Describe Your Relationships With Weed?

So here is some questions I was wondering what is it like when you get high .....and what do you do? Hopefully this will give me and others new things to try/do when I'm smoking up next time.

1) What do you guys like to do with weed when you have it (favorite way of smoking bong,pipe,joints etc)?

2) Where do you smoke weed .....outside, inside ....behind your house, at work, on the roof?

3) What do you do after smoking weed play xbox360, go partying, movies etc?

4) How do you feel when your getting ready to smoke the last of your bag?

5) How do you feel when you got no weed at all ?


Well-Known Member
30 years and we're still in love...we never fight and we still can make eachother smile...i would say it's been a great relationship....I think this will be a lifelong relationship


New Member
So here is some questions I was wondering what is it like when you get high .....and what do you do? Hopefully this will give me and others new things to try/do when I'm smoking up next time.

1) What do you guys like to do with weed when you have it (favorite way of smoking bong,pipe,joints etc)?

2) Where do you smoke weed .....outside, inside ....behind your house, at work, on the roof?

3) What do you do after smoking weed play xbox360, go partying, movies etc?

4) How do you feel when your getting ready to smoke the last of your bag?

5) How do you feel when you got no weed at all ?
Here you go.

1. Bong is still my fav, but Vape is close second. The vape gives you a nice sneaky high and the bong gives you an imediate choke I am gonna fucking die high, I hate it but love it at the same time.

2. Cold here now so definitely inside, and that where vape helps little odor. I do it on our deck by the pool in summer also.

3. Movies, fuck (my favorite), play Black Ops and smack talk (super lemon haze) on steam (I play PC) and of course eating.

4. Dunno I grow my own so rarely on last of anything. I got 4 quart jars of SLH now and Critical+ will be done next week or so and have another couple or 3 ounces. Its great.

5. When I didn't grow it was like a slight panic and depression.


Well-Known Member
1) What do you guys like to do with weed when you have it (favorite way of smoking bong,pipe,joints etc)?
BONGS ALL THE WAY! Ice cooled!
2) Where do you smoke weed .....outside, inside ....behind your house, at work, on the roof?
My couch, my car , my bed , ANYWHERE!
3) What do you do after smoking weed play xbox360, go partying, movies etc?
Movies and of course xbox! Get at me on Tiger woods
4) How do you feel when your getting ready to smoke the last of your bag?
depressed and start planning the mission for more
5) How do you feel when you got no weed at all
anxious, paranoid, tired, depressed


Well-Known Member
1) What do you guys like to do with weed when you have it (favorite way of smoking bong,pipe,joints etc)?
I usually roll up a joint or a blunt. I like bowls to if I'm low on bud bongs my favorite way to smoke if I don't have a lot.

2) Where do you smoke weed .....outside, inside ....behind your house, at work, on the roof?
I smoke outside, inside,behind my house, not at work, and on the roof on occasion. I also have fishbowled my truck everyday for over a year now.

3) What do you do after smoking weed play xbox360, go partying, movies etc?
I do a lot of stuff ride my bikes go offroading in my truck party pretty much do it all.

4) How do you feel when your getting ready to smoke the last of your bag?
If that happened I would be very sad

5) How do you feel when you got no weed at all ?
Hahahaa never!

A lot if not all of these questions are.....can't think of the word but like what do you do after you smoke? I smoke all the time so pretty much smoke every where and do everything.



Active Member
I definitely prefer the bong or hooking up my volcano to my bong. I smoke inside. Afterwards I either watch the classic tv shows from my child days (Aahh Real Monsters!, Goosebumps, Are You Afraid of the Dark, Pinky and the Brain) or I'll play Halo: Reach. Lol I'm bad when I start playing though cause I'll play till like 7a.m. and no I'm not one of those loser guys that can't get a chick so he plays all the time... I'm the chick that is too good for that guy but secretly I do it too lol. Smoking the last of my bag just means I get more! I hate not having weed and resorting to resin, stems, or vap burned weed lol.


Well-Known Member
So here is some questions I was wondering what is it like when you get high .....and what do you do? Hopefully this will give me and others new things to try/do when I'm smoking up next time.

1) What do you guys like to do with weed when you have it (favorite way of smoking bong,pipe,joints etc)?

2) Where do you smoke weed .....outside, inside ....behind your house, at work, on the roof?

3) What do you do after smoking weed play xbox360, go partying, movies etc?

4) How do you feel when your getting ready to smoke the last of your bag?

5) How do you feel when you got no weed at all ?
1. Bong then evape
2. in a box with a fox
3. watch king of the hill on netflix or just netflix then 360
4. I wouldnt know its been three years since ive ran out
5. more productive but bored and unsatisfied


Well-Known Member
how do i love thee, let me count the ways...

i fell in love with mary many years ago.

1. i mostly smoke joints. i wanted to help my lungs so i bought a vape (da buddha). the da buddha hurts my throat and lungs so i got a bong to smoke the vape through. that didn't work.

i ordered a water pipe with a smoking "tube" like a hooka from XXXX. they still haven't sent it after 30 days. sick of waiting i ordered a $60.00 hookah which should be here in a couple days. lol

2. i mostly smoke at home. i have a nature trail just down the street and will occasionally put on my shades and go dig on nature.

3. i'm retired and if i don't have to do something that requires that i drive (this is 90% of the time) i stay nicely buzzed though out the day. i play games/watch tv/read a book etc etc. so many choices for us these days. not too long ago, staring at the fire was pretty much the only visual entertainment at night.

4. pfffffffffffffffffft! i just go to the fridge and get more!

5. i don't understand the question.

Biological Graffity

Active Member
bong or pipe
home , mostly...
I like to fuck while high, if that is not an option,I go for a hike or fishing.
??? in the past 3 years I have spent $60 on weed...