Dr.Amber Trichome: Super Lemon Haze and Snow White Fingerez Scrog Style


Well-Known Member
a buddy? haha, i just saw there was a post on a thread i was sub'd to.. but then i see its just two fukboyz bitchen at each other about some bullshit for the past 3 pages.... so i commented.. to all ya'll, and what i said didn't get thru.. lol

I made what appeared to be a bad joke evidently then these two fine gentlemen decide to go on the attack..so whatever

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member

Don't feed the trolls dude. Fab had to go and grab his cronie to "back him up" https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/426838-need-light-spectrum-help-advice.html#post5628114

The troll drama is pretty funny though. "You don't know who you're talking to..." Blah blah. It's like, really? I don't? Because, you know, being anonymous on the internet never crossed my mind...

Don't play their game. You did bring up something at some point and that was enough to garner their attention. My advice to all of you is to employ the use of the Ignore feature on this website and do us all a favor and keep this hijacking, drama, bullshit out of peoples journals. IMO, you all need a time out.


New Member
well if some one made a apparent insult on on of your buddies would u stand up for them in their absence and if the answer is no then i feel sorry for your friends

I made what appeared to be a bad joke evidently then these two fine gentlemen decide to go on the attack..so whatever


Well-Known Member
Reboot required - reboot required - reboot required.

Hey Amber, please post some nice pics and restore order to the universe of threads? Hope you are good girl.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
My light- hearted joke was taken as slander and I was attacked without mercy...threatened to be ridden like a whore and bombarded with PMs trying to keep the whole mess going...Dr. Amber Trich...if these are your friends I would look for some new ones. Sorry to have hijacked your thread for a while..I dont like bullies.
well if some one made a apparent insult on on of your buddies would u stand up for them in their absence and if the answer is no then i feel sorry for your friends


Well-Known Member
I AM GAY!!!!!!! Well today I am gay because it's Friday, a Holiday, it's reasonably warm as well, but the sun is not super shiney - yet! However, whenever I look at this it makes me feel super gay....words can be funny things when taken the wrong way....DST skips off into the distance with a distinct gayness to his demeanour, and his cholcotae eggs, and mini chocolate creme brullee fillings.....yummy yum.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
ROFL thats some good stuff man
I AM GAY!!!!!!! Well today I am gay because it's Friday, a Holiday, it's reasonably warm as well, but the sun is not super shiney - yet! However, whenever I look at this it makes me feel super gay....words can be funny things when taken the wrong way....DST skips off into the distance with a distinct gayness to his demeanour, and his cholcotae eggs, and mini chocolate creme brullee fillings.....yummy yum.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Fabfun is cool tumpuh, imo (I would like him to have my back! but not in a strange way). And Howard I believe is actually gay, well most of the time, especially when he is being asked if he is crazy! It brings out his happy/gay cooking side. lol. I wrote a whole recipe book, i am like, beyond gay at the moment. Funny thing is, sometimes when you get off on the wrong foot with someone, you can actually become very good friends with that person...man, there is some drivvle coming out of my gob today. I am off to wash me mouth out.

Laters, DST


New Member
well i thought i had friends here but i find out i dont so im leaving
wish u guys and girls luck with your grows
im going off site
peace FAB
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New Member
WHOA WHOA WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!.........NO.

For the first time in my entire LIFE......I have to quote Slim Shady.............REALLY?!?!.......I Have to resort to THAT?............I just checked in drun k (yeah, it's like that).......Anywhoooo.......and I quote, "You better show some respect, whenever the Doc is brought up"........ That's all.

Go argue on a moderator thread.

thank you.



Well-Known Member
drunken bushybush, woohoo, I hope to be drunk soon as well, lol. It's just coming up for lunch time, better prepare my stomach first.


Active Member
Better to remain quiet and let people think your an idiot, rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt...(and im not saying this applies to you specifically)
Do you often give yourself such good advice, then fail to heed it? Translation, your statement seems to apply to you, not to any of the awesome peeps on this thread. Don't be trashing fab, he's a great guy.