What are these winged bugs


Active Member
Hi Everyone,
Please can someone help.
This is my first grow and boy do I know it.
I have spent god knows how many hours on here and other sites looking for the answer.
Around 4 days ago i had a leak and a pool of water was found on the grow room floor.
In it were hundreds of these things, all dead.

The medium is cana professional mixed with perlite above pebbles in 11 litre pots.
Have been finding the wings in bottom of trays the day after watering. have found a few still alive walking around tray which incidentley had shed their wings.

Grow is 8 days into flower.

Have never seen one fly.(as in the air)
None on plant.
Checked top of soil, nothing.
Took one baby and removed from pot and checked roots and all ok and no sign of anything.

Grow is in southern spain.

They must be up to no good HELP

Many thanks

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
picture is kind of fuzzy. Wings look like flying ants, body does not. need a clearer photo. I would think the guy would know what an ant looks like.

P.S. Do those things have 4 wings each?


Active Member
Thanks for all the replies guys.
After loads of research I think it is termites.
Grow shop guy did not seem too fazed with the problem and recomended "proneem"
Any ideas


Active Member
termites eat wood, so I doubt they will affect your plants. they might burrow into the soil and try to reproduce. a gentle insecticide should work fine. I would inspect your home though. termites swarm like that when there is thousands in a colony, and if you see those dudes, someone is infested in your area.. good luck!!


Active Member
I will worry about the house when the crop is Ok.
Everything in Spain is concrete nowadays.

only half joking


Active Member
Thought I had better update, better late then never.
Watered with pro neem.
Next day thousands of dead termites, no harm to plants no reinfestation.
Plants finished well and have long since been smoked,