Never saw this question around...


Well-Known Member
Hey, Im just wondering and very curious...

if i were too grow a white widow plant.... and the average yeild is like up too 150g. does that mean all that 150g stops right thier.. or can i just keep my plant growing in the flowering stage and just let it continue to grwo more weed?


Well-Known Member
if you let it keep going after the hairs turn 3/4 red, its going to get less potent. 150g on one plant? is it outdoor your talking about?


Well-Known Member
not sure if you are asking if the plant keeps producing buds forever (the answer is no) or if you can revert back to veg and then flower it again - the answer is yes but from what I understand you're much better off starting over again for both quality and time to harvest reasons but i've never done it so can't say for sure.

that is one long-ass sentence.