Do I have a HPS or MH conversion bulb?


Well-Known Member


Product Features

  • Includes one High Pressure Sodium (HPS) bulb (400W) and one Metal Halide (MH) bulb (400W)
  • Electronic ballast works with both High Pressure Sodium (HPS) and Metal Halide (MH) bulbs
  • Electronic ballast is UL-listed, CE certified
  • Two-year manufacture warranty on electronic ballast
  • Integrated light reflector
The ballast is switchable between a 400w MH and a 400w HPS bulb; there are two separate bulbs included in that bundle thing.


New Member
btw that is a switchable ballast
pull the trigger on that one

but if u have a small grow area u might wat a air cooled hood


Well-Known Member
the only difference between hps and mh is hps hs the addition of a ignitor where a mh bulb has ignitor built into bulb
right but the new balast they make except either bulbs ? cause i know on the old ballast u either use mh or hps or u get a conversion my question is do they even make a hps or mh ballast like they use to or are the bulbs all inner changable now?......edit talking about those big baulky white ballast that use to hum louder than your i dont see them in stores anymore those only ran one bulb or conversion


New Member
no they dont make all ballast like that just grow ballast i use streetlights
a switchable ballast like u refer to is just a reg ballast and a switch that when u flip it to hps has a ignitor they still make just hps ballast and mh ballast
but the safest buy is a hps ballast then u can run both but if u get a mh u got to add ignitor or conv bulb hope i made sense lol

right but the new balast they make except either bulbs ? cause i know on the old ballast u either use mh or hps or u get a conversion my question is do they even make a hps or mh ballast like they use to or are the bulbs all inner changable now?......edit talking about those big baulky white ballast that use to hum louder than your i dont see them in stores anymore those only ran one bulb or conversion