First time sitting a group of people, need help.


Active Member
And now this thread has made you a bit paranoid...and one person loops and you follow....then what?

Last time I fried with a group of friends, we went for a walk. Someone had written about their "lost dog" in chalk on the sidewalk. One of my friends suddenly became "lost"...little things can flip folks. Be careful, but have fun!!


Well-Known Member
Me personally... I'd sell it to em, tell them how long it last, an tell them to find a safe place to stay for that time, i just gave some freinds of mine some acid for there first time the otehr day, they went and rented a hotel and tripped there on 2 and a half hits each, just the two of them, they called me a few times during to thank me, but I know these people somewhat and i'd given them shrooms like a few months ago and they were fine with that as well...

and if you dont sell it, then thats just more for you!!!


Well-Known Member
Yea you should listen to a few guys, when strangers show up for this it can be a bad experience. Back in the 70's in the navy we were at some kids apartment and someone brought some strawberry mesc. Well we all start trippin next thing you know some guy gets paranoid and starts freakin out that one guy was a narc "he wasn't lol" but shit happens. While all that is goin on one guy is on the floor gettin down on some music he was smokin cigs like a fiend and then fillin his zippo lighter with butane, no biggie the paranoid guy was more entertaining. Next thing ya know there is a big fire in the middle of the floor thank god they had a wood floor and not carpet. here this knucklehead put some butane in his mcdonalds soda cup down the straw then lit the top of the straw thinking he could make a cool candle. I mean come on jesus christ the night was crazy. So one guy got mad after the little fire was out cause he felt he could have been killed in the fire lol he punched a hole in the wall. After all that settled down the guy who lit the cup said he had some godly experience and saw god so he had to go but was in no condition to drive. So there is know way in hell I would have people I don't know. I mean I spent half the night putting my cat in a pillow case and laughed my ass off watching it stagger out after blowing in all my bong hits.

So you and your buddy put on some tunes and have a good time. forget about food nobody will be hungry. get some hookers and flash lights and sing happy trails. I have seen some people totally freak out on acid in bad ways. watch the lasers though if your shining that shit in each others eyes. i went bowling once on it and those balls make massive trails going down the lanes, well up until they go in the gutter lol.

good luck and be safe and hide the car keys

edit oh forgot to add the kid who saw god went totally religious and ended up getting out of the navy, that really screwed that kid up and fried his brain.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
edit oh forgot to add the kid who saw god went totally religious and ended up getting out of the navy, that really screwed that kid up and fried his brain.
That is what I spoke of ... in terms of setting KARMA ... PUFF .... !


There comes a great responsibility if you wanna play Black Ranger !!



Well-Known Member
Karma, you got that right that kid was sitting on the floor and he kept playing the rolling stones gimme shelter over and over and had tears in his eyes so something he was hearing in the lyrics was putting him on the brink of snapping, he seemed fine after that but he really believed in god then and would not come down off his pulpit.

That is what I spoke of ... in terms of setting KARMA ... PUFF .... !


There comes a great responsibility if you wanna play Black Ranger !!



Active Member
My buddy and cousin (who were not experienced with hallucinogens) took a hit of acid then split a q of shrooms and both got stuck in a loop. My aunt was trip sitting and they nearly made HER go insane, let alone them going insane lol.


Well-Known Member
ever tried playing lazerquest on acid? great fun, except my one friend kept bashing the little kiddies with his gun.
Must have thought he was Master Chief.



Active Member
Haha Iam not saying your going to TKO yourself the first or second or third time but....... your buying/doing drugs that someone has probably mixed with who knows what? Do what you want because that is what is so great about living in a free country. Just know what your getting into because it could turn out bad one day?? I think it would be fun:) just not for me:( Iam already high on life. Plus whoever says pot has the same or worse side effects in on acid lol:) keep it safe:) peace:)


Well-Known Member
Haha Iam not saying your going to TKO yourself the first or second or third time but....... your buying/doing drugs that someone has probably mixed with who knows what? Do what you want because that is what is so great about living in a free country. Just know what your getting into because it could turn out bad one day?? I think it would be fun:) just not for me:( Iam already high on life. Plus whoever says pot has the same or worse side effects in on acid lol:) keep it safe:) peace:)
I know the guy I buy the acid from, He is legit... i have bought from him many times before.

I already tested the batch and it's good stuff :)

I'm planning on selling the tabs making $20 profit and doing it with only 2 of the 5.
The other 3 can suck a cock... don't even know them so why bother risking my future for them.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
U can edit your post ??
Funny when KARMA gets balanced on YOU !


KARMA ain't

That is a human term.


Well-Known Member
Oh trust me I feel the frequency in change in my life, It doesn't have to be drastic to notice... I haven't really been taunting karma but it seems like i have done something to piss it off.

My depersonalization and derealization has been hittnig me pretty hard this past month, It gives me paranoia and anxiety. I don't even know if i should do lsd this weekend =/ It seems I can't get use to this change... It's so different from the timeline of my ordinary lifestyle. grrrr!

but.. these are my problems and need to deal with them >.<