... but I can't smoke a joint?

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Hi all. Maximus Cannabis here.

I often find myself looking at the world around us, seeing some of the things that people get away with, some of the things that seem to be ok with society, and think...

... but I can't smoke a joint, huh?

I know i can't be the only one. Let's all sit back, roll a fattie, and muse about the strange, silly, and sometimes stupid things that we let go by while our government tries so hard to destroy this beautiful plant.

ONE RULE: Please, if you like something someone says, hit the like button. If you really like it, give them some rep. But please don't fill this thread with anger, hatred, or senseless comments.

Other than that, anything is game. Local news stories, web sites, laws. Get it out. You'll feel better. And lets make this one of the best, longest threads on RIU.

Peace out. :joint::hump:

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Recently, a popular anti depressant came under fire for it's dangerous side effects, which include:

Impairment of Fertility
Danger of Birth Defects
Violent Behaviors

By the way, by birth defects they mean:
Genital malformation
Spinal bifida

And this is the short list.

This is what we prescribe to patients who really need help.
This is ok, but I can't smoke a joint?


bud bootlegger
gotta love a anti depressant that causes depression.. that is fucking great stuff...

i know i woke up the other day to one of those infomercials for some drug.. i was half asleep, so i don't recall them name of it, but at the end of the ad, it says one of the side affects was increased chances of cancer.. really, cancer?? all i had was a headache, and now i've got cancer?? good stuffs...


Well-Known Member
Seroquel's commercial mentions increased risk of DEATH 3 different ways... Increased risk of death in elderly patients, increased risk of suicidal tendencies and....... INCREASED RISK OF SUDDEN DEATH... wtf


Active Member
that is exactly why I stay away from pills. I've had a few friends lose parents or loved ones because of accidental overdoses. Had knee surgery last year and I got morphine pills and percocet for the pain after, I still have every single pill they gave me haven't touches them and plan on getting rid of them.
marijuana is enough of a pain killer/anti depressant/medicine for me, dont need anything else.


Well-Known Member
i especially love the fact, after taking one Rx man made med, you need to take 3 to 12 more, to counteract the "Few and Mild" side effects.

Can i take Medicines that dont kill for 1000 Alex?
No? why not? oh i see, their is only one known to man. you say its illegal? really? its because it grows freely, and can help Millions if not Billions of people cope with lifes ailments, and they can grow it themselves for next to nothing? oh i see, its illegal because no one can really make any money off of it, without it being illegal. got it Alex.
then in that case, i ll take, Corrupt Governmental Laws for 1000 Alex.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
The state of the FDA, the DEA and the other alphabet soup in the US is amazing. We live in fear of our police protection and the people watching our food and drugs, because they're both just trying to squeeze every last penny out of us before we drop dead.

Let's keep this going. What else out there really pisses you off when you think "Really? But I can't smoke a joint at the end of a long day?"


King Tut
When I see alcohol lead to riots, fights, abuse, sickness, and death I get pissed because anyone and everyone can legally go buy it and wreak havoc. THAT'S OK, but I can't smoke a joint?


Active Member
When I see a cop WALK...not drive or even bike, but WALK! by obviously underage kids smoking cigarettes wide open in this park, and not say a single thing? That's OK? but here I am fearing my freedom if I smoke a joint?


King Tut
Or when I see banks stealing everyone's hard earned money by lying, cheating, and outright theft. I think "REALLY? This is acceptable? But I can't smoke a joint.


Well-Known Member
its ok for me to buy a hole bunch of worthless shit on credit and ruin the economy but i cant smoke a joint. also its ok for me to shoot someone if they are on your property but i cant smoke a joint


Active Member
its ok for me to buy a hole bunch of worthless shit on credit and ruin the economy but i cant smoke a joint. also its ok for me to shoot someone if they are on your property but i cant smoke a joint
its only ok to shoot someone on your property if they are trying to kill you =)

but its illegal to smoke a joint?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i've seen child molestors get less than 2 years, and in the same records a cannabis cultivar got 5 years. that's what happens when judges are appointed and not voted in.


Active Member
I can kill, or possibly be killed for my country....but I can't smoke a joint in that country??? seems odd

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Check this out. Remember, the Chief of Police, with his arm around the city attourney, was not charged.

Bell's assistant city administrator and the city's then-candidate for police chief referred to themselves as "pigs" in an e-mail exchange as they discussed the exorbitant salary being offered the lawman, documents released in court Monday show.

"I am looking forward to seeing you and taking all of Bell's money," then-Glendale Police Chief Randy Adams wrote in a 2009 e-mail to Asst. Bell City Administrator Angela Spaccia, according to a 19-page memorandum filed by prosecutors in court Monday.

"Okay ... just a share of it!!," Adams adds, the memo shows.

Spaccia then responds to Adams with another e-mail:

"LOL ... well you can take your share of the pie ... just like us!!! We will all get fat together ... Bob [Rizzo] has an expression he likes to use on occassion ... Pigs get Fat ..... Hogs get slaughtered!!!! So long as we're not Hogs...All is well!?"

The e-mails are contained in a memorandum laying out the prosecution's case against eight current and former city leaders in Bell, who are accused of misappropriating city money and attempting to cover up their high salaries.

The first phase of the preliminary hearing, aimed at six former and current council members, is in its second week.

A second and third phase will be directed at Spaccia and former city administrator Robert Rizzo. Both are accused of looting the city treasury.

In the e-mail exchange contained in the memorandum, Spaccia also seems to lay out how Adams' employment contract has been worded to avoid drawing any attention to the pay levels.

"The word Pay Period is used and not defined in order to protect you from someone taking the time to add up your salary," Spaccia explains in another e-mail to Adams, according to the memo.

Adams was paid more than $400,000 as the city's police chief, higher than the Los Angeles police chief and the police commissioner in New York City.


Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Holy Crap

The Oklahoma Senate Wednesday passed a bill that would mandate a sentence of up to life in prison for making hashish out of marijuana. The House has already approved the measure, but it must go back to the lower chamber for a final vote.

Murderers get off with much less. As do rapists, molesters, and many other criminals. Its the dust from a plant.