not bad at all for 90 watts
LEDs aren't all bad. Good LEDs + Good growers = good results. Bad LEDs + bad growers =
Same with
any lighting system. A first time grower with crap Chinese LEDs from fleaBay =
a few grams at best. Does that mean
all LEDs are bad?
I seen with my own eyes 81 grams from a 90 watt LED, and smoked the final product. Top notch stuff.
I wish I had pics and stuff, but this is not my grow, it was my friends, and I'm not snapping pics of someones
grow without permission, and I lack such. But, I will post pics of mine, good or bad results.
Chinese people do make some excellent food though! Chicken Sticks from the Dragon House is the best! And
the all you can eat buffet?! Coming from a true fatass, (I am a good 313LBS) stick to the food, lay off the LEDs.