Holy Tits My Landlord Just Walked In. My Wife


Well-Known Member
Highlarious thread! Still chucklin' about my new vocab word, "mantrum!" Can not wait to use that on my husband of 26, almost 27 years! He will be mid-mantrum when I whip it out... he will bust a gut!! And who was it who said RIU members get no "vaginal play?" Sounds like there are a few of us who get it whenever we want... am I right ladies?
Seriously though, I just had my youngest leave the nest. After seeing my babies through their younger years, from homeschool to college, it is my turn now! If I didn't have this, I think I would go bat-shit crazy! My husband supports whatever makes me happy, and this does.
Lmao man work a few hrs and miss all the good shit! I'm glad yall like mantrum I keep telling people it will catch on my sis came up with it I was telling her about this thread and she looked at her bf and says how's it feel to be the asshole that brought about mantrum I laughed so hard I when he was like I'm gonna own it I thought I was gonna pee myself!


Well-Known Member
almost 250 likes, 15 pages and no sign of stopping ;-)
A good threadjacking for all!!!
last time i seen this thread it was at 4 pages, thinking that was 2 days ago.
I dont have enough weed to smoke to catch up on the past 12 pages of posts.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
To all the pathetic humains that call themselves men and claim women can't grow first let me lmfao, this summer my fine ass is going "balls out" (sorry mine are bigger, i call them titts), i have over 30 plants, multiple strains, going in my personal forest of over 30 acres, when october comes around and i'm able to hide in my fort of mason jars full of the sweet herb i call mary jane who's gonna be laughing?? muhahahaha. Thanks to this site , it's knowledgable members and my natural female abilities i've quickly learned the fine art/hobbie i love to dear. ( And from the cross eyed look on my mans face after 2 bongs of my most recent grow, Iknow he likes it better then the med kush i bought)
My man has nothing to do with my grow, besides labour i ask of him hehehe.
I don't post many pics of my grow and veg room like most men because i don't need other people to approve or give me rep, hell i spend most my time reading or chatting in toke n talk, I grow because i like it, and i'm very good at it.

And thank you to all the real men who enjoy having women in their grow rooms.
Rant over.
I was just reading through the thread and started to wonder how long it would take for a narcissistic feminist to jump on the wagon,about 3 pages!
The trouble with narcissistic feminists is they are usually of limited intelligence (hence).

I rest my case.


Pickle Queen
bongsmilie :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: Well one of my longest friends pissed me right off tonight, so i called him an arrogant douch in a text a sent him, after i hung up on him :wall:
I think i have a temper when drinking disaronno :finger: , no he is an arrogant douch but we've been friends 18 years and only argued twice, guess what over :weed::weed:
OK bitcg fest over my emotion are now in cheek (in case crypt reads this) ;-)


Pickle Queen
I was just reading through the thread and started to wonder how long it would take for a narcissistic feminist to jump on the wagon,about 3 pages!
The trouble with narcissistic feminists is they are usually of limited intelligence (hence).

I rest my case.
Bahahaha sorry muffin your arrived a little to late, party over, and so is your "case"
And try adding to the conversation not attacking one member, i thought i already explained this, guess u only made it to page 3 and felt included in my comments? So the game goes u insult me for a while because men are like that, then when u can't piss me off u think i'm a cool chick and add me as a friend? old story if my want my attention try being polite


Moderatrix of Journals

april + amaretto = kitty's claws + nine tails + pony's clubfoot (just fer good measure) all stirred up and put in a bowl.... yikes. ;)

that thing you said earlier? the feeling is sooooo mutual right now....


Moderatrix of Journals
The trouble with narcissistic feminists is they are usually of limited intelligence.
see, you got it all backwards.
now, i'm not speaking for the rest of the womenfolk on this thread here, but i identify more as a narcissist with feminist *tendencies. (<- don't forget the asterisk)
the true trouble with our kind is that you can point out our limited intelligence until you're blue in the face, but in true narcissist fashion, we remain, as ever, arrogantly belligerent vis-a-vis our intellect.


Active Member
I was just reading through the thread and started to wonder how long it would take for a narcissistic feminist to jump on the wagon,about 3 pages!
The trouble with narcissistic feminists is they are usually of limited intelligence (hence).

I rest my case.

lol, nice day for fishing is it.


Well-Known Member
I would have any of you ladies into my "green room" anytime and would be the better for it. And there would most definitely be cookies...