Question About Hermie..


I've got good female plants pollinated by same strain hermie. My question is how will the seeds from these good plants be? are they gonna be a normal ratio male-female seeds or will they be hermies? and if you think that the seeds will be ok what is a proper way to handle these plants? do they need to be in flower the same period of time as if for buds? when are they good to go to work? if you have experience with this situation i would be very greatful to hear the insights. thanks


Active Member
I believe seeds from a hermie will be hermies, i may be wrong though mate so i would wait for a second opinion on that. Peace


Active Member
Someone, please correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that the resulting seeds will either be hermie or female but no males. I have seen a hermie blueberry strain a few times and the majority of the seeds end up being hermie, never a male yet. I like hermies because you know you'll get some bud as long as you don't mind a few seeds. It beats putting a lot of love into a plant that turns out to be a male, imo.


anybody else on this matter??? i want to point out that I am asking about seeds from a proper female that was polinated by a hermie, not from a hermie itself fo i i've heard that those will be useless for sure.


it's funny to see a banner of attitude seed bank below my question because thats where i got my hermie. interesting how on a box of feminized seed they say 100% non-male and forget to mention that it doesn't mean 100% female


Well-Known Member
this is hard question(from what i've read) to give a certain answer - probably depends on multiple genetic factors
i've seen some that have claimed to used hermie pollen, and gotten good results from the offspring, others say hermie pollen is going to give you more hermies
so i'm growing 1 plant now that came from a self pollinated hermie, just started flower
of course, a 1 plant grow doesn't prove much one way or the other


good luck with that one but keep a close watch through the whole cycle for the balls can pop up late into flower when it's harder to see and you don't look too closely any more.


i don't want to deal with them either but I want to make sure before i throw them much time and work went into them. do you know if you seeds were from self-pollinated hermie or from a female polinated by a hermie


Well-Known Member
i guess it comes down to how much risk you're comfortable with
any pack of seeds has some hermie risk


New Member
i guess it comes down to how much risk you're comfortable with
any pack of seeds has some hermie risk
True. I like clones or reputable seeds before I spend the time on vegging a plant to find out its a losing battle from the start. My time is worth the 20 some bucks or less for a good clone or seed.


i think the same that's why went and got pricey seeds from attitude. now i have a room full of seeds and trying to figure out what to do with them...


Well-Known Member
i think the same that's why went and got pricey seeds from attitude. now i have a room full of seeds and trying to figure out what to do with them...
that does suck, but as others have noticed, price does not necessarily give you quality
could be bad luck, a strain on the edge of stability
so far, my best guide has been reading every grow log i can on a strain - when i got my hermie, i knew i was taking a risk because i saw others


the lesson learned the hard way. oh well, i guess i will have to try them out and see. maybe it's all for the better.
From my experience, hermie offspring can go either way. I had a tree, yes I said "TREE", growing in my back yard last year. It was about the size of your average christmas tree. Well, after I harvested, I did find a few seeds. I would say maybe 15-20 seeds out of the pound+.... Well, lucky me, I had a few babies sprout the day after christmas,(hell of christmas gift right?) out of the ground. Out of the 5 that sprouted, 2 turned out to be males. Not hermies, but straight up males. The other 3 are flowering beautifully, but I know I will find a few seeds, as I can see a few forming now. A few seeds out of a pound I can deal with.. A handful of seeds in a small sack... not cool. I figure its just the gift that keeps on giving..


Well-Known Member
Sub my grow its just to get my box going but the seeds are from a grow got to cold stressed out a couple they Hermie and pollinated some females ive gotten no males one Hermie and the rest are females so im starting to not believe this Hermie nonsense not to piss anyone off but i have the grow to prove it i mean the plants are micro but they are still budding and like i said no males one Hermie and the rest female shit i cut out some females just to make space i thought i would get at least one male but nope.

If you have the seeds man grow them worst that could hppen is they turn hermi then you know i was just going to throw these ones away but i wanted to get my box up and running and now i have a box full of budding females:clap:


Sub my grow its just to get my box going but the seeds are from a grow got to cold stressed out a couple they Hermie and pollinated some females ive gotten no males one Hermie and the rest are females so im starting to not believe this Hermie nonsense not to piss anyone off but i have the grow to prove it i mean the plants are micro but they are still budding and like i said no males one Hermie and the rest female shit i cut out some females just to make space i thought i would get at least one male but nope.

If you have the seeds man grow them worst that could hppen is they turn hermi then you know i was just going to throw these ones away but i wanted to get my box up and running and now i have a box full of budding females:clap:
what do you mean the plants are micro? why do you think they are? i never had to deal with seeds and dont know first thing. are they pretty much ready to go as soon as i cut a tree?


From my experience, hermie offspring can go either way. I had a tree, yes I said "TREE", growing in my back yard last year. It was about the size of your average christmas tree. Well, after I harvested, I did find a few seeds. I would say maybe 15-20 seeds out of the pound+.... Well, lucky me, I had a few babies sprout the day after christmas,(hell of christmas gift right?) out of the ground. Out of the 5 that sprouted, 2 turned out to be males. Not hermies, but straight up males. The other 3 are flowering beautifully, but I know I will find a few seeds, as I can see a few forming now. A few seeds out of a pound I can deal with.. A handful of seeds in a small sack... not cool. I figure its just the gift that keeps on giving..
a few seed outta a pound a could take but all i got is a bunch of seeds with no mean at all...good seeds bad weed.


Well-Known Member
Sub my grow its just to get my box going but the seeds are from a grow got to cold stressed out a couple they Hermie and pollinated some females ive gotten no males one Hermie and the rest are females so im starting to not believe this Hermie nonsense not to piss anyone off but i have the grow to prove it i mean the plants are micro but they are still budding and like i said no males one Hermie and the rest female shit i cut out some females just to make space i thought i would get at least one male but nope.

If you have the seeds man grow them worst that could hppen is they turn hermi then you know i was just going to throw these ones away but i wanted to get my box up and running and now i have a box full of budding females:clap:
good post, how i read this is you're going for a 'sea of green', or something like it
and barely a hermie to be seen, this is what i've read from a number of posts of those who have tried seeds like these
that hermie seeds have potential, there's a risk, but not as high as you might think


Well-Known Member
good post, how i read this is you're going for a 'sea of green', or something like it
and barely a hermie to be seen, this is what i've read from a number of posts of those who have tried seeds like these
that hermie seeds have potential, there's a risk, but not as high as you might think
Not really a sea of green not really scrog its a trial run for my box.i have around 20 going right now micro means small so im growing 20 small plants. I had 35 i cut out like 14 females and 1 hermi the 20 i kept are all females no male plants AT ALL. Everyone laughed at my grow due to the hermi seeds but i guess now who is laughing oh yeah me with 20 females and no males. You cant believe everything your told its best to just go out and do it for yourself and find out the real results. If you read about fem seeds thats how they are made a hermi pollenates a females simple. Take two females force one to hermi then pollenate the other healthy female and they make BIG money selling those seeds im going to take all the seeded buds i can from buddys grows and get me some more fem seeds hahahahahah. and its not a hermi seeds its a fem and thats what im going to believe until someone does another grow on RIU with hermi seeds showing all hermi then i might just think its a 50/50 but right now im at 100 ratio feamle to male so im leaning towards it being a bunch of bs maybe a breeder cover up i dont know something cuz mine were from a hermi and i got all females and only one with balls.

If you have hermi seeds ya'll can send them to me! And to think i threw away 50% of the seeds out of the OZ i got these from really pissed i did.

Also its bagseed meaning i bought a bag and there where seeds. Came from a buddy i bought a OZ of white widow and got these little chunks of golden goodness. His grow got to cold turned a couple hermi and they pollinated the healthy females dont know the extent but this was the end result.

Hope this helps i wish i coulda found info when i was searching but i guess everyone is a sheep and if someone tells them something they just follow blindly i think im the only one growing hermi seeds couldn't find a single damn bit of research on it except how to make fem seeds other then that theres nothing on them.