my first 400 watt grow


Well-Known Member
You ever notice how every dog that anyone's ever owned, that had a PREVIOUS owner...has been abused.
Where are all these dog abusers?!? I feel like the number of abused dogs doesn't add up to the number of abusers....but....::shrugs:: That still sucks your dogs head got burned. Sorry to hear that man

And red, you can't get an extension? Most unemployment can be extended if you call and talk to them. Usually takes a couple hours on the phone, but they'll give u another month or 2. In case it takes you longer to get a job then the span of 1 payment.
have to wait till it runs out before i can apply for a extention
upstate ny here bro, nice plants and thread
sweet another yankee lol :) thanks man. i dont see many people from ny on here, or atleast willing to say the state they live in. all i know is we better pass our med bill this year in nov or im moving out of ny lol. i still cant believe it didn't pass last year. even tho they know they can fix the state budget off of all the taxes from it and app. fees. and 12 plants total, 6 in flower and 6 in veg for plant limit, and 2.5oz dry aloud thats BS.

well i just water/feed skunk haze #3. my runoff was 6.8, but my soil ph meter read 6.3-6.5 in two spots and 5.1-5.8 in the other 5-6 spots. so im not sure on if i like this meter or not yet. i also scraped the 3 skunk haze males. they were ok but ive been think, i want better males, so i'll wait till i get a better 1.


Well-Known Member
ive read your bulk mono tub thread, its good. i wish i got the same yield you did from your totes. i still have a bunch of prints i made of the creepers strain, plus 5 other strains i got from trade, that i'd like to get going on plates some day. then to rye jars for bulk grow. but that will have to wait a while.


Well-Known Member
i went to my friends house today to get a bag. i checked out the 1 ww and 1 sh plants he's growing(i gave him 1 seed of each). the ww is a male. in my eyes i would say it's almost a perfect male white widow. the skunk haze is female. i took the ww home with me for pollen. i think im going to keep it in the box i used to bring it here. just tape the tops together like sides and use clear wrap to cover it, so it still gets light. what do you guys think? and this was grown with led for most the time then T5 add later on.



Well-Known Member
He's a good lookin specimen, I think the clear wrap would work, just gotta be careful so he dont seed up all the ladies.


Active Member
Hey bro just read through this whole thread, whew! Have you read through Scottyballs thread on the waterfarm? I was just wondering cause you pulled that one male out. Was wondering if you're using the WF again?


Well-Known Member
i have the plant in the box covered with a blanket right now. i think he'll go in my bathroom on the floor. that way he can get sun light during the day. i'll tape the box up good and make the clear wrap tight on top. from the looks of it right now shouldn't be long till i can start pulling the sacks to collect the pollen. and i'll make sure to clean up and change if i handle it before the light comes on for my girls. what part of the plant is best to pollinate? and at what week is best to pollinate for seeds to be able to fully mature? or should i take a clone and pollinate that clone only. im kinda nerves about trying to make seeds, but i'd like to get the experience of making seeds and breeding strains.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro just read through this whole thread, whew! Have you read through Scottyballs thread on the waterfarm? I was just wondering cause you pulled that one male out. Was wondering if you're using the WF again?
i may pull the water farms out again to use for mother plants. i'd like to use my sage and blue widow for mothers. or just do another run with something after i faze out all my soil plants. using up what i have lest then switching to coco coir. i got 2 ww in 2 different coco mixes right now.


Well-Known Member
i haven't read allot on it, but i read del6666 thread and some of the canna coco thread, plus a couple other threads on it. i'll give it a try, why not. ive read some people like it allot better then soil, and soil pisses me off some times. thinking about going all coco, or putting my water farms back together. allot less ph problems, but i have to buy my water for hydro my water is way to hard to use.


Well-Known Member
i have the plant in the box covered with a blanket right now. i think he'll go in my bathroom on the floor. that way he can get sun light during the day. i'll tape the box up good and make the clear wrap tight on top. from the looks of it right now shouldn't be long till i can start pulling the sacks to collect the pollen. and i'll make sure to clean up and change if i handle it before the light comes on for my girls. what part of the plant is best to pollinate? and at what week is best to pollinate for seeds to be able to fully mature? or should i take a clone and pollinate that clone only. im kinda nerves about trying to make seeds, but i'd like to get the experience of making seeds and breeding strains.
Any part of the plant is fine. Thats the benefit of selectively pollinating your plants. I personally use the lower shoots in that once you pollinate, it will focus on the seed instead of bud production on that certain spot you pollinate. You can take a clone and use that if you want, but pollen doesn't stay viable long. As long as you pollinate your plant in a different room, you should be fine. You want to pollinate around the 2-3 weeks flowering or when sex was shown.


Well-Known Member
i haven't read allot on it, but i read del6666 thread and some of the canna coco thread, plus a couple other threads on it. i'll give it a try, why not. ive read some people like it allot better then soil, and soil pisses me off some times. thinking about going all coco, or putting my water farms back together. allot less ph problems, but i have to buy my water for hydro my water is way to hard to use.
what is the ec/ppm and ph of your tap bro?


Well-Known Member
You ever notice how every dog that anyone's ever owned, that had a PREVIOUS owner...has been abused.
Where are all these dog abusers?!? I feel like the number of abused dogs doesn't add up to the number of abusers....but....::shrugs:: That still sucks your dogs head got burned. Sorry to hear that man

And red, you can't get an extension? Most unemployment can be extended if you call and talk to them. Usually takes a couple hours on the phone, but they'll give u another month or 2. In case it takes you longer to get a job then the span of 1 payment.
True comment, i suppose most people tell porkys. This was a RESCUED animal. Not just a unwalked fat dog.


Well-Known Member
lph #1 day 77 of 12/12 still clear and cloudy. i think i seen 2-3 with the trich stems kinda looked amber, but the trich head still wasn't. idk how much longer i can wait to cut it down. i want my air floor in soon. but i'll let it go a little longer.
skunk haze #2 day 21 of 12/12
lph clone day 21 of 12/12
skunk haze #3 day 14 of 12/12
white widow day 14 of 12/12
the closet and my babys :bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'm hearing ya bro. I'm in the same boat. Mine is going on 82 days with mostly cloudy and few clear and a few amber. I'm pulling mine on Sunday night, regardless of what they look like. By the way that lph is looking good. I'll bet you get at least 3 to 4 zips on that one.



Well-Known Member
3-4 off that 1 plant would be nice. allot better then the other 1, of course i think i killed that 1 some how. he was way wrong on this 1 for saying the strain was 55 days flower. but it should be done very soon if not its getting the axe anyways. im about to put a couple plants outside even tho its still kinda chilly outside, at least the reveg and 2-3 of the plants for outdoors. i need the room, and the weather is messing everything up. and hopefully i can start pulling sacks off the ww male for pollen soon also.


Well-Known Member
the lph #1 had more amber tonight, so i cut the 7 tops off of it. so far i got 117.5 gram wet weight from it :bigjoint::bigjoint::weed::weed:. thats the weight after i cut the tops down to just the big bud on top and the smaller buds off. i have a feeling these top buds are going to have to be put into, then pulled out of jars a couple times to get them dried in to center an outside correctly.