Is There A Good Website To Buy Seeds That I Can Pay With Paypal?

Yeah i was trying to find a website that i can buy seeds and pay with paypal. I was looking at the nirvana shop but you cant checkout with paypal. Does anyone know a site where you can?


bud bootlegger
yah sannies used to take paypal, but no longer does... just google sannies seeds... he only takes cc's, bank transfers and cash now...


Well-Known Member
You can get a debit card from Paypal that allows you to buy anywhere Mastercard is accepted. That's what I do and it works like a charm. My accountant doesn't get to review the paypal account so it keep him in the dark as well.


bud bootlegger
the problem lies with paypal.. they are extremely anti weed anything.. once they catch wind of someone using their services for anything weed related, they squash it... i've heard of the normal site which sells nothing not being allowed to take contributions through paypal any longer as paypal didn't like what normal stands for, and i've had a friend purchase a bong on ebay and got a notice from paypal that they refused to pay for his order since it was paraphenalia... sooo dumb, but that is paypal for you..
Damn bro thats shitty. I would be pissed. haha but i cant get the paypal card yet i have to wait like 6 months. I made my paypal account like 1 month ago.


bud bootlegger
I beleive takes paypal you should check them out.
i just went there and tried buying some blazing pistelero's gear, but it keeps telling me that i didn't fill in all of the feilds for the billing, and i don't see anything that i missed.. i hate shit sites like that.. i also tried ordering some crap from the dna clothing site, and had issues there as well.. how on earth do these sites expect to stay in business when you can't even check out??? idk..


Well-Known Member
the problem lies with paypal.. they are extremely anti weed anything.. once they catch wind of someone using their services for anything weed related, they squash it... i've heard of the normal site which sells nothing not being allowed to take contributions through paypal any longer as paypal didn't like what normal stands for, and i've had a friend purchase a bong on ebay and got a notice from paypal that they refused to pay for his order since it was paraphenalia... sooo dumb, but that is paypal for you..
i sent someone 500 bucks they called me and asked me what it was for before they would do it? Caught me off guard. it was for a half i told them it was for a


bud bootlegger
i sent someone 500 bucks they called me and asked me what it was for before they would do it? Caught me off guard. it was for a half i told them it was for a
lol.. yah.. i know that i go to a lot of research chemical vendor sites, and not a one of them will accept paypal, and most of them even tell you to not even ask about it cuz the answer is a big fat no.. they all mostly take alertpay though, as i take it alert pay has no problems with drug purchases, lol..
paypal are pretty fucked up regarding this matter.. the whole norml thing is just insane as like i said earlier, they don't even sell anything on the site, all they were doing was taking donations with paypal's donate now button, but oh no, paypal had a freak out over this and has since ended that.. its ludicrous.. like who the fuck are paypal to be telling me what i can and can't spend my money on.. fuck them.. the worst part is that some places paypal is pretty much your only option, except maybe sending some cash in the mail, but fuck that as well, lol..


Well-Known Member
lol.. yah.. i know that i go to a lot of research chemical vendor sites, and not a one of them will accept paypal, and most of them even tell you to not even ask about it cuz the answer is a big fat no.. they all mostly take alertpay though, as i take it alert pay has no problems with drug purchases, lol..
paypal are pretty fucked up regarding this matter.. the whole norml thing is just insane as like i said earlier, they don't even sell anything on the site, all they were doing was taking donations with paypal's donate now button, but oh no, paypal had a freak out over this and has since ended that.. its ludicrous.. like who the fuck are paypal to be telling me what i can and can't spend my money on.. fuck them.. the worst part is that some places paypal is pretty much your only option, except maybe sending some cash in the mail, but fuck that as well, lol..
I liked the idea of using paypal & and if it is done as a gift no fees are involved. No worries of phony printed money. Keeps it legit, but too much of a hassle.


bud bootlegger
I liked the idea of using paypal & and if it is done as a gift no fees are involved. No worries of phony printed money. Keeps it legit, but too much of a hassle.
yah, so do i, and don't get me wrong, i use paypal, as its very easy at times.. i just don't enjoy their politics so to speak.. i have even sent cash to a few different peps using paypal, and its a great way to do so...