distance from plant using 125 cfl

Every post I run into reccomends them to be finger lengths away but they don't say what wattage there working with any advice out there?


Active Member
You don't want the tops of your plants much warmer than 80 degrees period. There is no set distance because everybody operates in different conditions. As close as you can without the tops getting too warm. I hope that answer helps.

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
put your hand under the light(s).. if its too warm for your hand, then it way too hot for your plants...i have em about 2-3 inches away from my lights


Active Member
Cfls you can be pretty close. As Lee Harvey stated, that is they way I test any light system. Put your hand at canopy height, hold it there for awhile. It you feel a kinda stinging uncomfortable heat, you have it too close. This will work with any light systems. Also watch your plant if it begins to strech too much lower your lights. Most plants are grown best at aroung 75 to 80 degrees. Good Luck