Florida Guerrilla Grow

tits mcgee

Active Member
Hey all,

My friend and I have recently started germinating 5 bubblegum kush seeds. It's going well, but we have a few questions. We're going to the hardware store tomorrow to pick up all of the supplies we're going to need. We plan on using Fox Farm soil, as I've read that it's the best to grow outdoors with. Does anyone have any suggestions for it? Also, as mentioned, this is a Florida grow. So, if anyone has done a similar guerrilla grow in the Central Florida area and has any specific tips, please offer them here. Here's our questions:

1. When transplanted into a cup/small pot, should we put it straight into Fox Farm, or should we add something into the soil mixture? I see on guides everywhere that most growers add to their soil, but some also don't when using Fox Farm. What's the best method of action here?

2. Any suggestions for keeping the small plants outside after they've been transplanted, but before they're in the ground? As mentioned, this is a guerrilla grow, and as such, we can't really let the plants sit outside all day.

3. How long (on average) should the plants be in a smaller container before moved into the holes in the ground?

4. We were planning on digging a square 3' hole for each plant, lining it with trash bags, (with holes for drainage of course), and planting into the soil in the bags. Is this recommended? I know a few growers locally, and they practice this when they grow, but I wasn't sure if it added anything to the grow quality of the plant.

Thanks in advance for any help!


Well-Known Member
1. Fox Farm Soils are already full of amendments and additives, so it's not necessary. A good dose of Seaweed extract or kelp will give them a good natural time-release feeding. Otherwise, just topfeed.
2. My guerilla grows consist of me taking clones out in the small containers they've been developing their roots in, and the next Early Morning (usually a few hours later) putting them in the ground.
3. The bigger the plant, the better it's chances of surviving when transplanted. 8-12 inch plants seldom die off from transplant. I usually put out clones that have only rooted and maybe shot up one pair of leaves. They all have survived thus far. Most herbivorous animals like young, supple plants, so keep that in mind. Either bigger plants or good animal defense.
4. I don't like putting bags around my roots, but I do see many people have success with this. 3 ft holes should be big enough for your plants roots to establish before any invading plant does. Always be sure to weed.

Good luck this year, be safe.

tits mcgee

Active Member
Any suggestions on how to grow them up to the 8-12 inches before I plant them in the ground? I'm not really in a situation where I can start the plants off indoors with lights or anything like that, so would it be okay to have the plants outside after they've been first planted? Maybe 14 hours out, 10 inside in the dark?


Well-Known Member
Germinate them in a paper towel and plant them 1/4 to 1/2 inch in a plastic solo cup, put 'em outside, keep them moist, but not soaked. They'll grow fine


Active Member
I put mine out when they are pretty young. 5 or 6 inches. All o them are doing great except one but it wasn't looking good to begin with.

I am not familiar with your strain but I think you are worrying too much. It's a plant not a newborn baby, MOST strains wont burn in the ocean forest. Trash bags are fine and with holes that large, should have to worry much about drainage in Florida.

The best advice for you I think is to relax. You aren't dealing with anything as delicate as you are
Making it out to be.

If I were you I would be more worried about your partner screwing you. 5 plants isn't much split between 2 people. And you have to worry about him running his mouth.

IMO your biggest concern is the fact you brought someone else in on the grow.

tits mcgee

Active Member
Thanks for the help guys. About my partner, he's been a friend for years, and he's my smoking buddy, it's cool. We're both in the same boat, pretty much. I'll update this thread with progress as they grow.

The seeds have begun to sprout, going to move them to soil in a few days.


Active Member
Thanks for the help guys. About my partner, he's been a friend for years, and he's my smoking buddy, it's cool. We're both in the same boat, pretty much. I'll update this thread with progress as they grow.

The seeds have begun to sprout, going to move them to soil in a few days.
No disrespect, but I have to agree with UGA. I don't trust anyone....not even family when it comes to certant things. The best way to do a crime is by your damn self. This way you know for a FACT that no one snitched on you. No one knows about my grow but ME!


Active Member
No disrespect, but I have to agree with UGA. I don't trust anyone....not even family when it comes to certant things. The best way to do a crime is by your damn self. This way you know for a FACT that no one snitched on you. No one knows about my grow but ME!
and now us muwhahaha

tits mcgee

Active Member
Grow's going well, one of the sprouts got eaten, so we're down to 4. The remaining 4 are doing well, going to put them in the ground this weekend.

tits mcgee

Active Member
Hey all, here's an update of about a week and a half's progress. 3 of the 4 of much larger than the latter, due to only having 3 larger pots and the 4th not being out as long as a result. Advice/suggestions would be great. Spot's been dug, going to put them into the ground this week once I pick up some good soil.

This one had some yellowing on the leaves; my initial assumption was because the soil used wasn't the best, but it also wasn't the worst either. Do you think that's the cause, or do you think it's something else? They're most likely going to end up in Fox Farm when I transplant them:

And our smaller one, which doesn't look to be flourishing as much as the other three:
