the final verdict is still out on what it really is, but im pretty sure of my mammory, though its been off before. lol
none the less its looking great. i last say it mon morn as i left for work, got home tonight, did the norm, then check the kids.
all needed a drink. took a few pics along the way. this is about 8pm tonight.
nice close up of how much its sprouting.
heres a pic of the 2 new sprouts.they were barely peaking thru the dirt monday. only the dp had a green leaf area about 1/4 in up. the ep was barely a white spot in the peat. here they are after 4 days of 16/8 under a dom with 2 t12 floros (same as sprout 1)
EP on Left, DP WW on right.
EP is the taller of the 2
really showing a more vigorous growth rate imo.