Weirdest Thing You Have Eaten while Stoned

what is the most random thing you have eaten while having the munchies?

last night i opened a can of sliced olives and ate them with Parmesan cheese.

what really hits the spot for you guys when medicated?


Well-Known Member
i was 13, high off my ass off some mid grade shit, nothing in the fridge but scraps, i put a piece of bologna, a piece of cheese. and then put ketchup and mustard on it, rolled it up and ate it. i gag thinking about it now but then and only then was it DAMN good


Well-Known Member
Olive bread toasted with cream cheese and pickles...or some unknown unidentifiable sushi bar menu item


Well-Known Member
macaroni and cheese with tuna fish mixed in and ketchup

peanut butter and jelly sandwich with garlic and pork rinds on the sandwich

anything cold directly from the fridge. cold leftovers, cold steak,cold chicken. Ive even eaten chicken bones because I thought the marrow would be good.

Spaghetti with ranch, ketch-up and hot sauce.

The funny thing is, alot of the shit I eat when I'm super stoned would normally give me the runs and hurt my stomach. When I'm stoned I rarely get an upset stomach.


Active Member
I got really stoned with a bunch of my buddies back in highschool and we ordered a pizza from dominoes with everything. Literally everything. Pineapple anchovie, green and black olive, pepper, sausage, pepperoni, tomato, garlic, broccoli, chicken, pulled pork, onion, and god knows what else the pizza was legit like 2 inches thick with toppings. It was the best $45(the normal large cheese is $20) ever spent on a single pizza and you had to eat it with a fork lol.

Shit would probably make me puke if i ate it again but that day it was the best tasting pizza in the universe.

Also another time got high at my neighbors and we each had a giant bowl (like a salad serving bowl) and we filled em up with oreos and milk and ate it with those gigantic serving spoons. Less interesting than the pizza but it was the funniest looking meal ive ever had lol


Active Member
Also another time got high at my neighbors and we each had a giant bowl (like a salad serving bowl) and we filled em up with oreos and milk and ate it with those gigantic serving spoons. Less interesting than the pizza but it was the funniest looking meal ive ever had lol
^ ultimate oreo cereal had that! hehe


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I watched a dude eat an entire box of Capt Crunch - Dry !
He couldn't talk for three days cause the inside of his mouth was so torn up.


Well-Known Member
Banana foster creame filled donut with bacon on top!!! Mmmmm fuck it I'm about to do that again tonight. Nastiest was a dry brick of ramen noodles dumping the chicken flavoring on them and eating it!! Yuck


Well-Known Member
Banana foster creame filled donut with bacon on top!!! Mmmmm fuck it I'm about to do that again tonight. Nastiest was a dry brick of ramen noodles dumping the chicken flavoring on them and eating it!! Yuck
Yeah, dry ramen noodles are better WITHOUT the seasoning packet poured on anyone seen Denny's Bacon Sundae? Vanilla ice cream, bacon, and maple syrup....My girl saw the commercial and was all like "That actually sounds good"


Well-Known Member
Bologna, roast beef, peanut butter, jelly, strawberry syrup, chocolate syrup, and crushed doritos between two pieces of deli bread about 8" long.

Needless to say; it was godly.


Active Member
-mashed potatoes with chocolate milk cuz had no regular milk

-frozen pizza that was not fully cooked cuz we were too hungry to wait, was very doughy and soggy

-made this fantastic pasta sauce that i could never recreate, the special ingredient was a squeeze of orange. It was this creamy, hint of orange pasta sauce.


Well-Known Member
1 week old expired chicken. I couldnt help myself it was in the fridge and I knew exactly what I was getting into. I just covered the weird taste with more Tapatio.


Active Member
When I was working on the big island one night me and some coworkers got wasted on crown and coke then went down to the beach with butter knifes scraping opihis off the rocks and eating them. This was pretty difficult especially when drunk and almost pitch dark walking on sharp lava rocks lol . Opihis are a shell fish that live on the rocks and taste great . Woke up the next day and my feet were shredded. We were all wearing rubber slippers.