yeah! it all happened when i pinched out the tops.. than the leafs got all fuckin WHACKY lmfao PERSONALLY I think its cool.. until like.. well i dunno.. i just figured theres no way i coulda altered the genetics of leafs by fuckin with the main node..It could be something as simple as the genetics of the plants themselves. Ive also had this happen from trying to FIM my plants, and the other time was from the plants genetics im guessing.
Hope this helps
alright cool ill check out the link.The wrong Ph will twist the new growth. Over watering will make all the leaf droop.
Good chance what you see is caused by insects if its isolated. (not happening to all the leaf) Aphids like spider mites need to be killed in two steps first kill the adults the about a week later spray again to kill the eggs that have hatched but are still juveniles and haven't laid any more yet. Here is a good link to read, LINK
yeah noticed that one drains faster wheras the other one actually doesnt as much.. i forgot the word for it though but it seems slushy when watering... never happened before..That hard to say, depends on how fast it drains. I guess the best way to know for sure is to dig a hole next to it and see.
I would go down a little over a foot and see if the soil is damp.
***sorry using a proxy, which wont let me seperate my paragraphs***Definatley. this never happened before.. the thing im doing differently I guess would have to be using the flora gro and the ACTUAL amount of superthrive.. I thought it said one drop per gallon lol so last season I just used gallon of r.0. with one drop of super thrive haha now im actually using the 1/4 of a teaspoon and the flora gro. OH! and I honestly could say I dont think I had aphids last season.. i just had these specs of white that displaced whenever I moved the plant a bit on accident.Also im topping this season.. and using foxfarm.. do you guys think its just aphids or a defiency? ill take more pics when I get home, I even started LST like.. 2 days ago they are responding QUICK to that xDget calmag if using RO
a little tad bit, but its also happening to new growth.. so I really dont think thats the problem. ill take pics right away. I try to water with a 23oz bottle on each plant (pretty small amount) everyday now. but today ima skip it in case its too much which i really doubt. pics will be taken of whole plant and an example of the problem, plus new problem, the side of a leaf is turning black as if burnt..Did you splash the feed on that leaf? Could be burnt from water droplets being on the leaf. Could be burnt from the feed water eating the leaf