Cut A Cola

so today i cut a cola off my white widow. it has 7 colas as a result of topping and fiming it. tomorrow is exactly 8 weeks in under a 400 watt hps.

i trimmed it up nice and i say this plant is ready. buds are swollen, the resin is everywhere in abundance. the trichomes are milky and clear mixed, 50/50% about. the hairs are amber orange.

weighs 1.5 ounces wet so maybe a quarter oz first real home grown



Well-Known Member
next time, wait it out bro, you'll be happy you did and it will bring you a feeling of self-reliance over the ever impending dooms of having to deal with weed that is less potent.... if ya get my drift


Well-Known Member
That aeration container in your last pic is pretty dope. You built that specifically for drying?


Well-Known Member
i wanna know about your drying method also. nice bud regardless though. maybe you could be sure to have a taste of that, when the rest is harvested. you could do some kind of comparison.


Well-Known Member
First and formost, Nice looking plant. I must agree though, that you should wait a little longer. That bud still shows lots of new growth.
That aeration container in your last pic is pretty dope. You built that specifically for drying?
yup, it sure is a tote i made for drying. so far it works pretty well.
+1 on that one. I would have waited too. Have you check trichomes?
ya the trichomes are 50 milky 50 percent clear.
i wanna know about your drying method also. nice bud regardless though. maybe you could be sure to have a taste of that, when the rest is harvested. you could do some kind of comparison.
my dry method is cut the bud, trim it, then hang it up inside that drying box i made until its dry then into a jar. pretty basic and straight forward. also, ya, im going to compare to the final bud once the plant is finished.
First and formost, Nice looking plant. I must agree though, that you should wait a little longer. That bud still shows lots of new growth.
you say i should have waited a little longer, like how much would you say? once the new growth stops or slows?

kbo ca

Active Member
really? the whole plant is still growing with 6 more huge colas..i only took this one off to take a closer look so its no big deal really
yeah i usually wait until 90%of the hairs turn color, or i go by the trich color on some of my strains, but i have taken a branch off early myself, sometimes u just gotta do it lol.
well i cut it all down today..the blue dream too because im going to start growing again tomorrow and have no room..i think they both are done just needs to dry and cure now.
it took fuckin forever to trim the white widow up..all 7 colas on her were massive and the under growth below were massive with nice lookin dense bud thats covered in resin.

im also trying water curing with a few buds from the white weight wet is over 1 pound. so maybe a couple oz dry im hoping. its such a tease with all the bud hanging up drying not being able to smoke

the first pic is of the root ball, i thought it was root bound but wasn't even close.
the 2nd pic is the bud im trying water curing on.
the 3rd pic is of the stalk from the white widow, pretty fucking thick and woody.
last pic isn't even a quarter of what there is...i can't wait! im so happy its like christmas when i was lil...


oh ya the buds are way riper than they i might be ok..they've swollen all they will i think..cuz they haven't grown any at all in the last 2 weeks...