Fuck Me Right?


Active Member
ok .. so hes a dumbass .. we all know a few . He obviously got the idea from you .. Now you gotta take him under your wing and show him how to do it the right way and how not to get caught . Teach him all the little tricks you know and help watch over his crop for him guiding him along the way . When his crop is ready for harvest ... take him out to teach him to hunt or fish and have a terrible hunting/fishing accident and then go harvest the weed :-P


Undercover Mod
ok .. so hes a dumbass .. we all know a few . He obviously got the idea from you .. Now you gotta take him under your wing and show him how to do it the right way and how not to get caught . Teach him all the little tricks you know and help watch over his crop for him guiding him along the way . When his crop is ready for harvest ... take him out to teach him to hunt or fish and have a terrible hunting/fishing accident and then go harvest the weed :-P
like every person who can puts seeds in dirt he is already a pro. lol

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
You broke rule #1 and now your mad because he can't keep his mouth shut, it's kind of ironic. Tell him to let them all die so the friends can see that they are all dead.Than give him some clones or better seeds or something. If you don't confront him he will continue to endanger you and his freedom. Turn him onto some literature if he's serious about learning how to do it right.


Well-Known Member
maybe you should just tell him, very seriously, and sternly tell him that the grow needs to stay a secret to you 2 (from now on)...... or you will beat his ass... (it is what I had to do... and it worked.)


Well-Known Member
Just like alot of people has said, You need to get as far away from him as possible. You are already linked to him now though, kinda made your own bed by letting him participate unfortunately. Yer gonna have to take him for a drive out into the desert where there is a box in a pre dug 8 foot deep hole and play "who can stay under ground the longest" Obviously you're going to have to convince him to go first :D


Well-Known Member
Yo man what you need to do is take his shit and pretend u don't know make it look like someone he showed stole them.


Well-Known Member
Yo man what you need to do is take his shit and pretend u don't know make it look like someone he showed stole them.
Dude that's dumb, don't fuck with his shit, he will automatically think it was Balzac that did it, wether or not it was him and then that's a whole new set of issues. Leave the kids shit alone, if yer going to do something to him, do something to HIM.


Well-Known Member
Yeah start a pointless fight your fuckin retarded bro, he could just make it look like his shit got stolen and not have to deal with him.


Well-Known Member
aand why would he think Balzac did I'm sure his setup is way better than the kids and he doesn't need to steal it.


Well-Known Member
aand why would he think Balzac did I'm sure his setup is way better than the kids and he doesn't need to steal it.
It's the most obvious choice because Balzac has already told the kid to shut the fuck up and stop telling everyone about it. Then out of the blue all his shit is gone? riiiiiight. He needs to break the fucking kids legs or make him eat thru a straw for the next year. Kid needs to learn to shut the fuck up and talking to him has done nothing. And you saying this is all pointless? Then why bother stealing his shit if it's pointless? If yer going to do something do it right. I always take care of my shit, the neighbor kid borrowed my car for a day, i was friends with his brother and his car wouldn't start so i said ya no prob. then when i said he couldn't borrow it again (I needed it the next morning) my car was just gone the next day and he says "I have no clue what happened to it." I beat that kids ass with a bat. Then later on i found my car behind his moms house. I then proceeded to take all his clothes from his brothers house and burned em in my nurn barrel and told the kid if i ever saw him again he would end up in the hospital. Now tell me what good it would do to fuck up his car? He would just then proceed to fuck up my car and the circle would go on and on. You don't take shit from people, some people only need to be yelled at to have fear put into them, but some take a little bit more.


Well-Known Member
Grow up.

To short
Whatever dude, go ahead and let people walk all over you, there are things to walk away from yes, but if it's going to come back and bite you in the ass why not take care of it? You don't know me or what I've been through bro, don't come in here with the "Grow up" bull shit, I'm grown up just fine


Undercover Mod
Neither of us are kids. Were grown ass men and sometimes we don't know how to look out for our own interests. My roommate has known about my grow which is small only three mothers and a bunch of clones for the last two months. He got interested after seeing my work and me being a good guy i figured I'd show him whats up.

I don't think violence is the answer to any problem. Violence is the very last resort and is only used to protect me. Don't get me wrong someone jacks my shit and ik its them I will confront them but I won't go looking for a fight, just to make shit right.

Violence is for ignorant people.


Well-Known Member
Violence is necessary sometimes man, unfortunate as it is. In this world sometimes it's needed, even if only for self defense. There was alot more to my story fo sho, but that was the gist of it. I'm not saying that's whats needed in your case, but he needs to be shut up some how. Cuz if you move, you are still linked to his shit and he sounds like the type that would end up spilling it to the cops no problem if he gets busted.