Post your best cop story


Well-Known Member
Exactly!!Besides in the nieghborhood i was in at the time was know for shootings everyday

You had a quarter pound of ganja on you, walking down the street at 10PM, in the ghetto, with a large group of other people?

And they say the cops are dumb... lol

Hope you still aren't that stupid...


Active Member
okay so my best story i can think of right now was on a night back in november, it was one of my good friends birthdays, so we all drove up to his old highschool (old smoke spot) and we were going to just burn everything we had for the night. so its 4 of us in his old lexus, we park the car where its not that easy to see, we roll up and spark 4 dutches worth of durban poison, (1 dutch still left unlit), after the 4th one is out we see a car pull up behind us so we start to get nervous, we decide to try and just pull off incase its not a cop, so as we start to pull away the cop turns his lights on and shines the spotlight into the car, but the car was too smokey for the light to completely shine through the car lol, so he has us all get out and sit on the curb, he calls in 3 more police cars and a k9 unit, we all think were gonna be sitting in jail for a little while cuz we had a 1/4 still under the passenger seat, but as they are searching the car they ask us if we still have anything, we tell them about the 1/4 under the passenger seat but not the 2 or 3 blunts worth hidden in an arizona bottle on the back floor. after they search the car and ran our names they let us go with only a warning only because we told them about the 1/4. otherwise we would have had 4 possession with intent to dist. charges and that wouldve been my 4th strike lol. the cops also let us go because the 3 of my friends are locals to baltimore and all graduated from the highschool we were at (cops also graduated there) so we tried to buddy buddy them and it worked haha. not as good as the other stories, but had us nervous,


Well-Known Member
i did a study abroad in college.

i'm in another country, a LATIN AMERICAN country where the coppers are known to be kinda sketchy, and we're having a party and the cops show up cuz of the noise.... we were smoking weed n shit too....

one of the girls (she was a super suburbs girl, her dad was a rich doctor, she drove a mercedez, blah blah blah) SCREAMS AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS: THE PIGS ARE HERE!!! she was standing on the porch, the coppers were right thre... like in front of her, and she's talking about how they're fucking PIGS are ruining the party blah blah blah, she's on the porch, saying all this shit and the cops were right there... she must've thought the proletariat didn't speak rich or something.....

needless to say daddy's little girl got arrested that night... i had like 1/8th of good bud on me and they let me go home WITH the weed cuz i kept quiet.....HAHA!


Well-Known Member
still new posts.
how is a run in with the cops ever good?
like i said wouldn't it be way better if they were not theri in the first place?

every time i get stopped i get locked up, harnessed for 2-3 hours or all my shit would get takin. never had a good run in with the police and never will


Well-Known Member
still new posts.
how is a run in with the cops ever good?
like i said wouldn't it be way better if they were not theri in the first place?

every time i get stopped i get locked up, harnessed for 2-3 hours or all my shit would get takin. never had a good run in with the police and never will
you're probably doing it wrong. this thread is full of stories of people with arrestable offenses getting to go home haha


Active Member
I have two stories, but they are so similar and close together they are practically one! Nothing too serious though.

Was spending the weekend at a college i didnt go to, but had friends that were at. A few of my closer stoning buddies from my college had friends at the same college so we drove down together, of course ready to party. We have a great time, and on our way home the 4 of us decided that we were gonna smoke a blunt and hot box my car since it was such a nice sunny day. The roads we have to take are pretty country roads, with small towns here and there, but usually no cops. I decided I would go about 65 even though the speed limit was 55, there were never cops! Well this day what do you know we just finish the blunt and not even 30 seconds later a cop going the opposite way as me pulls a u turn. I knew he was coming for me so I immediately rolled down all of the windows, and told my friends a cop was gonna be pulling me over so they wouldnt be freaking out and everything. Luckily we all had on sunglasses so he couldnt see our eyes, nor did he ask us to take them off, the only thing I was worried about was the smell. Once the cop came up to us he asked for my usual information and as I gave him my license and registration, i notice my insurance is expired by literally 2 days! I explain to the cop that I havent had time to receive my new insurance card from home yet in hopes he wasnt a dick. Come to find out, my license plate cover could have been fined, he got me going 68 in a 55 and he could have towed my car for the insurance, but decided to warn me on all of them and let me go for the day with nothing more. We had more than an ounce in the car when you combine all of our weed together, plus a couple backpacks full of beer and we weren't 21 at the time,talk about a relief!

The very next weekend the same 3 other guys and I are driving to a near by town to go to a hole in the wall burger joint, you know, the best kind. It was night time and pretty dark, we once again hotboxed my car but just with a bowl instead of a blunt. Now mind that I just got nearly caught a week before this so I was driving my absolute best, going the speed limit and everything, so when we left the food joint and started smoking I wanted to continue with my cautious driving. As you can imagine I was pretty confused and scared when I see cop lights come on behind me right after we had finishd our after dinner bowl.

As I pull over and stop my car, I remember that my friend had put his bowl in my glove box where all of my information had been, so I told him to grab that as quickly as he could and right after he grabs it and closes my glove box a flaslight beams into my car from his side, we forgot about the possibility of partners! I immediately get nervous thinking we were screwed, but in true stoner style I acted stupid when he asked me if I knew why he stopped me. Turns out I blew right through a stop sign and he asked me if I could see it. I told him that since my lights were dimmer than normal I hadn't, otherwise I would have stopped. He ran my information and luckily let me off with another warning. I was expecting a ticket thinking I couldnt get so lucky! But hey I guess the stoner gods were watching over me or something because just a couple of warnings when we could have got a lot worse!

I have since learned, I always carry a pack of cigarettes in my car now so that if I get pulled over I can spark that up or since I don't smoke cigarettes I have a friend that does smoke spark up if possible. Cops just ask me to step out of my car while I smoke or they don't come as close to my window. Haven't been pulled over since, but I still want to be prepared, don't want the third time to be a charm for mr bacon!

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I was stalked by a sexual predator and the police did nothing.

This is about the police force of a sleepy little town has had only 3 murders in the last 20 years.

Back then I had this horrible job I was the person at work who got the priviledge of firing people and laying them off, btw, I hated that job. People would see me coming and think I was there to let them go, they would physically shake until I told them I wasn't there for that.

Anyway, I had to fire this guy and his buddy, they started to stalk me. Back then businesses didn't do background checks like they do now-both of them had done time for 1st Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct.

They called and called. Then they said they were coming over that night and they were going to turn my body parts into pocket pussy and he left that message on my phone.

I took the tape of the call to the police and explained the situation. They told me that I couldn't possibly identify the person by a voice on a tape and they didn't have time for such inconsequential things. They informed my they won't even drive down my street.

That night they came, but I had 2 big dogs, a Rhodesian Ridgeback and an over sized Lab. My boyfriend came over and stayed, telling me over and over they were full of hot air, that it was nothing. We went out for a walk around the neighborhood and they came while we were gone. They trashed his car, mine was in the garage, they slit the screens on the house. But, I think the sound of two big dogs caused them to not enter the house.

The next day I bought the shortest legal shotgun allowed by law and a 9m S&W. This is the time period when I learned that I'm a natural at target shooting.

So now, if some mother scratcher wants to fuck with me, I might actually turn the tables. I'll be waiting and I'll shoot very straight.

The police were worthless, donut-eaters.

BTW, I had to move 3 times before I lost them.
Strong women rock!