Do These Look Fine To You?


Well-Known Member
IMG_7504.jpgIMG_7508.jpgIt look's overwatered and you need to lower your light to prevent the streaching thats going on. See how short my sprouts stay.
I've been keeping them in the dark. Someone I know told me to until they got a little bigger, guess that's not reliable. Lol. Thanks, Will be moving outside tomorrow or the day after.


Well-Known Member
You should add more dirt to your cups too. When you add the dirt bury some of that stem. It won't support the weight of fan leaves, and is focusing too much energy on trying to reach the light.


Well-Known Member
Plants need light to grow.
Put those suckers under some lights. cfl's if your just gunna be moving them outside anyways.


Well-Known Member
I've been keeping them in the dark. Someone I know told me to until they got a little bigger, guess that's not reliable. Lol. Thanks, Will be moving outside tomorrow or the day after.
Sounds like someone was trying to sabotage you. Light to plants islike oxygen to humans.
I've added more dirt to the cups. They are in my window sill getting more sunlight then they were. But, its raining so the suns not fully out.


Well-Known Member
Those will work, keep them withen a 1.5 inch or less. Make sure you have a small fan blowing over the bulbs.


Yep Mimmem is right the stretching occuring cause they are seeking light n a fluorecent will work just fine get one thats blue spectrum or cool white:)Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
I got 2 nice white lights now. With a fan blowing on them. Thanks for all of your help!~
No problem, before I started growing I spent months reading and gathering growing information. You get out of it what you put into it. Take the time to learn and as you grow pay close attention to the things you do. What works for some, may not work for you. It can be an incredibly rewarding hobby, put in the time. Good Luck!
No problem, before I started growing I spent months reading and gathering growing information. You get out of it what you put into it. Take the time to learn and as you grow pay close attention to the things you do. What works for some, may not work for you. It can be an incredibly rewarding hobby, put in the time. Good Luck!

I spent a good month or so reading information. I believe i took what the person told me wrong, so it's my fault. I'm going to put a picture up of what the plants look like now. They have changed already from what they were. The leaves grew a little on the top, and now they are much livelier.
DSCF7124.jpgDSCF7125.jpgDSCF7128.jpgDSCF7130.jpgAlright, So here are some pictures. As you can tell, the little girls are doing much better with the light. (No shit ;D ) Then, there's the ghetto set up. I didnt invest any money for an indoor grow, b/c im moving them outside. Thanks again for your help guys.


Well-Known Member
I would try to replant those, leaving only an inch of the stem exposed. That wispy stem will be taxed once they start to grow leaves.


Well-Known Member
When you take it outside bury it up to almost the first set of leaves. Tie that fucker down and repeat. You'll be fine. I know alot of people that stretch their seedlings just so they can bury them once they transplant.