I got really stoned with a bunch of my buddies back in highschool and we ordered a pizza from dominoes with everything. Literally everything. Pineapple anchovie, green and black olive, pepper, sausage, pepperoni, tomato, garlic, broccoli, chicken, pulled pork, onion, and god knows what else the pizza was legit like 2 inches thick with toppings. It was the best $45(the normal large cheese is $20) ever spent on a single pizza and you had to eat it with a fork lol.
Shit would probably make me puke if i ate it again but that day it was the best tasting pizza in the universe.
Also another time got high at my neighbors and we each had a giant bowl (like a salad serving bowl) and we filled em up with oreos and milk and ate it with those gigantic serving spoons. Less interesting than the pizza but it was the funniest looking meal ive ever had lol