
Read Stewart Swerdlow's Blue Blood: True Blood if you want to know more about the real origin of humankind and where each race is actually from. Also for information on aliens and their current agendas on this planet.
-Go here for a overview of it
Selected excerpts from: Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict and Creation - 1
So I'm reading through this website and all I can say is WOW. I mean as much as I believe in aliens, I just cannot fathom this. I mean this is EXACTLY the kinda stuff that Alex Colliers talks about. As much as I WANT to believe this stuff, it is just so fantastical that it is hard to. Could these things even be possible? Here is an excerpt for everybody else:

It is said those (Ophanim? Seraphim? winged Dracs? Ciakar? Cherubim?) who placed the Draco in our galactic sector knew that the humanoid remnant would need an aggressive parasite to trigger development. Further the result of the part of the humanoid blood on Earth today receiving a blood line cross from Draco (URu cross with Ibi) - is beneficial. (see Lawrence Gardner defending his Drac family root). This is related to usually AN or Celtic or British RH negative blood. The reptilian Drac blood Enki (RA - abRAham) crossed with the cro-magnon monkey blood had DNA was LESS vital than the indigenous (RHesus) monkey blood. So the reptilians had to keep in-breeding (as in Holy Blood Holy Grail) - consistent with what Swerdlow says below. Areas (UK) where this RHESUS Monkey blood is absent (RH negative) may lead the world in lack of compassion. E-liz-a beth (from Lizard born) breeds a line where no permission to cry produces a stiff upper lip.

The remnant Lyraens who colonized other planets formed an alliance against the constant Reptilian attacks. They called this alliance the Galactic Federation, comprised of 110 different colonies. The colonies belonging to the Federation wished to maintain their new identities, and no longer associate with the old way. Together, the Federation colonists managed to repel the Reptilian attacks.

There were three primary groups who did not join the Federation. These three groups were considered extremists, or nationalistic idealists, seeking to recreate the glory of the old Lyraen civilization. One group was the Atlans, located on a Pleiadian planet. The Pleiades actually consists of thirty-two planets orbiting seven stars. At that time there were sixteen different colonies of Lyraen descent throughout the Pleiades. These colonists all wanted to oust the renegade Atlans because they remained independent and did not assist their human cousins.

The other two groups were the Martians and Maldekians, who were already at odds with each other. For this reason, the Reptilians turned their attention toward this solar system with its two human colonies. In the Reptilians estimation, it would be easy to divide and conquer.

The Reptilians love to use comets and asteroids as weapons and ships, using them to travel through the stars. First, they create a small black hole as a propulsion system that pulls the larger planetoid towards its destination. When used as a weapon, they use a particle beam accelerator to create a blast that hurls the comet or asteroid to its target. All of the technology was obtained by the beings from Sirius A.(1)

In this way, they hurled a huge ice comet aimed at Mars and Maldek. The Reptilians, not being very technologically oriented, miscalculated the trajectory. The pull of the gigantic gas planet, Jupiter, pulled the comet off course. The ice comet then headed directly for Maldek. The citizens of that planet asked the Martians for help. Even though they were at odds with each other, they allowed some of the Maldekians to move to the Martian underground. The comet came so close to Maldek that the planet got caught between the gravitational pull of Jupiter, Mars, and the comet. This caused the planet to explode, leaving an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. (2)

The explosion pushed the ice comet close enough to Mars to rip the atmosphere off that planet, leaving only an extremely thin atmosphere. The explosion also pulled Mars further away from the sun.

The comet then continued on toward the Earth. The heat of the sun and the gravitational pull between the two globes forced the watery atmosphere of the Earth to polarize. This polarization pulled most of the ice from the comet to the polar regions of the Earth, thus covering most openings to the inner Earth, while at the same time exposing huge land masses for the first time.

The comet then switched places with Earth, taking up the second orbit from the sun, becoming the planet now known as Venus. The heat of the sun melted the ice on the comet, creating a cloudy covering to this new planet. The Earth was pushed out to the third orbit occupying the previous position held by Mars. The Earth was now ready to be colonized. Most of the surviving amphibians were transported to a new home on Neptune. Some stayed in the newly formed oceans.

The Reptilians who were inside the hollow comet, now Venus, came to the surface of this new world. They built seven domed cities, one for each of the seven groups in the hierarchy. In the mid-1980s one of New York's daily papers, Newsday, reported that a Soviet space probe penetrated the cloud layer of Venus and photographed seven white domes the size of small cities, all in a row. After a page-long diatribe, the American scientists concluded that this was all a natural formation.

The Reptilians drove a large, hollowed out object into Earths orbit to begin the colonization process. This object is now called the Moon. Conventional science considers the Moon natural, yet it is the only known object in space that does not spin on its axis. The Moon faces the Earth in the same position all of the time, leaving one side in complete darkness. A sonic resonance sent to the surface of the Moon makes a pinging noise like a hollow object. If the Moon were solid, the noise would sound like a thump or thud. The Moon is hollow. A recent article in an astronomy magazine said that the Moon was being reclassified because it is considered to be hollow.

The Reptilians chose a large continental landmass to begin their civilization on the Earth, now referred to as Lemuria or Mu. This was a vast area in what is now the Pacific Basin, extending from Japan to Australia, and from the coast of California to Peru. The Hawaiian Islands are in the middle of this one-time landmass.

Here, an androgynous Reptilian culture developed. They brought with them the creatures that were their sustenance the dinosaurs. All beings create beneath them animals and plants that are a reflection of the mind-pattern. Reptilians create dinosaurs, humans create mammals. They are not designed to coexist on the same planet.

Additionally, the thinking process of the Reptilians differs from the human thinking process. Because Reptilians do not evolve rapidly and remain unchanging, their expansion is also slow moving and insidious. It would take several millennia for the Reptilians to decide whether or not they would coexist with humans. After all, Earth was still an outpost far from the centre of the Draconian Empire.

In the meantime, the Martians were now living underground with their hostile Maldekian guests. Something had to be done quickly to prevent them from destroying one another. So, the Martians petitioned the Galactic Federation to remove the Maldekian refugees to another planet. The Galactic Federation also received a petition from the Pleiadian Council at the same time, asking the Federation to remove the Atlans from their star cluster.

The Federation thusly decided to use the Atlans as a counterbalance on Earth. If the Atlans survived, the Maldekians would also be sent. The human/Lyraen descendants were literally throwing their own riffraff to the Reptilian colonists on Earth. In this way, the Federation would get rid of their undesirables. The undesirables would occupy the attention of the Reptilians. The Federation would gain valuable time to build their own forces against the Reptilians.

When the Atlans arrived on the Earth, they colonized what became known as Atlantis. Their continent stretched from what is now the Caribbean Basin to the Azores and Canary Islands, as well as several small island chains reaching up to what is now the East Coast of the United States, including Montauk Point.

The industrious Atlanteans rapidly grew to a large, prospering civilization needing more territory. The dinosaur population was rapidly increasing and becoming dangerous to the human colonists. The Atlanteans began destroying the dinosaurs to protect themselves. This did not sit well with the Reptilians. Soon major battles occurred on the Earth between the Lemurian Reptilians and Atlantean humans.

At the same time, the Maldekian refugees arrived on Earth. They created a large human colony in what is now the Gobi desert, northern India, Sumer, and other parts of Asia.

The Maldekians attacked the lunar surface where the Reptilians guarded their Earth outpost from invasion. The Maldekians also bombarded Atlantis and Lemuria with laser weapons. The dinosaurs were wiped out.

Additionally, the Martians also attacked the Reptilians from space since they, too, were searching for a Reptilian-free environment in which to live. This might be considered the real First World War on this planet. It was a mess!
the truth is much stranger than fiction

but a lot of this stuff is dealing with the astral and other higher realms and is hard to fathom

and if its not possible to fathom for you right now, then id suggest investigating the ways people are *mind-controlled* at the moment.

what of this stuff is so hard to believe
the truth is much stranger than fiction

but a lot of this stuff is dealing with the astral and other higher realms and is hard to fathom

and if its not possible to fathom for you right now, then id suggest investigating the ways people are *mind-controlled* at the moment.

what of this stuff is so hard to believe
Don't get me wrong man, I'm not arguing with you. I WANT to believe it all, but it is just so mind boggling. I watched an Alex Colliers interview some time back and it literally blew me away. The seriousness and emotion he displayed while explaining all of this really made me take it to heart. I think deep deep down I know it all to be true, but the "mind controlled" part of me wants to say it's all BS.

As for the "Illuminati" and their ways of controlling the masses, I don't doubt any of it for one second.

It has just became a realization to me that every single bit of it all is connected. All of the seemingly unrelated conspiracies from the Lincoln assasination, and the Kennedy assasination to the holocaust and 9/11 to the Roswell incident and the whole alien's all connected. I have been reading that site that has excerpts from the book "Blue Blood, True Blood" all day long, and I think that my mind is just tired and overwhelmed. Until this point I have only heard Alex Colliers speak of these things. To see that there are others with the same theories and beliefs only solidifies his claims.

You ask what about this all seems so hard to believe. Look at it from the point of view of a person that does not even believe that aliens exist....wouldn't you agree that it sounds like science fiction? Of course this is not my way of thinking (that aliens do not exist), I'm just saying that it all sounds soooooooooo far fetched that it is hard to get a grasp on.

My mind is tired.....I have to give it a rest now.:peace:
Don't get me wrong man, I'm not arguing with you. I WANT to believe it all, but it is just so mind boggling. I watched an Alex Colliers interview some time back and it literally blew me away. The seriousness and emotion he displayed while explaining all of this really made me take it to heart. I think deep deep down I know it all to be true, but the "mind controlled" part of me wants to say it's all BS.

As for the "Illuminati" and their ways of controlling the masses, I don't doubt any of it for one second.

It has just became a realization to me that every single bit of it all is connected. All of the seemingly unrelated conspiracies from the Lincoln assasination, and the Kennedy assasination to the holocaust and 9/11 to the Roswell incident and the whole alien's all connected. I have been reading that site that has excerpts from the book "Blue Blood, True Blood" all day long, and I think that my mind is just tired and overwhelmed. Until this point I have only heard Alex Colliers speak of these things. To see that there are others with the same theories and beliefs only solidifies his claims.

You ask what about this all seems so hard to believe. Look at it from the point of view of a person that does not even believe that aliens exist....wouldn't you agree that it sounds like science fiction? Of course this is not my way of thinking (that aliens do not exist), I'm just saying that it all sounds soooooooooo far fetched that it is hard to get a grasp on.

My mind is tired.....I have to give it a rest now.:peace:

I think the fact that you "want" to believe could be interfering with your critical thinking skills. If you are honestly seeking a representation of the world around you then you must go to where the bulk of the evidence lies. Not picking up a few arbitrary threads of evidence and then making some tenuous theories about how they might or might not fit together.
This is starting to happen more and more every day. It makes it even more interesting when the witnesses are credible. I mean these are airline pilots and airline mechanics making these statements, not just some dumb rednecks in a trailer park. I believe that all of this is indeed going to lead to the public unveiling that I posted earlier.:blsmoke:

actually evidence (there is that damn "E" word again) shows that "expert" witnesses tend to "expertly" fill in data while watching an incident making them potentially a less reliable witness than your dumb trailer park redneck (really hate that cliche). but anyway... consider this - a well educated adult is much easier to fool with a simple magic tricks than a child. Once a child is able to "fill in the blanks" without seeing the action (like secretly moving a coin from one hand to another), the child is then as gullible as any adult.

anyone interested in the scientific method should know the following (there are many, many more but this is an excellent start):

1-arguments from authority carry little weight (there are no authorities in science) - another words don't believe just one guy or gal. The preponderance of the evidence is what you're looking for.

2-use Occam's razor - of two hypothesis that explain the data equally well, choose the simpler. Example: crazed religious nut jobs who continue to kill themselves while attempting to kill their enemy flew planes into building on 9/11/2001. OR - some world-wide illuminati (sp?) government forced the US government to make it look like some crazed religious nut jobs who continue to kill themselves while attempting to kill their enemy flew planes into building on 9/11/2001.

3-Don't believe the first hypothesis you hear.

4-Must be independent confirmation of data.

5-Scientists rarely will hold a press conference to announce findings BEFORE publishing peer-reviewed papers to confirm their findings - another words someone yakking on the news is NOT scientific evidence.

6-Eyewitnesses, testimonials, and anecdotal evidence isn't evidence at all. Can be used as part of the data if independently confirmed.

i'm thinking about starting a critical thinking / skeptic thread - any takers?
I think the fact that you "want" to believe could be interfering with your critical thinking skills. If you are honestly seeking a representation of the world around you then you must go to where the bulk of the evidence lies. Not picking up a few arbitrary threads of evidence and then making some tenuous theories about how they might or might not fit together.
Well see that's the thing man. I'm not looking for a representation of the world around me, I'm looking for an EXPLANATION as to what are all of these UFOs people are seeing? Where did human life come from? Whay do so many people claim to have been abducted? Why are there so many mysteries surrounding things like the pyramids, stonehenge, the Mayan civilization, the Bible, and all of the unexplained archeological finds?

I feel as if a giant puzzle has been placed in front of me, with no reference to go by whatsoever, and I have gotten the edges completed. Now I am trying to figure out the middle.

In your honest opinion, where do you feel that "the bulk of evidence" can be found? This subject seems to be so taboo to some people, and just utterly obsurd to others, that it is hard to find some solid evidence. Even if there is evidence to be found, the powers that be sweep it under the rug so quickly that it is almost impossible to locate.

IMO the human race is like the survivors of a shipwreck that have been washed ashore in a strange land with complete amnesia.
In your honest opinion, where do you feel that "the bulk of evidence" can be found?

Through the extremely difficult work of examining evidence while attempting to eliminate observation bias. The only folks I am aware of doing this, and not always successfully, are scientists.

They are the only ones that I am aware of that make very clear, precise and unambiguous predictions which come true. And the best part is, the experiment that bolstered a theory by correctly predicting the outcome is repeatable! Another words, with enough training and education, anyone can repeat the experiment to determine if the scientist is bullshitting. That is science's great gift. It's great curse i believe is enabling technology before our brains catch up to the technologies implication.

I would also argue that if the evidence does change, science changes with it. For example, I hear critics of global warming say that scientists were claiming there was going to be another ice age* and now they are saying warming. Science is cool with that - if the evidence points to cooling - well cooling it is. If the data changes and points to warming then you guessed it!
Unfortunately, when you approach things in this way, you can't expect a lot of certainties in your life. I mean you have to be comfortable not knowing for sure. Many folks are uncomfortable with the idea of deeply held beliefs being incompatible with evidence. That is where ignorance comes from.

Or to put it another way - there always is a margin for error and most debate is over where (or how large) the error bar is. Example: if you asked me the following:

Do you think there is a chance that we are being visited by aliens and being run by a global-cabal of reptile creatures? I would say yes there is a chance. But so slim a chance it is not even worthy of debate among scientific circles.
Your response would probably be along the lines of - well that sounds like an appeal to authority to me and then it is evidence time! Like our buddy Carl Sagan (if not a weed smoker, at least an admitted trier of same) says - extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Even a piece off an alien craft (that couldn't be replicated on Earth that is) would open alien visitation wide open - but there just isn't any shred of evidence - at least that scientists can get their hands on. Can you imagine how many scientists would love to prove extraterrestrial life exists? I would assume all of them!

I think you are, in fact, thinking very critically about things that interest you. In fact, i'd go out on a limb and say most people interested in conspiracy theories are skeptical by nature since they aren't "buying" the party line or story. They are looking for an alternative explanation.

It is at this point we reach for a conspiracy theory that sounds good interpreting the facts but is very convoluted and for some special pleading reason, the real evidence just can't be produced. No convincing evidence (other than circumstantial, anecdotal, testimonial) is ever offered. And as much as I want to believe in eyewitness testimony, as long as there is a chance the eyewitness is lying (and there always is, isn't there) knowingly or unknowingly, i can't believe in eyewitness-only evidence without some kind of independent confirmation.

I guess what this rambling response is concluding to is real life and science is messy and usually hard work. But so far as i know it is the best tool we have to understand the world around us. So if you ever start a statement with "No evidence can convince me..." then you're not thinking scientifically.

* You can google this for verification - but i believe there weren't scientists talking about a new ice age. journalists, however, were printing things like that.
I dont think science has anything to do with what we are talking about. I think the only thing required is your own personal realization of a few things. They will make sense when one is ready to make sense of them. They will mean different things to everyone.

1. The "universe" has always existed; never started, never ended. It just is.
2. This physical realm is virtually infinite, if you can think of it, it can be created, or it can be done.
3. Since the "universe" has always existed, it is entirely possible that civilizations have very advanced technology.
4. Since at this "current moment in time" there are country's trying to control each other, and people generally try to control other people, It can be assumed that the extent of "control" can be pretty extensive. Other races controlling us.. etc.. or Government spiking the water supply or sending out microwaves(in essence shutting off universal knowledge).

These are just some basic truths really, of course there are more.

And of course this should always be known about anything you read... You will understand everything to the extent you are ready to understand.
I dont think science has anything to do with what we are talking about. I think the only thing required is your own personal realization of a few things. They will make sense when one is ready to make sense of them. They will mean different things to everyone.

1. The "universe" has always existed; never started, never ended. It just is.
2. This physical realm is virtually infinite, if you can think of it, it can be created, or it can be done.
3. Since the "universe" has always existed, it is entirely possible that civilizations have very advanced technology.
4. Since at this "current moment in time" there are country's trying to control each other, and people generally try to control other people, It can be assumed that the extent of "control" can be pretty extensive. Other races controlling us.. etc.. or Government spiking the water supply or sending out microwaves(in essence shutting off universal knowledge).

These are just some basic truths really, of course there are more.

And of course this should always be known about anything you read... You will understand everything to the extent you are ready to understand.

You are free to believe anything you want but science does indeed have something to say about nearly every one of your statements and assumptions. You are incorrect about the universe. Within standard error bars, cosmologists and astrophysicists can give you the approximate dimensions and age of our universe. They will also readily admit there is a lot they don't know about the universe - like how it began and how it will end. But that is OK cause they are working hard trying to find evidence that points to the answers. But since your first assumption is false and the others rely on it, the rest of your assumptions are false.

If you sincerely believe the government is controlling everyones mind with microwaves please with all humility I ask that you consider the possibility that it is you that is deluded rather than the rest of the world.
aliens are living beings from different planets right. we consider ppl from different countries aliens...

anyways. it is calculated that there are 11 other planets out there in our neighboring galaxies that have intelligent life.
aliens are living beings from different planets right. we consider ppl from different countries aliens...

anyways. it is calculated that there are 11 other planets out there in our neighboring galaxies that have intelligent life.

Eleven planets in neighboring galaxies is a pretty bold assertion. While we have observed planets outside our solar system both directly and indirectly, I don't believe we have identified any planet-size bodies outside the Milky Way.

Would you share the source of this information?
anyone ever heard of the book the 12th planet? It's about the world's first known human civilization in present day Iraq. its a pretty factual account about the ancient sumerians
A simple fold of space is all that is required to travel a long way quickly.
It is always easy to forget that most of the human race dont even know how a television works and those that do know how one works could never build or repair one.
Monkeys with toys and a few very clever monkeys is all we really are at this moment in time.
Such a very young race.
The universe is very big and full of life:peace::joint:
anyone ever heard of the book the 12th planet? It's about the world's first known human civilization in present day Iraq. its a pretty factual account about the ancient sumerians
Yeah the planet is Nibiru. There's another thread going on over in Toke and Talk about it right now.:blsmoke:
A simple fold of space is all that is required to travel a long way quickly.
It is always easy to forget that most of the human race dont even know how a television works and those that do know how one works could never build or repair one.
Monkeys with toys and a few very clever monkeys is all we really are at this moment in time.
Such a very young race.
The universe is very big and full of life:peace::joint:
Very well put Nat....I couldn't have said it better myself.:bigjoint:
The Serpo Project
check out these sites> | Aliens | UFO | Project Serpo 3
and these
Project Serpo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe the product of someones imagination or may not, you decide. It is possible if you have an open mind.
Med...this is very widely believed in the UFO community to be where the United States acquired all of it's supreme air technology such as the stealth design. Supposedly we are currently using knowledge acquired from the Greys to play off of the Earths natural energy. If you are interested then Google HAARP Project, LOIS, and LOFAR and see what we are up to these days.:peace: