i have been a heavy smoker for well over 10 years. yes, the good shit. before that i was in high school and a heavy smoker of the schwag...but back to tolerance breaks. first thing to understand is that there is a MAJOR difference in my tolerance as opposed to someone who can make an 8th last a week. not even remotely the same ballpark. if you're more of a casual smoker, tolerance breaks don't even need to be a part of your vocabulary. when you smoke grams upon grams day after day, you eventually hit a ceiling. then you go for the concentrates, and that's when you REALLY fuck your tolerance. it is at this point that a break is in order. for me, nothing less than a 30 day break is even worth it. sure after a week my tolerance has come back down a bit, but not that much. when your tolerance is too high for too long, the herb starts to lose its luster, and that's the biggest shame of all. i'm jealous of all the people who still get ripped off a single bowl of garden variety dank. bastards.