9 Purple Kush under 360 watts of LED. Dunit 2nd LED Grow


Active Member
Wow nice photo update there dunit; makes those girls look absolutely surreal.

Btw, just finished the majority of the LED users unite thread and wanted to thank you for bringing an objective, unbiased outlook on the LED market as it stands. I'm very much leaning towards the Isis panels for my next grows, perhaps the magnum's if I want to splurge a bit more.


PS - Is there any way you could show us some normalized pictures of your girls? I love the surreal aspect of dense flowers under LED's but they just seem to lack the sexiness of green and white loveliness that's normally associated with flowering cannabis.
I think that for someone looking for a cheaper light the ISIS is the best light out there with proven results. I'm still chasing the record set by Ledbudguy with the ISIS panels.

I'll try to bring one out in daylight and shoot it if the sun ever comes up around here......shit weather for months.


Well-Known Member
Can't fault your knowledge of PK....good call. My propane ran out this week while I was out of town so no co2 for 5 days and the feed schedule was definately too aggressive for that. Some tip burn for sure. Nothing major and live and learn and had dialed the nutes way back early in the week. I've had plants "claw" after treatment for pests before so figured that was presenting also.

Still, too heavy on the nutes.
Yea they look good bro. Yea curling down is stress either from to much moister or to much juice.
Be carefull when running new strains. Do your research. Most commercial strains dont even run that high. co2 defenitly helps.
How many parts of each per gallon are you giving to get 1600?


Active Member
Yea they look good bro. Yea curling down is stress either from to much moister or to much juice.
Be carefull when running new strains. Do your research. Most commercial strains dont even run that high. co2 defenitly helps.
How many parts of each per gallon are you giving to get 1600?
I hit them with stink to kill the thrips and that usually results in down curl for a couple days but definately heavy nutes kept them down but finally starting to straighten today with only a touch of tip burn and they've been on 1/4 strength nutes and water all week. I'm using Flora Nova one part and it's semi organic. The only additive is Liquid Cool Bloom to push the flowers. I'm actually following their 950ppm recommended dose but getting almost 1300 ppm on my meter following their guideline. Glad I have a meter or I'd have cooked them a long time ago.

Was talking with a buddy who works at a grow store and been in the game for years about PK cause I used to run it years ago but apparently the old strain is not called PK anymore and around here they call it Purple Death and its an Original Kush crossed with Hash Plant which is why it can take a beating.

Anyway, thanks for the tips and lucky I backed er out when I did.

These ladies are going like hell and I really am having trouble believeing my eyes everyday I walk in that room and see the weight it's packing on.


Active Member
Day 38 of Flower. Got a couple pics without the LED light to show how deep the green is and how crazy frosty they are already. Yes that's my iphone in the pic. Good sized nugs already

PK_MagnumLEDApril16 005.jpgPK_MagnumLEDApril16 002.jpgPK_MagnumLEDApril16 001.jpgPK_MagnumLEDApril16 007.jpgPK_MagnumLEDApril16 003.jpgPK_MagnumLEDApril16 010.jpgPK_MagnumLEDApril16 009.jpgPK_MagnumLEDApril16 012.jpgPK_MagnumLEDApril16 006.jpg



Active Member
Hey thanks for the new update with included "normal" pics. Again, those girls look beautiful under the purplish looking lights but it's good that you included a couple of normalized pics for us people that are used to buds under HPS lighting. It really highlights and improves, picture by picture, the validity of LED growing and I like to think each proven LED grows pictures serves to heighten awareness of a technology that is so often discredited falsely.

I don't think sunlight is needed whatsoever, just a few CFL's solely just for photographing would be nice but not really needed if a white balance could be figured out for taking photos of plants under LED. At any rate I think you and many others on RIU are doing the world of LED lighting a huge favor. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
The magnum leds are the shit if used right =) I've been inspired by dunit to do a led grow journal using these leds and a hydro setup to compare results and growth rates =) thank you for all your hard work dunit


Hey Dunit, those are looking unbelievable. I bought a bunch of mags for 2 rooms, about to start flowering on both. I'm in 2/3 soil, 1/3 perlite so using half the nutrients ppm - have you noticed growing under LEDs the nutes/water requirements are less than under HPS? Any other recommendations would help too - thanks man


Well-Known Member
Never heard of purple death. Around here purple kush is the new juicyfruit. It chopped in the 40's it will have no resemblence to the 50's
Day 55 is done in my books. Day 60 if u like waiting.
Im gonna be switching my strain to something else. They just call it kills. I like the name. I could get some king kush. but i want something better.
Looking good tho. Best i have seen with leds.
If i switched my strain i would lisen to what my friend has to say about it.
With pk you really need more numbers. or fimmed plants.


Well-Known Member
A dude on here called SickSad grew the KK and he was dissapointed in it. My 2 cents would be Island Sweet Skunk. Awesome smell translates directly to awesome taste

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
wow man they r amazing proper, like looking at a work off art. yeah the purple light really dont do them justice. u sir r a legend. looks like alot love gone into them. wot nutes u use on these in flower?


Well-Known Member
A dude on here called SickSad grew the KK and he was dissapointed in it. My 2 cents would be Island Sweet Skunk. Awesome smell translates directly to awesome taste
Its not kush tho they just called it kills because they dont know what it is.
Yea that island stuff is going around. If i did a personal grow i would be doing the widow.
Im hoping my clone providers are gonna switch it up. But i can get the "kills" from somewhere else.
I need something that comes in clone form haha


Active Member
Day 40 of Flower. Trying to get some natural light pics. The ladies were sleeping so looking a little droopy but you get the idea. Really looks like these girls will be done in two weeks. They are getting heavy already and started putting supports as they are leaning over.

PK_MagnumLEDApril18 004.jpgPK_MagnumLEDApril18 001.jpgPK_MagnumLEDApril18 005.jpgPK_MagnumLEDApril18 003.jpgPK_MagnumLEDApril18 002.jpg


Well-Known Member
Holy shit! Those are definitely putting on some weight Dunit! Are those 3 gallon pots? How tall are they now?


Active Member
Wow dunit...wow. That's all I have to say.

I am speechless. Great job man! That's incredible. Those plants deserve to be in a magazine for real.

Question for you. How far away do you keep your lights in veg and flower? And I apologize if you covered this earlier.


Active Member
Holy shit! Those are definitely putting on some weight Dunit! Are those 3 gallon pots? How tall are they now?
Yup! Three gallon pots. I'm gonna measure them today but gonna say 26"

Wow dunit...wow. That's all I have to say.

I am speechless. Great job man! That's incredible. Those plants deserve to be in a magazine for real.

Question for you. How far away do you keep your lights in veg and flower? And I apologize if you covered this earlier.
Thanks amigo! Can't wait to see what they look like in two more weeks :shock:

I'm keeping the lights at 18" during veg and 12" during flower. Gonna experiment after this round and run them a bit higher in flower to get a larger coverage area because obviously no issue with penetration :lol:


Active Member
Amazing round of pics there sir. If those don't convince a few haters or uninformed (misinformed) then nothing will.


Well-Known Member
Those lower buds are looking as fat as the upper ones, definitely no lack of penetration there! All of the sudden ledbudguy can hear your footsteps coming up behind him!