This my first experience with MXE. I started with a 30mg line, which I began to feel in less than five minutes. It started out as a mild buzz, which slowly progressed for about thirty minutes. At this point I felt a strange pressure around my entire skull at my eyebrow level. At this time I snorted the second 30mg line.
About 5 minutes later , I had to use the toilet. The true effects became apparent while sitting on the toilet. I felt as if I was about to fall off the seat, even though I hadn't moved an inch. I could feel the analgesic effects (no pun intended), because I was wiping with paper towel, but it didn't hurt.
After this, I put on some electronic music, sparked a blunt, and watched my friend play GTA 4. Everything took on a dream like appearance and feel. Only when I was actually playing, the game felt like it was in slow motion.
When I would get up for a drink, walking felt like gliding, and it was as if I was observing myself from 3 feet above, and 2 feet to the right of my actual location.
There was not much euphoria. The body feel was similar
to LSD in some ways; i felt numb, but in the periphery of my body, not the core like on acid. I was also confused similar to how I was on acid.
Nothing about my trip felt natural. I felt drugged up and wasted, as opposed to enhanced , which is the feeling I get from Mdxx , LSD, shrooms, 2cb.
Sounds were different, not better. It sounded as if the treble was turned down too much.
Things looked weird, not cool.
About 5 hours into my trip, I thought I was coming down. I stood up and began typing on my phone. Suddenly, I felt as if the axis of the room was changing drastically, and I could barely stand up straight. It was very much like the feeling of being super drunk and smoking too much weed ( aka the spins). At this point I had to lay down. I got a little nauseous, and it became slightly difficult to breathe. I think it could have been stress induced. It felt like the labored breathing I experience during an alcohol hangover. It wasn't scary, but I was a bit anxious.
I woke up at 9 am (8 hours after taking the last dose) and I almost face planted putting on my slippers. I went back to bed for 2 more hours, and woke up still feeling trashed. I would compare it to an alcohol hangover without the headache, but with tons of that spacey, cob webs in your head feeling.
I don't think I will be trying MXE again , or K for that matter. It was fun, but not the most enjoyable experience.
I think this could be useful as an anesthetic. I feel like I was numb enough to barely feel certain procedures, like suturing. But lidocaine would be a far better choice for such instances.