Holy Tits My Landlord Just Walked In. My Wife


Active Member
having the SO (significant other) being active in a grow is awesome if you're with the right person.

my gf is 110% behind me in my grows...she'll help water them. do the first round of trimming (cleaning up the extra big leaves but i always do the final trim). shes learned a lot but not to the point where i think she could 100% run the whole op without at least being able to have me tell her what exactly needs to be done but shes close.

her and i have the right relationship though. shes the only person i can talk to about growing so it helps with the "keeping it quiet" factor. its a unique situation though ive known/been with her for years and years.


Well-Known Member
It WOULD be nice to have someone to help with some of this stuff. Between the work of growing, and the work of documenting it for a grow journal, can sometimes feel like a pain in the ass. But it'll all be worth it once i'm harvesting my beauties.


Well-Known Member

"Please take the hit, accept that fact that you were rejected and...get over it..."
Too much advertising on it, I remember the one they had before it was full of ads. It was just the same basic speech, but without the "Seriously...go to that website, it's awesome"


Well-Known Member
Btw...Did the OP EVER say anything else besides the original post? If I started a thread with 1 sentence...and came back to find it over 13 pages...
Must just be the hot button topic of today.


Moderatrix of Journals
Actually i believe women are probably smokin good growers but when it comes to stupid big grows they are smart enough to stay away from it meaning a guy can take jail time alot better i would think :))
i worked in a stupid big grow..... ended up getting almost raped by 2 separate co-workers and then the boss man tried to screw me out of paying me my whole cut..... put it this way: i'll never work in a stupid big grow run by men EVER AGAIN.... (and yes there ARE warehouses out there run entirely by women.....)


Well-Known Member
i worked in a stupid big grow..... ended up getting almost raped by 2 separate co-workers and then the boss man tried to screw me out of paying me my whole cut..... put it this way: i'll never work in a stupid big grow run by men EVER AGAIN.... (and yes there ARE warehouses out there run entirely by women.....)
Damn kitty sorry to hear about all that! And I wouldn't say women are smart enough to stay away from big grows once again I believes it goes back to the individual...yall had me cracking up yesterday about jail haha wasn't too bad when I was in learned some cool tricks got my hair done was all peachy till the 400lb lesbian got pissed I was with her girl haha damn all I wanted to do was play spade but this girl grabs me damn near sits me on her lap so the other gal would stop feeling her up then the 400lb chicky shaven head tries to hit on me good thing I got jokes and had the whole dorm bustin up cuz I aint gonna be anyones bitch! Jail isn't fun for anyone!!!! Haha sorry about the ramble yall just thought might give some ya a laugh!


Moderatrix of Journals
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to rene112388 again."
here we go again riu....

*smearing 'reputation'-brand lube all over rene before a good frolic*


Moderatrix of Journals
there used to be women's jail in my hometown..... they had the *best* flower shop and doggy grooming service in town, too.....

jimmy jones

Active Member
My wife likes to help but I only ask her to when I'm gonna be gone for a while. I like to keep track of who gets fed what/when and how much. She's bad about recording that shit so when I get back I'm cluesless as to what's been going on in my room. I love her to death but she needs to stay in the kitchen and leave the garden to me lol. She likes to watch and ask questions and shit but I don't fully trust her with my plants yet. Not unsupervised anyway lol.

jimmy jones

Active Member
Not at all saying that bitches can't grow good bud (I only call u bitches cause I don't know your names individually). I know a couple chicks that grow awsome dank. Just not my wife lol.


Well-Known Member
Not at all saying that bitches can't grow good bud (I only call u bitches cause I don't know your names individually). I know a couple chicks that grow awsome dank. Just not my wife lol.
Oh now rather than bitches ya could have said chicks as ya had no problem using more polite language for the ones ya know.. Man I see where your coming from the only time your partner should be kept outta the grow room is if they are harming the girls some people just can't grow...


Well-Known Member
Does Neem Oil work on wives?
Don't know, but it works on husbands :-)

yes but you have to make sure to get the underside too...

Seriously tho...it works if your only doing organic, but if you want some REAL protection, you godda get the chemical stuff. ;-)
Works on HUSBANDS, and WIFES.
I call it...

Works on all spouses, girlfriends, boyfriends, live ins, common law partners, and roommates.
(Not applicable for fiances!)

A proprietary collection of the most potent partner repelling substances known to man!!!
Guaranteed to work or we PAY FOR THE DIVORCE!!!