Dr.Amber Trichome: Super Lemon Haze and Snow White Fingerez Scrog Style


Well-Known Member
Fabfun and Lime..you are both a poor representation of this community and a large reason why I no longer frequent sites such as this one... good luck with that...


Weed Modifier
Im not trying to fight with you....what do you want?
Wondering why your acting like this on a friends thread.... is all and you are being a dick! If you don't care than stop posting then ....:cuss:or is that your plan to get a few posts in...lol


New Member
hey i feel lucky so the extra blessing from u helps thanks bro

Fabfun and Lime..you are both a poor representation of this community and a large reason why I no longer frequent sites such as this one... good luck with that...


New Member
dude u jump on my friends thread and say he is a fag and say we started shit get real punk ass bitch u know what i even tryied to find out through pms with u if u were just joking to resolve and u attacked me there so fuck u im going to ride your ass off this site every time any thread u post on im going to ride u like a $1.99 whore

dude u jump on my freidns threddQUOTE=tumpuh;5628212]Turn what around? Being attacked by two children? I think your actions speak for themselves...[/QUOTE]

Truth B Known

Active Member
a buddy? haha, i just saw there was a post on a thread i was sub'd to.. but then i see its just some fukboyz bitchen at each other about some bullshit for the past 3 pages.... so i commented.. to all ya'll, and what i said didn't get thru.. lol


EDIT: here's a video for everyone, and if you didn't know earwax is that EXTRACTAMUNDO TRUTHIOSO 8)......



Well-Known Member
dude u jump on my friends thread and say he is a fag and say we started shit get real punk ass bitch u know what i even tryied to find out through pms with u if u were just joking to resolve and u attacked me there so fuck u im going to ride your ass off this site every time any thread u post on im going to ride u like a $1.99 whore
Please seek help....