDR ... or is it the policy of Friedman, Mises and Hayek?
OK, let's make that the central theme of the 2012 election. Make it a referendum on whether the US should become more like socialist europe. You libruls ok with that?