New Growers: The One's Who Don't Need a Scienctific Explanation


These are jiffy pots. You can buy them at most local stores including Walmart and Home Depot. I like them because when it's time to transplant, you just put the whole pot in the bigger container. This causes minimum time, effort, and most importantly almost no stress to your plants. They also help prevent overwatering as the water has multiple places to run off. The only down side is Excellent drainage. You have to be careful to water everyday especially if you have lots of light on them because they do dry out. They take the guess work out of watering though because you can see and feel how much water is in the pot.


Well-Known Member
Shit man, plants will grow in their own, help with a little fish emulsion,water,light,white walls,fans. and you are pretty much good to go.

Simple and cheap


Well-Known Member
hey sarye nice thread. my plant is 21 days you can see in the pics the edges of the leaves have started to turn yellow before 5 days possibly by the overheat(i didn't have any fan in there untill today)anyways it seems the yellowing has is good (6.2) and i have added a bit fert (1/4 dosage)before a couple of days.growing under 200W (fluo+cfl)according to the bulbs this is 23.400 lumens. Two questions, first how does it look to you and second what do you think about this kind of fluo bulbs(middle and left one). are they good enough?



hey sarye nice thread. my plant is 21 days you can see in the pics the edges of the leaves have started to turn yellow before 5 days possibly by the overheat(i didn't have any fan in there untill today)anyways it seems the yellowing has is good (6.2) and i have added a bit fert (1/4 dosage)before a couple of days.growing under 200W (fluo+cfl)according to the bulbs this is 23.400 lumens. Two questions, first how does it look to you and second what do you think about this kind of fluo bulbs(middle and left one). are they good enough?

Thanks and sorry for the delayed response. I've been away for a while but I'm back and working in the threads at least once a week.

Well so far I'd say they look ok. You have plenty of new growth and most of it looks healthy. I would worry about the yellowing but I agree it looks like heat stress. Just make sure that you have plenty of fresh air coming in. Fans help. As for the flo bulbs, I haven't had them work for me but that doesnt mean they won't. I switched to CFL only when my plants started yellowing and I couldn't get them back to health. The leaves fell off and eventually 2 plants died. I have 2 cfls on each plant now and they are healthy. Yellowing however, is a symptom of many different things. You can range anywhere from overwatering to heat stress to nute defiency. Some of this is guess work, at least for me. What I do when I have a problem is simply experiment to see what works. I change one thing at a time and see if there is improvement in a week. If theres not, I do the same thing again and change something else. Keep us updated so we can see what is working for you and keep everyone updated. Happy growing!


Hi all. I'm back to the forums now. I'll be on about once a week for a while. While I've been away I've learned some new follows.

As DJSOUNZ pointed out, they can mold. I've also had some problems with the roots. The roots can get bound if you do not transplant on time. Remember, it takes a while for the pots to break down once planted in another container and some plants are not strong enough to break through. You have to look at your own situation and see if you can transplant a plant without stress the normal way. I was worried about too much stress, hence the jiffy pots. I will probably be using something else next grow though.


Ahh, the t12s. It turns out that they work for a while and then....not so much. I'd recommend staying away from them or any fluorescents for that matter. It's easier and less expensive to use regular CFL's. I ditched the t12's and just got a sliding runner with 6 CFLS on it. I can position these any way I want to, and change them when needed. I've had a ton more new growth and everything looks much healthier. All the bulbs are 60 watt. Right now I'm running them 24 hours but I will be switching soon to give them time to rest. I will be posting a more in depth lighting post when I have some more time. Obviously, the best and cheapest thing to use is the sun. However, for some of us this is not an option. I will be doing some more research. For now though, CFLs do work and people are growing with them.

Anyone that has input, please feel free to post suggestions or ideas. Also, if anyone wants to research or post any issues related, please do so. And I'm going to borrow a phrase from another user and make this my new motto...



Well-Known Member
i think anyone can grow decent weed...but can you grow conisseur nugs? and get 1 gram per watt? doubtful, we agree on one thing though. any tard with 50 buks can grow


i think anyone can grow decent weed...but can you grow conisseur nugs? and get 1 gram per watt? doubtful, we agree on one thing though. any tard with 50 buks can grow
Im gonna tell you the same thing Ive told a few others.....I CLEARLY state to anyone who can read at a 5th grade level, that I'm not an expert, don't guarentee the biggest buds or the strongest. Read the entire thread ( all 3 pages) before you come here hating on things someone else is doing. It's simple, if you want better information, go to a more advanced thread. Theres many of them. This thread clearly states that it is NOT aimed toward expert growing. I never, ever, claim it is anywhere. Everyone needs to start somewhere and that's all I was trying to do. Give people a place to start, some reassurance, and make it cheap and easy to understand.


thats what I talking about...I'm new but old school ..I'm not new at smoking but at growing... TEACH on I'm listning


hey Sayre... I'm fixin to move my plants from my green house to under my house (small basement ) what would you recommend for the lighting ...
I have about 20 or so plants ..reg lights ??:roll: