nute lockout/ nute burn?

ive been feeding these girls
floranova grow 7-4-10, at 2.25 ml per half gal water
floralicious plus 2-0.8-0.02, at 1/2 ml per half gal water
florablend 0.5-1-1, at 2.25 ml per half gal water
there in roots organic soilless coco mix..

then ill add more fresh water till ppm are about 850-875 an ph between 5.7 an 5.9 usually end up with about 3/4 gal water.. last watering was 905ppm an with 5.79 ph.

i jus flushed them with some plane ph'd water at 5.74.. the run off on the bigger plant to the right was 6.37 ph an 747 ppm, i only put like 3/4 gal of water through it. run off on smaller plant to the left was 6.44 an 1080 ppm but this one only got a lil more then 1/2 gal water so run much run off came out of that one..

im not sure why the bottoms of the leaves are all purple.. they been like this for a while now, stems are all purple too. dont know where those spots on leave came from either.. cal mag deficiency? nute lockout??


Active Member
I think it may be a ph problem. You ran 5.74 water through and came out 6.37. Split the difference, The medium ph is probably around 7, which could be locking out nutes causing the purpling. But i could be wrong


Well-Known Member
those plants look really healthy for the most part, dosent sound like you flushed them with enough water tho... really flush them with like 5 gallons and i bet that will allow your roots anything they need
temps are between 69-71 at night to about 76-79 during the day.. i was almost thinkin they were gettin to much K? are thoses ppm run offs pretty high?
that was the first time ive even had water drain out the pots, the pots are so big they usully dont need that much water.. but ya i should of flushed them with more water but i ran out of distiled water an it was to late to run to the store..
and distiled water is all they have been getting..


Active Member
I normally run 2 gallons through 5 gallon smart pots with a 50% Chunky coco and coco fiber, 40% perlite, and 10% worm castings. I normally get almost a gallon of runoff, but i just feed. My ppms vary with plants. i feed with 1000-1300ppm and get a runoff between 12-1500ppm. You should always have water run out when you water, 10-15%.
ive been thinkin bout uping the FB to 3-3.25ml an downing the grow too 2ml an leaving th FP still at 1/2 ml..i think they might be getting to much K an not enough N and P..


Active Member
Just to reassure you man, those plants look beautiful and healthy. Maybe you have had slight temperature dips at night (promote purpling). Or maybe it's just the genetics of the plant. You can flush with more if you like but if you aren't getting yellow tip'ed or brown tip'd leaves I would keep trucking along.
Just to reassure you man, those plants look beautiful and healthy. Maybe you have had slight temperature dips at night (promote purpling). Or maybe it's just the genetics of the plant. You can flush with more if you like but if you aren't getting yellow tip'ed or brown tip'd leaves I would keep trucking along.
thanks man..
ya they look alright now, but i know they can look way better my homie has same strain an his look way more solid dark green an his leaf tip arent curlin down like mine..
mine seem more like a lime green compared to his.


Active Member
Hey Killa, Nice looking plants. You might want to change your medium. You should get run off with even as little as 1/2 liter of water is added. Just a thought. Good luck jethead